Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Working Chat Bots 2010


(St. Ignatius Brianchaninov

Bishop of the Caucasus and the Black Sea)

When you read the Gospel, desires neither pleasure nor ecstasy, nor the sublime thoughts: seeks to see not deceive you, the holy truth.

Do not just an unsuccessful reading of the Gospel: Strive to fulfill the commandments, read it with action. This is the book of life and should be read by life.

Do not believe the holy book of the four Gospels begin without reason by St. Matthew and ending with St. John. Matthew teaches especially how do the will of God, and teaching is particularly suited to those starting on the path of God. Jean, meanwhile, describes the union of God with man renewed by the practice commands, a union which is accessible only one who has succeeded on the path of God.

Opening the Holy Gospel, remember that it will decide your eternal destiny. It is from him that you will be judged. Depending on your attitude vis-à-vis him on earth, you will inherit eternal bliss or eternal torment (Jn.12, 48). God has revealed His will to a miserable speck of dust, man! The book is set in which this supreme and most holy will is in your hands. You can, depending on your whim, accept or reject the will of your Creator and Savior. Your life (or die) eternal is in your hands. Therefore understand how you have to be cautious and reasonable. Do not gamble with your eternal destiny!

Requests with contrition the Lord that He opens your eyes, so you can see the wonders hidden in His law (Ps.118: 18), which is nothing but the Gospel. When the eyes open, heal the soul of sin and the healing done by the Word of God becomes visible. In the Gospel story, the healing of bodily ills was nothing more than evidence of healing of the soul. This evidence was for men blinded by carnal sensuality (Luc5, 24).

Read the Gospel with the utmost attention and devotion. Does not consider any passage as unimportant and unworthy of being studied. Every iota exhales a ray of life, and the disdain of life is death. Reading regarding the lepers, the lame, the blind, the lame, the possessed that the Lord has healed, think your soul, which carries the multiple wounds of sin, which is the captive of demons, is similar to these patients . Believe that the Lord healed them will cure you too, provided that the supplies you with zeal to heal you. You need to acquire the state of the soul that will make you able to receive this healing. Are likely those who have acknowledged their sinfulness and decided to abandon it (Jn.9, 39 & 41). For the just pride, which is nothing but a sinner of his unconscious state, the Saviour becomes unnecessary (MT.9, 13). The vision of sin and the fall in which humanity finds itself is a gift from God. Grab this gift for yourself and the book of the heavenly Doctor (Gospel) you will be more accessible.

Strive to equate the Gospel with the intellect and heart, that your mind swimming in it, deep inside him. Then your actions will become evangelicals. You can access this state by reading and studying the Gospel at all times and with piety. St. Pachomius the Great, one of the most famous among the ancient fathers, knew by heart the holy Gospel and, following a revelation of God, imposed on his disciples also to learn it by heart. Thus the gospel accompanied them everywhere and guided them permanently. Even today, why Christian educators they adorn no memory of the innocent children of the Gospel, rather than the darkened with the fables of Aesop and other Nullity? The bliss and wealth to memorize the Gospel! We can not predict the calamities that may occur during our earthly life. As the Gospel is entered into memory, it is read by the blind, he accompanies the inmate in his prison, he converses with the farmer in the area watered by the sweat, he instructs the judge during the session, it guides the trader, and welcomes the patient during his or her painful insomnia sad loneliness.

Do not dare to interpret the Gospel yourself or other books of Holy Scripture! The Scriptures were written by the prophets and apostles, not because of their human will, but under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (2Pi.1, 2). What folly to interpret them arbitrarily! The same Holy Spirit who revealed God's Word to prophets and apostles, has interpreted the word through the mouth of the Holy Fathers. This is the only interpretation agreed to by the Orthodox Church! This is the only interpretation qu'acceptent His true children! The interpreter arbitrarily Gospel and Holy Scripture in general, rejects the interpretation of the Fathers, and thus, the Holy Spirit. And whoever rejects the interpretation of Scripture by the Holy Spirit certainly reject the Holy Scripture itself. For those daring commentators, the Word of God, the Word of salvation, becomes a bad smell of death, a two-edged sword by which they pierce themselves to eternal perdition (2Pi.3, 16; 2Cor.2, 16). It is through this sword that were given eternal death, Arius, Nestorius, Eutyches and other heretics, who with a comment arbitrary Scripture have fallen into blasphemy.

That on which one will I look: on the one suffers, who has the spirit shot, the one who fears My word, saith the Lord (Is.66, 2). It is this attitude that you should adopt with regard to the Gospel and the Lord is there. Abandon your sinful life and earthly pleasures, denies thy soul, and the Gospel will become accessible and understandable for you. He who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life (Jn.12, 25). Life in this here means the world sinful life which, because of the fall, has become second nature. For anyone who loves his soul, which does not decide to abandon itself, the Gospel is closed. He reads the letter, but the word of life, as Spirit, is hidden behind an impenetrable veil. When the Lord was on earth in His holy body, there were many who saw it while not seeing. How useful for humans to watch with the physical eyes, like animals, if the eyes of his soul, intellect and heart, remain closed? Many people still read the daily Gospel, but do not know. St. Mark the ascetic recounts the words of a holy hermit, who said that the intellect does not understand the Gospel that as far as it fulfills the commandments by the acts. Through its own efforts, man can achieve accurate and thorough understanding of Scripture, because this is a gift from God.

