Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Creamy Lotiony Discharge Perfume Smell

Prostitution and trafficking in women

In the latest issue of Relations (March 2011), sociologist Richard Poulin wrote on Judgement Bedford v. Canada (Himel) entitled "Prostitution: a dangerous decision" .

In this article, Richard Poulin alleges that Justice Susan Himel do not take into account the fact that prostitution is an industry of exploitation. It also highlights the link between prostitution and sex trafficking.

This issue is available in bookstores. You can order from your bookstore or directly Relations Offices (www.revuerelations.qc.ca).

Congratulate Someone Having A Baby

VEZELISE (54) - The halls

the south of Nancy, the village retains a rich heritage Vézelise sometimes a bit neglected. Halls are one of the few monuments still valued and still has its usefulness.


former capital of County Vaudémont (from 1071), had already Vézelise halls in the thirteenth century. Indeed, the first Earl of Vaudémont Henry (1244-1278) ordered its construction from 1247. The work so spread out from 1247 to 1272 on land belonging to the abbey of Bouxières-aux-Dames, which was compensated in return. These halls and greeted the merchants and the surrounding areas more remote from Vézelise to sell for food (wheat, barley, oats, peas, beans, lentils, meat etc..) And textiles. The hall also had a press probably used by local growers. An enclosed space (called the huge ), located on the ground floor of the Auditorium (seat of court bailiwick of the Justice and Peace), contains the weights and measures of the lordship of Vaudémont.

Since 1274, the fair hosted Vézelise day of Saint-Remi where merchants and bankers were busy in the halls. Beyond its commercial vocation, the hall also served as a meeting place for the Burghers of Vézelise who lent particular allegiance and obedience to the first Duke Robert of Bar (1354-1411) January 11, 1395. Indeed, the francs men and citizens of the city ( Pacouart Thouvenin, mayor of the city, the Huardel Aubertin, Dean, Bartholomew said Richier Chamouilly, Jacquet Minstrel, Bartholomew, Marshall, Roland and Jean Jacques of Wilainnes ) swore on the Gospels, to always remain faithful to Duke of Bar, overlord of Count 1 of Vaudémont Ferry (1393-1415). Some lords were there as witnesses: John of the Knights Grancey, Philibert Duret, Jean, Bastard of Vaudémont, Jacques d'Amance, Errard Issey, the squire Amer Saarbrücken, master Regnault Gondrecourt Crépy and Clarin, the One of the personal secretaries of the Duke of Bar.

From the fourteenth century, records indicate the presence of bankers Lombard (in 1322 and 1361) and Jews (including some Ménésier the Jew in 1300) working in the halls of Vézelise.

In 1499, two more fair days were scheduled for May 1 and the day of St. John the Baptist (June 25).

By letters patent dated January 11, 1501, Duke René II of Lorraine (his biography: http://patrimoine-de-lorraine.blogspot.com/2011/01/le-duc-rene-ii- de-lorraine.html ) regulates the use of halls for Vézelise including butchers. Thus, we learn that they should not kill their animals, especially not in the halls without having first provided a container to collect the blood, under penalty of a fine of 5 cents.

January 27, 1512, Duke Antoine de Lorraine (1508-1544) Nicolas Pernot the clothier exempted from all duties on display in the halls of Vézelise.

In 1570, to regulate trade in the halls, Count Francesco II Vaudémont ordered two boards to his arms with Jacques and Abraham Reynett Hanus. Thus, with 13 large and a half, two craftsmen confectionnèrent panels. By placing them on the facades of the halls, the prince intended by this act, limiting the sale of food on days when they were visible.

Enlarged in the fifteenth century, the market necessitated a partial reconstruction, which was decided in 1577. But the work of "restoration" were quickly abandoned by the scope of work to do. In 1585, the Receiver County Vaudémont also noted that " Vézelise halls tend to ruin by old age. "

Given their apparent state of disrepair, the Duke Charles III of Lorraine (1545-1608), therefore, ordered the complete reconstruction of Vézelise halls. Thus, from 1599, the architect Nicolas here yesterday, already Supervisor Hall Lillebonne to Nancy (1580), was chosen to complete the project. To estimate the work, the architect went to Duke Vézelise with Georges Maimbourg, master of requests and Claude Malvoisin, Treasurer General of Finance . The new halls need more space, it was decided to demolish five houses in compensating their owners. (Some citizens of the City and expert masons were charged "reconnaistre to five houses in ruin and make estimates and price. ).