When the Holy Spirit makes His abode in His true and faithful servant, He makes him a perfect player, a man who truly puts the Gospel into practice. The Gospel is the icon properties of the new Man, the Lord of heaven (1Cor.15, 48). This new man is God in nature. He has built a nation that believes in Him transfigured by Him, which He made gods by grace. You who wallow in the dirty and smelly pool of sin, you will find in him the joy! Raise your head and contemplate the purity of heaven, your place is here! God gives you the dignity of God! And then you give up the dignity to choose one of the beasts, and moreover, the most impure! Pull yourself together! Give up the smelly mess, you clean through confession of sins! Wash in tears of repentance! Adorn yourself with tears of emotion ! Rise of the earth to ascend to heaven! It is the Gospel that will climb this. While you light of the Gospel in which Christ is hidden, believe in the light, that ye may become sons of Light none other than Christ! (Jn.12, 36)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Velveeta Pasta Recipes


(Archpriest John Jouravsky)


The mysteries of God are accessible only to those who have found sight by faith

you it is given the mystery of God's kingdom, but for those outside, everything is in parables (Mc.4, 11)

The gospel is a mystery within and the divine. This mystery is allowed in a sense living heart, which is nothing but the grace of faith, lived through experience. Whoever does not receive the grace of this experience does (and still the best case) the point where everything is in parables, the new stage of Christian morality, and even up to Gethsemane. Such an experience outside of the gospel is weak. Until the first test, they cry Hosanna, and when faith and worship outside begin to crumble, they shout: "He be crucified ! "At best, they fled into the night.

Only a reception inside the heart can irrevocably uncover mystery of the gospel. reception of truth se fait à la mesure de la vie , dit le grand maître du monachisme spirituel, Saint Isaac le Syrien. L’Évangile se révèle à la mesure de la purification, et le coeur se purifie dans l’exploit caché du repentir. C’est pourquoi la première parole du Seigneur au monde pécheur et infidèle fut : Repentez-vous et croyez en l’Évangile !

Le premier commandement du Nouveau Testament est donc celui du repentir. Sans lui, l’Évangile et la vie dans la grâce sont inconcevables. Par lui, l’âme acquiert la grâce de la foi. Le labeur de la purification ranime le sentiment intérieur par which the soul receives spiritual life and the Gospel.

Sin petrified heart, paralyzed, put to death the body feeling soft interior that welcomes the spiritual life of grace. When outdoor living in sin, the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven is not granted.

For those outside , Christianity is given in parables. Watching, they see not, by listening, they do not understand and do not include the heart (see Mt.13, Luc8 13 & 10). The mysteries do reveal that on the inside lane of the purified heart. And this inner path is that of repentance in grace. In this way, the whole inner life changes, physically and mentally.

The initial moment of repentance is born from above to a new life in grace, the life of repentance, where the heart is purified to accept the Gospel. The gospel is a new life of grace, a divine life, the life of God's miracles. The heart purified by repentance receives this new life and accept it as a miracle, and feel alive, he perceives tangible way, he welcomes it as firm assurance of things hoped (Hb.11, 1).

The revived heart breathes fresh air of the spiritual life, the spirit of repentance. But he who enjoys carnal desires within the gentle sensuality, thinking lead a Christian life and spiritual delusion. The Spirit of God does not remain in the way of seduction. This is not the way of the gospel because there is no cleansing of sin that kills. Only on the path of renunciation of carnal life on the road to repentance, and no other place, that the soul can acquire faith in the grace that will demonstrate a sense of the living heart.

Only the consciousness of a living faith can find life and spiritual existence. In a feat of repentance and faith known by experience, man strengthens its existence in the divine domain, and by the help of grace, receives the deification, communing with the participating light and plenty of Divinity. Everything is possible for him who believes. This divine life and hidden, spiritual, acquired in the secrecy of the indoor practice. Although few are those who find this practice, because few have tried to be attentive to their thoughts. These, by their renunciation belong to the group of Christians from inside , as says St. Macarius the Great. They are the living bearers of the living God, the holders of the faith alive, active and giver of life.

Eastern Monasticism is part of the Christian men who found the sight by faith. In it are preserved the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.

During history, the eastern monasticism came by his exploits on the spiritual path of faith in grace, he saw the Kingdom of Heaven, and has preached with love in his writings wise in God. Such a Christianity is still hiding.

By an effect of the inscrutable will of God, Eastern monasticism plays the role of Noah's Ark of the New Testament, which is kept active grace of perfection that sanctifies , according expression of St. Macarius the Great. This grace also sanctifies everyone outside. The Lord God keep thus actual contact with the outside world through monasticism.

In this arch, as in ancient Israel, has kept the mystery of the new covenant between God and man. Ancient Israel was kept in the ark a mystery: the promise of the coming of God Savior. Monasticism keeps him the same mystery, not as a promise, but as the fulfillment of this promise. This promise bears fruit in monasticism. God promised this , newly remains already in monasticism as the Savior of mankind. The mystery hidden in this century and this generation is revealed to the saints who live in monasticism. This mystery is the Christ in us, in the words of the Apostle (Col.1 0.26 to 27). Monasticism knows this from experience and the mystery hidden in the choir of his holy light.

The Christian world outside does not experience this mystery. It seems outwardly him devote great reverence, but inwardly it knows not. Christianity is for him a parable. Fully immersed in mind and the senses in the material and earthly things in vain and transitory, in the unenlightened pagan existence, the Christian world outside not accede to the mysteries of the Kingdom of God . By its internal tendency, it is for children of this world taking wife and husband (Luc20, 35), working for the extension of this century, his mortal existence and corruptible. He knows no other existence, eternal, immortal, angelic, nor the Resurrection, which already exists here on earth before the resurrection Generally, as says Saint Symeon the New Theologian. It is not worthy, for lack of effort to reach the last century, the resurrection of the dead where men will not take no women or women of husbands, but are like angels in heaven (Mt.22 , 20.34 to 36 & 30 & Luke Phil.3 0.8 to 11). Not working towards an adequate, he does not know the mysteries of existence and remains in a corruptible, mortal and carnal. Only those who are struggling and violence delight and penetrate the mysteries in the Kingdom. And this is what the Eastern monasticism.

Monasticism, by the feat of the will led by reason, outside waives and equipment to prepare his spiritual nature and reasonable in the resurrection in the Hereafter. Monasticism is therefore within this Christianity which covers sight by faith, and sees before him an open secret existence, divine hidden century and this generation.

Monasticism is also the bearer of faith alive in the living God. With this faith, he brings Christianity to the pagans. Christ's light still shines in monasticism and Christ in him effectively. Therefore simple souls and believers are attracted to pilgrimages to monasteries and monks are among the oldest of God's presence so vividly that their hearts can not be deceived. God is truth in monasticism and in the hearts of the holy monks.

This contact with the Christian monasticism illuminates the world outside and allows him to acquire a grace which sanctifies their active outdoor life and opens the door to the inner life and spiritual . Sanctifying grace of Christ is poured on the outside world only through monasticism. There has never been and there will never be another means of sanctification of the Church of Christ. Every Christian soul thirsty for renewal by the grace of its existence, does not receive and did receive that through monasticism. The holy monks are carrying this through force. The mystery of the Church of Christ is the grace of monasticism.

The mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven is given to the holy ascetics of Eastern monasticism, and with it the hidden and spiritual life that leads to sanctification.

The first of these ascetics bless the new mankind to perfection by his spiritual work the hidden mystery of the new life was the Blessed Virgin All-, the Mother of Him who was the prototype of this new humanity. The All-Holy Mother of God is the Heavenly Abbess of monastic land. She opened the door of the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, it opened the ascetic feat that allows the mysteries to delight. She was born into a new humanity, divine, heavenly, angelic, monastic, tending toward the next century, the new life and resurrection in incorruptibility.

The difference between Western monasticism and Eastern monasticism. In the eastern monasticism lies the mystery of the end.

Western monasticism was also rushed to the glory of the resurrection, but by another route, and external hardware. He had another experience, another evolution. He has experience of early Christianity, fields of Galilee and lilies in bloom (See Francis of Assisi and others). He walked carnally to follow Christ. Remember the dynamic momentum (and outside) of the crusaders in the fields of Galilee to liberate the Holy Land of enemies (external). Let us remember their fight against the Antichrist (outside). These are the basic lines of Western monasticism and its activity. They are essential for him to date.

In his spiritual growth, Western monasticism was arrested in the fervor of love, and the outside surface. It froze there in the youth and freshness of its youth forces.

He has not developed (and has not been) beyond youth. Western peoples, immature age, received Christianity at the fervor of love, outside. but all the glory of the king's daughter is within (Ps.44: 11). The inner glory was not received by the peoples of the West. That is why they are so long for this inner beauty and heavenly, and this was expressed in the languor of their Gothic churches.

The architectural art of the churches is not the result of chance, he betrays the mystery within the people who builds, the soul that conceives. The Gothic is the search for God in heaven is the languor of a soul stretched to the sky, crying and seeking the inner life. The Gothic is the hunger of the soul, these are the arms straight up that begged, looking up there that they can not find here on earth. Gothic reflect this essential feature of the religious experience of the West and its monasticism.

Quite different is the religious experience of Eastern Christianity and Eastern monasticism. He does not know the momentum towards the heavens. Ignore the Gothic churches. They stand firmly on the ground, for heaven and earth are not separated : there is no languor in the sky. The Oriental architecture fully expresses the inner experience of the Eastern Church and its monasticism. In the East, it has what we seek, in the West, seeks God in heaven in this momentum up. In the East, we reject this world and you stay in the celestial world; in the West, confirms this world and we look for the world to come. In the East, is the prayer of theophoric heart and quiet joy of acquisition, in the West, it is the exalted sentiments of the heart that rotate at the languor of a quest to tense up.

Eastern Monasticism is interior and contemplative. His age is that for centuries with white hair. It is the child of ancient peoples, the age of the contemplation of the end . Experience of Orthodox monasticism is the experience of the divine end, the experience of this corruptible existence of external sinful and deadly. At the end of this experiment is closely related the experience of majesty and light theophoric beginning of a life, the experience of God's appearance in the flesh, the experience of printing in the immortal man and the ineffable glory of God -Man, the face of Christ.

The final fate of Christian humanity, and thus the fate of the world, is inextricably linked to the fate of Eastern monasticism. The mystery of the end of the last time and is hidden in the Eastern monasticism in the Orthodox monasticism, and him alone. When this disappears monasticism, Christianity disappear, and with it the outside world.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Old Wooden Beer Barrels For Sale





(Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk)

What can I repay the Lord for all He me?

Oh, Lord! That's all we that You came into the world, and therefore, for me too! It was to save sinners Thou art come, and therefore, to save me me too, the sinner. You came for those who were in distress, and I'm one of them! Oh, my God, my Lord, my Creator! It was to me come before You I bow, humbly to implore Your forgiveness and mercy, because I have transgressed Your law! But now you're moving in person, You my Lord, for Thy mercy visit miserable and unworthy servant, Your enemy, the renegade! Listen, O my soul! Be careful! God has come to you! Your Lord has seen! ...

Whoever is born of the Father before the ages is born for me of the Virgin Mother. Whoever wrapped in light as with a mantle, which has made the heavens like a tent, wore diapers for me. Whoever has the throne heaven and earth to stool, rested for me in a manger. He who eats all flesh was fed to me breastmilk. One who fills all and is based upon the cherubim was brought to me by maternal arms. The author of the Act was circumcised for me under the Act. For me, the Invisible has shown, living among men. For me, God became my likeness, becoming Man. For me, the Word made flesh, the Lord of glory took on the character of a servant, the King of Heaven lived and walked the earth. Lord of all has struggled, He did miracles, He met with the men he had presented himself as a slave. One who nourishes and refreshes all flesh has been hungry and thirsty. The one who wipes away every tear from every face has cried. The Comforter has suffered and grieved. The Holy and the Just spoke to sinners. The Almighty has experienced fatigue. He who dwells in light inaccessible found no place to lay His head. He who provides all the rich became poor. One who is present everywhere and fills everything moved from town to town. The Son of God was born without leaving the bosom of the Father, He has lived and toiled thirty-three years on earth for me, His slave.

But what your eyes may well have to find worthy in me, that You have come to fetch me in this vale of tears? Regardless, the pastor runs behind his lost sheep ... but this is after all his property, the traveler goes abroad ... but for the benefit of the king bought the prisoners ... but with gold or silver, through an ambassador, and to satisfy his interest. But you, what have you found in me , O my Lord? What use, what good, what good King of heaven and earth did he get to come to my research, in person, without an embassy? The Lord Himself came to redeem His slave, not the price of silver or gold, but at the price of His holy blood. And what did he find? Nothing! If this is corruption, weakness, misery, disobedience, and even animosity! That would be a great thing that you have come to me if I had lost my way, or if I had been caught and ripped to You. But now, it's incomprehensible! I am a renegade, Your enemy deliberate !

Oh, I am ashamed to say! And yet it's true: I have disowned, I went myself to follow your opponent. I heard him with delight Thy divine dignity. Not content to have been honored more than any other, Your creature wanted to be god! You've honored with a rational soul, the resemblance to Thy divine image, but this great honor was too small ...

Here I coveted to become a god and disgrace you, You my Master, when You had just honored me! I have offended Your infinite majesty and irritated by becoming your enemy. Such was my situation, and you came anyway, for me, no other reason than my hello and my profit!

My unhappiness and distress have been my loss for You also , hello and my gain! You felt like my fall personal injury, and my happiness as an advantage! Your goodness, Lord, could not bear to see me in distress, she convinced you, You are the undefeated, heading down to me, not through an angel or ambassador, to get me in person since I could not climb to Thee. The pastor came out, he labored in seeking His lost sheep in the mountains!

Lord, you visited me with Your mercy, You have searched without profit, You have loved me without deriving benefit. Oh, my God! That's true love, who do research or interest or hope of reward! Thou hast so loved that you come to my hello, without drawing any profit. Oh, goodness, what a mercy, the Son of God and Ever-Virgin! As we are blessed, we the poor and wretched humans: the Lord King came to live among us! God became like men, He lived for us among us!

Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nursed Thee, O Son of God! Blessed are those who've swaddled swaddling! Blessed the manger who brought you received! Blessed are the arms that cradled infant Thee, Thou God of centuries before! Blessed as the tunic of God incarnate, who wrapped himself in light as with a coat! Blessed are the eyes that saw you, ears to Thee Naturally, the hands that touched you, You the Living Word, the Giver of life! Blessed when the Heavenly King appeared on the earth! More blessed, those who see you, not walking on earth, but at the right hand of the Father, Thou Jesus, the saints who believe without seeing you again, rejoicing with joy unspeakable! Make me worthy to behold Thee in faith and worship You in love, then see you up there face to face!

But see, O my soul, and see how the Heavenly King was not allowed his subjects, how the slaves received their Lord, how humans have honored the God incarnate! Look what gifts, what gratitude, what an honor and worship what they presented to their benefactors who came to save them, performing miracles before them, cleansing lepers, healing the sick, delivering the lame, illuminating the blind, the lame straightening and hunchbacked, resurrecting the dead and feeding thousands of hungry! Here shame reddens my face that terror oppresses my heart and my tongue stutters! What emotion in that cry of the evangelist: He came unto His own and His own did not receive! All this is terrible and pathetic! God comes among men in the flesh, and they receive the item! The Lord is king among his subjects, among His slaves, and they deny Him! Sky, listen! Shout to the earth that men have not received their God, their Lord's slaves, and subjects their King!

Oh, my God! You knew all this, and yet, You came to save me, and I'm lost! Wickedness and ingratitude of your enemies do not stop Thee! Your goodness, Your love and my poverty prevailed. And not only did they not receive their Lord and Benefactor and deny Him, the ingrates have filled with evil, cruelty, lack of humanity, and the grossness: they considered the possession of Thy heavenly teaching ! He hath a devil, He is crazy, why do you listen? They have attributed miracles to Your Your enemy is Béélezbul by the prince of demons He casts out demons! As you frequent sinners to touch Your kindness, to save them, He called Thee eater, drinker, a friend of publicans and sinners! And how many other blasphemies they have not murmur against Thee, their Lord, their Benefactor, you who are yet above all honor! Oh, cruelty and ingratitude of men! Oh, goodness and forbearance of God!

And then they tried to kill you, you who came to save them. You knew the counsel of the wicked, You read it in their hearts, You could see everything, but you waited patiently. They found occasionally in Your ungrateful disciple, who Thee sold for thirty pieces of silver (nominal price of priceless), who sold one who is worth more than the world and thousands of people. You could see their council impious, iniquitous their bargain, but you waited patiently, because you wanted to suffer for me, Thy servant, to purify me by Thy blood, revive me by Your death, to honor me by Thy dishonor ... Glory to You for everything!

O Thou, sold and betrayed, O Thou who hast surrendered voluntarily to those who seek you, O you who knew what to expect, you've been bound, Thou art the Lord inaccessible to cherubim and seraphim, one has judged you, You judge the living and the dead! You were outraged, dishonored, was spat upon Thy holy face that angels do not dare look, you've been slapped and held, it proclaimed that you deserve death, Thou life of all! You've preferred a robber and murderer, the Son of God, you only good and only fair. The people shouted slay He and release to us Barabbas! Crucify him! Crucify Him! What a miracle, what horror, what an act unheard of! Immortal lead outside the city as a convict to be hanged between two thieves and put to death! According To have you hanging on the Cross was blasphemed and nodded, giving you food for gall and vinegar to quench your thirst. It was pierced Your hands and your feet, counting all thy bones! Death, you have been pierced Coasts and insulted again: we remember what was said by this impostor! was then handed over your body holy and sealed to guard your grave. Who did this? Those that You came to save!

You have supported their wickedness like a lamb to the slaughter ... The Lord has endured all of His slaves, the Creator of His creatures, God of His people, the king of his subjects, the benefactor of those he had met his countless blessings the righteous and the wicked Innocent. He bore it all before heaven and earth, before men and angels, Se engaged to perform for large crowds, His friends and His enemies. He endured all naked and abandoned by all. He has endured everything for us all, and for me the sinner, since He was just coming into the world to us all! My Lord endured for me such disgrace and such punishments, and most importantly, voluntarily! What am I, who am I, that my Lord has borne all this for me? Earth and ashes, a sinner, and unworthy slave ... So what is new and unheard of miracle, what is inexpressible and inconceivable that goodness, what is this indulgence ineffable? Arise, O my soul! Arise and fear! Humble yourself, love and humble yourself before your Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song for the Lord has done wonders! For His unworthy slave, miserable and criminal, the Creator and Lord has endured everything, even death!

As for me, criminal and lawbreaker, blasphemer without honor, I devoted myself to the devil my enemy! I deserve the spitting demons, insults, ridicule, beatings, blows, suffering and death eternal! And this is my Lord and Creator who has supported my place ! The slave has sinned and the Lord has endured torture. The slave has sinned, and his master was defeated. The slave and his master flew to the reward. The Slave and the Master in debt repaid debts. How, for money, for gold? No! By His disgrace, His wounds, His blood and His death on the Cross. For me, wretched and cursed You have sworn to for ever, the only blessed. For me the blasphemer, You have borne the blasphemy and disgrace, You the Lord of glory. For me, sold under sin, Thou hast borne, Thou Priceless, to be sold, delivered to trial, convicted and killed. Glory to Thee, O Lord and Creator, glory to Thee for Everything! I have nothing else to offer you these words: Glory to You for everything! You lived on earth, Thou art the King of heaven, to ascend to heaven, I who had been expelled from paradise! You were born in the flesh of a Virgin to make me reborn by the Spirit. You have borne the blasphemies to close the mouths of my enemies and slanderers. You have borne the shame, You above all honor to honor me, shamed me. You cried to remove the tears from my eyes. You sighed, You're afflicted, you knew the anxiety away for me the eternal sighs, grief, anxiety, illness, and make me the gift of happiness and eternal joy. You have been sold and delivered for free myself, me captive. You were attached to break my bonds. You've presented before judges unfair, you who judges all the earth, so spare me the eternal judgment. You have been stripped to cover my nakedness with the mantle of deliverance. You have worn the crown of thorns for the crown of my hair life. You accepted the insults, Thou King of all, to open up the kingdom of heaven. Your head was beaten with a cane to get in the book of life. You agreed to suffer outside the city to introduce me into the heavenly Jerusalem, I who had been expelled from paradise. You have been counted among the wicked, Thou alone just to justify myself, me perverse. You've made a curse, You the one blessed to bless me, cursed me. You shed your blood to wash the pus from my sins. You were drenched with gall to invite me to your table in the kingdom. You have experienced death, Thou Life of all, to resurrect the dead than I was. You were lying in the grave to snatch me from the grave. You rose to convince me of the resurrection. Thou hast ascended to heaven to bring me to Thy glory now and me in Thy kingdom. You did all this for me , Your slave!

O Lord! What is man that you remember and the son of man that You visit him? Man is but dust and ashes, and most importantly, a transgressor of Your holy law. Yet You have honored the one who disgraced thee, Thee its Creator and Lord! Creator, Thou hast mercy to Thy creatures. Master, Thou hast had pity on thy slave. Pastor, You went in search of Thy lost sheep. Deliverer, You freed the captive, You reminded rejected, You freed the chains. My Life, You revived the dead. My Strength, You have raised the fallen. My Protector, You have honored the dishonored, You protected the powerless. You broke my links, I'll sacrifice a sacrifice of praise. I confess Thy grace, I embrace Your love of man, I greet Thy goodness and mercy, I honor and I sing Thy inconceivable indulgence.

Oh, what can I give back to your goodness? What can I repay the Lord for all He has given me? If I should die a thousand times for you, this would have anything yet, for Thou art my Lord, my Creator and my God. I am but dust and ashes, I am a sinner, a worthless slave, and I deserve not only temporal death, but eternal death. That make you, my Lord who loves me, my protector, my Deliverer, my Redeemer? What shall I render Thee, to Thee who hast not pitied Thyself, who hast delivered to dishonor, to blasphemy, the mockery, to insults, spitting, conviction, beatings, wounds, martyrdom, the crucifixion, death, to make miserable and rejected I am blessed? What could I make you, I who own anything except my corruption, my weaknesses and sins? My soul and my body is Your work, they are yours. Alas, the corrupt and fallen! The advice from the devil and my own will have ruined me. I'll bring out a grateful heart, and this is the only thing you looking at me, but even so, I can not offer it to you without your help! For without Your help, I do not know you, and if I do not know you, how can I love you? Oh, I am weak, miserable, poor and corrupt ! As the enemy hurt me and broke! Have mercy on me, my Deliverer, as You have loved me already, because already, you're up for me! Have mercy on me and enlighten me so that I knew you, You my life! Kindle in me the love of you, put my feet on the rock and guide my steps that I follow you, You my Deliverer, my only guide to heaven, and my eternal life! Draw me after thee, Love hot! Draw me by Thy fragrance, so that I jumped in your wake, and that wherever you are, I am! Thy slave redeemed can contemplate your glory! O Merciful, compassionate Friend of man! Give me the heart to follow you, leads me on the path of your chosen ones! Lead me in Your continued by Your Holy Spirit! Your good Spirit lead me into the land of uprightness. Your work is great, my mind can understand. Lord, King of heaven and earth, You came down from heaven, You took flesh from the Virgin Mother of God, Thou hast suffered, was crucified You, You shed Your blood for me, Thy slave ! Great indeed is thy work, great and wonderful! I think I confess, I confess, I preach, and yet I am always amazed at Ta so much goodness and mercy towards me, a sinner ...

I humbly beg You, Friend of man, give me one more grace to me a sinner: washing all my sins by the Holy Blood that You shed Your sinful slave, strengthen me in Thy fear and thy love, make me worthy of Thy saints follow it with faith and love, Keep me by Thy power from enemies who seek to divert my route and get away from you, my Redeemer! Thy mercy will follow me all the days of my life so that totally saved by Your grace, I bring you my gratitude face to face, I will sing praise Thee and glorify Thee with all Thy elect, and Your Eternal Father and Your most holy, good, and quickening Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Spanish English Wedding Programs


St. Ignatius, Bishop of the Caucasus and Black Sea

Earthly life

Having chased the man for the place of paradise on earth, the Lord installed "to the delights of Paradise" (Gen.3, 24) so that, turning his gaze to him permanently, he nourished hope to return, and he remained in constant tears of repentance. The living memory of Paradise was given to Adam. The earth itself evoked, because her beauty was saved to some extent, after the fall. She was assigned to our ancestors and to all mankind after them as the place of repentance. Humanity must be immersed in repentance and inconsolable crying. He must wander on the ground, attach some heart to any object that adorns this asylum, thinking constantly to his heavenly home, and seek all his strength to return. God decided to reign on earth toil and suffering, which are the indispensable companions of repentance and parents of humility, which in turn leads to repentance. Man must always remember that God commanded him to earn by the sweat of his brow, not only his bread equipment, but also his spiritual bread. It must also be remembered that is land and he must return to the land he was born. Everything down here also helps to remind him: he rubs constantly suffering, he must fight against his own wickedness, against that of his family, he must fight against the elements, against the earth itself was cursed because of him and obey him at the cost of a sweat like drops of blood, her brothers are excited one after another by the merciless death. It must use the land for what is essential, not for frills that diverts meditation on eternity.

Thus lived all the righteous of the Old Testament, who wander the earth after Adam. They lived in exile in tears and repentance, nourished by the hope of promised deliverance, and eternity watching with the eye of faith. The Apostle says of them that "they went hither and thither dressed in skins of sheep and goat skins, destitute, persecuted, abused, of whom the world was not worthy, wandering in deserts and in the mountains, caves and caverns of the earth. All these, to the faith of which it was testified, (...), died in faith without having received the promises but having seen and praised by far, acknowledging that they were aliens and strangers on earth "(Heb. 11).

The world

These words of the Apostle can be applied to very few men, few indeed are those who have spent their life on earth as God wanted. Deeply damaged by the fall man threw the crying for the enjoyment and success material, which kill life in God. It began with some of the children of Adam, attracted less by the stories of Heaven and the spiritual state of man, by the food and the satisfaction of animal passions. Subsequent generations were desirous further develop the material life, forgetting forever. This attitude was then generally, if we except the chosen few stories about Paradise being treated as fables, fruit of a superstitious imagination. Death mowed then men in vain, since they acted as if they were on earth for eternity.

Instead of supporting the body's need for food just frugal, they opted for the sweetness of foods eaten to satiety. Instead of simply quench his thirst, was preferred variety of beverages and drunkenness. Instead of covering her naked skin unattractive, we Para rich clothing and accessories. The humble house for protection from weather and wild beasts gave way to the sumptuous and magnificent palace. Luxury appeared, with its attendant requirements for the company and became an implacable law forfeited. Natural procreation became a insatiable lust, even going against the increase of mankind. And it still was not enough! Heated by an uncontrolled lust, completely deprived of a just aspiration, forged man sins against nature.

In the soul, the strength of energy, opposed by the desires and requirements unappeasable sinful indulged in quarrels, insults, looting, wars and conquests. The force of reason was entirely used to seek profits and benefits land to increase its assistance to sin, giving birth to lies, deceit, malignity and the hypocrisy. Thus, since the fall of man, and increasingly over time, developed a world which by its very nature became hostile to God.

The world is a life fully turned towards the earth, the sinful desires, material success, carnal enjoyment. This life has a purpose completely contrary to the goal high and good God who had brought him to place man on earth. "The world is the common name of all the passions. The world, that's life and carnal carnal reasoning. Where the stop motion and action of the passions, the world dies "(St. Isaac the Syrian). The Holy Spirit will control the world and hate to give it up: "Love not the world nor the things in the world, the love of the Father is not in him, because everything is in this world, the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life, not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass, but he who does the will of God abides forever "(1Jn.2 0.15 to 17). "The world is enmity against God: whoever wants to be friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God" (Jac.4, 4).

When Holy Scripture says that "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (Jn .3,16), the word "world" here refers to all people, including sinners. "The love of God has been expressed to us that God sent His only Son into the world so that we might live through Him "(Jn.4, 9).

It also means by the word "world", all human society, united to his life of sin, his carnal desires, his material success, his Babylonian construcion. This world is hostile to God and his servants. "If the world hates you, know that it hated Me before you. If you were of the world, the world would love him, but because you are not of the world and that I have chosen you out of the world, because of this the world hates you " (Jn.15 0.18 to 19). This world has remained and still remains alien to God the Creator and Redeemer God, he believes it serves the truth in persecuting and killing God's servants (Jn.16, 2).

The fallen angel is the leader of the world hostile to God he has people in this foolish and audacious battle other fallen angels and the men he has seduced. The very earth and its creatures, previously submitted to Adam, submitted him to Satan after the fall. Satan himself shows his power over the world who dared approach the Son of God to tempt him, he took him up on a high mountain and showed Him told Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, "I'll give all this power and glory of these kingdoms, for it was given to me and I give it to whoever I want" (Luke 4.6). Satan does not consider its power over the world as its own benefit, but as a gift. "The enemy who seduced Adam and was able and rule over it, deprived of all power and was declared ruler of this world. At the beginning, God created man prince of this world and lord of all that is visible. When the man succumbed to the lie of the enemy, he gave his authority to her seducer. For this reason, magicians and wizards, by the action of the adverse power and with God's permission, do some amazing things seem to have power over venomous beasts, enter safely into the fire and water "(Saint Macarius the large). Thus the Scriptures the fallen angel called "master of the universe and ruler of this world" (Jn.12, 31; Eph.2, 2; 6:11-12).


Satan was not satisfied with having enslaved the humans, to keep the prisoner chained by various passions, making it a slave to sin . The thought of becoming equal to God, who took to the sky fallen angel, had not abandoned the land, which became for him an antechamber of hell. He realized in practice this thought by introducing idolatry. Gradually, as the human race grew on the land, its activity was spending more and more of the basic needs than the whims and desires guilty. Yet the knowledge of God and of oneself is incompatible with such a life! The men drowned in the enjoyment and material concerns, became only the flesh, have lost the concept of the true God.

However, the worship of God is an inalienable sense of the human heart, an innate and natural, it has been destroyed by the fall, but only deprived of its correctness. Guided by this unconscious sense, the men went to the father and instigator of sin, the fallen angel, and the assembly of demons worship due to God. The man turned into gods sin that killed him and his representatives, the demons. He considered the satisfaction of the passions as a divine enjoyment. Honors were rendered to the debauchery, drunkenness, theft and murder. Each passion was represented a statue or idol. The idol, the symbol of the devil, is completely foreign to life, quite dead to spiritual sensations. At such idols are worshiped together, or a particular religion, domestic. Before they were sacrificed animals and sometimes men. The death of the Spirit was even stronger than it was manifested by a negative life. Serving idols was basically serve the demons, as the divine Apostle Paul teaches (1Cor.10, 20). The temples of idols and the idols themselves were the favorite residences of the demons they emit sounds and throwing blame for seducing the hapless humanity. The man himself, ceases to be the abode of the living God, became the temple of satan (Luc11 0.24 to 26). Idolatry was on all men and all the earth. Few were those who kept the true knowledge of God by giving him a proper worship. Subsequently, God chooses to serve the people of Israel, giving him the written law. But the evil of idolatry acted so strongly about fallen humanity as the chosen people, at times abandoning the worship of the one true God, turned to the worship of statues.

Deprived of the Holy Spirit, divine light, because of his fall, man had to settle for intelligence, poor and low light. Unfortunately, she could not drive that very few men to the true knowledge of God, it served primarily to the acquisition of various facilities for terrestrial life, invention of arts and sciences that contributed and still contribute to the development material comfort, and thus to a life of sin. The fall is thereby strengthened and sealed, decorated with multiple illusions of well-being and triumph. Science, these fruits of the fall that make the man so many satisfactions, have the grace of God and God himself as useless, they blame, humiliate and reject the Holy Spirit; So they are the weapon of the devil's most effective to maintain and strengthen the sin fall. The light of men united to that of demons to develop this science is hostile to God, that corrupts man by a devilish pride (1Cor.3 0.17 to 18). Invaded by evil knowledge, the wise of this world to submit all his reason and become an idol for himself, realizing in his person the proposal of satan: "be as gods, knowing good and evil" . The information delivered to itself is an illusion, a deception demonic false knowledge which defines in a false place of the scholar in the universe (1Cor.3, 18). Science is madness and abomination before God, she comes from the devil: it also proclaims his own blindness by presenting knowledge in a highly satisfactory appearance, sank in a fall and incurable attribute of the scribe or Pharisee (John 9.41). "The carnal reasoning is the enemy of God, he does not submit to God's law and do not even. The carnal reasoning is death "(Rom.8 0.6 to 7). The Holy Spirit will control who wants to approach God and communion with spiritual wisdom to reject human wisdom (1Cor.3, 18). The Apostle Paul notes that few scholars have adhered to the Christian faith (1Cor.1, 26); to Rather, these so-called wise and proud, spiritual wisdom, which is abundantly and perfectly in Christ, is pure madness (1Cor.1, 23). Philosophers and artists were great supporters of idolatry and the enemies of true knowledge.

When Christianity was established in the world, science has produced countless heresies and tried to break the Holy Faith. The greatest crime, the murder of the God-Man, was done by scientists on behalf of the wisdom of their law (Jn.11 0.49 to 50). Nowadays, science refers to paganism pagans who had converted, it introduces again idolatry and the service of Satan, changing strategy to attract more easily humanity. It is very rare that a scientist discovers the Heavenly Kingdom and outlines the new teaching of the Spirit before his colleagues. Still use there old rags of human knowledge to pass more easily from his speech of those who prefer the old to new (Mt.13, 52; Luc5, 39).

death and hell

After the fall of our ancestors, all men have completed their earthly journey through the death of the body and the descent of the soul in the prison of hell. Hell is located in the heart of the earth, where burn "the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (Mt.25, 41), which also shows that the collapse of these last preceding the creation of the material world. Here lie the outer darkness, gnashing of teeth, the worm does not die, inconsolable crying, incessant and futile. There are various degrees of pain corresponding to the diversity of sins and the degree of guilt. The death of the soul, which struck the human race through our ancestors, and who demonstrates his power over Land of the pilgrim's body from diseases and untold suffering, expressed by the separation of soul and body at the end of earthly journey. Before the coming of the Redeemer, the power of death knew his full development: the stench of decomposing bodies in the earth and the descent into hell of the soul, the just for the wicked. The souls of the wicked were thrown into the eternal fire for the eternal death of the righteous ones down in shallower prisons where they were living in pain, but with hope and consolation to the future redemption.

On earth everything reminds man that he was exiled because of his crime, and death more than anything. She does not respect the greatness of man, not youth and beauty, nor genius, nor the power nor wealth. Man can not in any way to escape this pitiless death that serves as tangible evidence of his fall, his sin before God, his punishment. It testifies to all that man is a creature, a slave who rebelled against his Lord and Creator, the works of man here below will be useless in eternity, "what is exalted among men is a abomination before God "(Luc16, 15). Death is a punishment. Striking each man, it proves that all criminals are punished for a crime common to all humanity. Death does not respect the piety: prayer of a righteous can sometimes stop the ax from death and delay its time (Is 38.5). St. Basil the Great died in thwarting predictions of a fully Jewish doctor. The latter was so sure of his predictions without hesitation he attributed his error to the power of Christ and was baptized when no arguments of St. Basil could never convince him.

The progress of evil on earth

After that mankind had spent centuries in a cruel bondage to the fallen angel, the Redeemer promised by God came on earth. Before describing this event so great and wonderful, still looking at the unhappy state of the world when the Lord descended on earth and became man, for the renewal and salvation of mankind. The world was fully immersed in idolatry. Swollen with hatred and envy, men sprinkled the blood in fierce fighting, during which many people were exterminated, passed to the sword, deprived of their identity to be sold on slave markets, like animals or vulgar things. These disasters were the glory of conquerors, who had covered the blood of their fellows, and did declare their living gods. Others, who had distinguished themselves by sordid vices, received the honors after their death due to the gods. The satisfaction of the most shameful passions was considered a great enjoyment. Some men, among the most depraved, entered in clear relationship with Satan, to put on her strength, and helped to assert its dominion over the earth and humankind (Ex.7 ff; Act.8, 9 ,...).

This domination had peaked, it had also been right of the people of Israel. Reduced to extremities by his low numbers, civilly forfeited, the people fell under the domination of the idolaters. Her inner strength, nourished by communion with God caused by the practice of the commandments, exhausted. This life according to the commandments of God, which cleanses the mind and heart and draws the grace of God, which illuminates the man by giving him the true spiritual understanding and the true theology, was replaced in the greatest number and a scholastic study Act, neglect to carry a life pleasing to God, this life that the scribes and Pharisees of the time hypocritically pretending to lead (Mt.23, 13 and 28-29). These scholars, blinded by pride, satanic (Jn.8, 44), full of contempt and hatred for the people (Mt.12, 39), slave of the passions, unable to have faith because of their unlimited devotion and fanatical to the glory land (Jn.5, 44), on the contrary capable of all crimes and criminals in fact, seized the teaching of faith, rejected the commandments of God or the traditions mingled with absurd , persisting in their blindness, leading the people in their wake (Mt.15, 14; Luc11, 52). Very few men remained faithful to God in their lives and their knowledge of God. Their names are saints in the Holy Gospel: Zechariah and Elizabeth, St. Simeon the God-Bearer, St. Anne, the prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel ...


( The Treaty on Human ends there. Saint Ignatius wanted to supplement it with another Treaty the Redeemer, but he died before he could complete his work.)