In June 1599, the cost of reconstruction was estimated at 11,500 francs (most of which rested to Vézelisiens ). June 11, 1599, Louis Verquelot, Lieutenant General of the Bailiwick, John Marshall, the Receiver General Vaudémont County, and Antoine Bouvier, Mayor Vézelise, received various contractors, who undertook to perform the work. Thus, John Mason and Claudin Mighty Mountain were chosen for the realization of any masonry stone of the Auditorium (except arcades there yesterday to Nicolas reserved) Nicolas Theblignier, Vézelise carpenter for the woodwork of the windows ; Demange Marchand, glazier in Mirecourt, for the construction and installation of the glazing; Claudin Gourry for inner and outer coatings and finally, Claudin Gourry, tiler to Ragon, near Goviller, roofing tiles.

November 4, 1599, as a sign of generosity, the Duke of Lorraine agreed to fund the work up to 2000 francs and proposed that the timber was removed from forests ducal. Thus, carpenters realized 51 pieces of wood 40 feet long and 1 ½ feet wide. January 30, 1600, the Duke accepted the construction of 20 other pieces wood to complete the hall.

In 1602, two citizens vézelisiens Gerard Gravelle and Claudin Barbanson, contributed to the completion of the Auditorium to the tune of 400 pounds. After three years of work around the halls were rebuilt for $ 11 989 francs 4 large and 4 denier (or 489 francs 4 large and 4 purse more than the budget estimate)

Halls Completed Trade resumed with a vengeance until 1735, when the architect Claude Thomas lordlings erected at the eastern end, the flag of the Hall City for the Auditorium, located in the West. In 1764, Deklier-Delille, engineer of bridges and roads, rebuilt the audience, reducing it from 20 feet (60 to 40 feet ).

In 1820, the market welcomed two new fair days: Nov. 30 and the first Wednesday of Lent.

June 15, 1940, a bombing damaged the building, which was restored in the wake with the original materials ( 52 pieces of oak 10 feet from Forest County Vaudémont, large flat stones soil extracted from quarries Houdreville and tiles supplied by the tile of the Crown to Goviller Ragon).

On 30 November 1942, the halls were classified as historical monuments.

In 1997, restorations (budget: 4 million Swiss francs), restored the radiance to Vézelise halls.

Since 1999, the former granary has been converted into sociocultural room.


medieval halls Obviously, there remains nothing since Reconstruction total operated from 1599. The medieval archives mention the presence of a small hall in 1454 next to each other; two halls in 1461, and a large hall in 1475. Vézelise halls looked like, for example, those Questembert in Morbihan (these are three of my photos on the site of Structurae: http://fr.structurae.de/structures/data/photos.cfm?ID = s0018720 ).

Supervised by City Hall and the Auditorium of Justice, built of stone, timber depots are in the form of a vessel with four multi-span nave. The basic planks Oak wood is based on large flat stones from the quarries of neighboring Houdreville. Built on two levels, the halls have a floor houses originally the granary also constructed of wood (oak and pine).


Location Vézelise Meurthe-et-Moselle

situation in halls Vézelise


Halls with the church tower in the back

The facade of City Hall

The clock comes the convent of the Capuchin Vézelise

The Arms of Vézelise
(Quarterly, 1 and 4 barry silver and ten pieces of sand;
and 2 and 3, Azure three of moutoilles silver fess rows, one over the other)


The Audience
Ground floor of the Auditorium

Arc arched stone facade of giving access to the markets

Halls wooden succeeding the Audience

Copyright - Olivier PETIT - 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

Invitation To Pastor's Anniversary

Human trafficking in Windsor

Detroit, sister city of Windsor
Last week, members of CATHII met Stop Human Trafficking Action Group Windsor Essex. This group is composed of several community and government stakeholders likely to help the victims of trafficking. Social services, legal aid, employment assistance, municipal representatives, researchers, immigration and refuge.

Ontario has had numerous cases of human trafficking for forced labor, especially in agriculture, but also in construction. At this meeting, there was an exchange of information on activities and areas to coordinate efforts to help the victims have been identified.

CATHII members have used this trip to visit Angela Rose House, a shelter for refugees and victims of trafficking. This refuge was established by SNJM and Ursuline. CATHII members were impressed by the work of this group action and the dedication of these people who work for victims of human trafficking.
Angela Rose House

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sample Invocation To A Birthday Party

CSW 55: workshop on human trafficking

Event parallel at the CSW 55: Unanima International ( http://www.unanima- international.org / ) will present a workshop this Friday on the Internet and human trafficking. This morning, Roks, the National Organization of aid centers for women and adolescents in Sweden ( http://www.roks.se/propos-de-roks ) will offer a workshop on the model Nordic. To learn more about the CSW 55, click http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/csw/55sess.htm . For the NGOs present, click http:/ / www.ngocsw.org / parallel-events / schedule .

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Patronics For Heartburn

ROSIERES-TO-SALINE (54) - Conference INRAP (February 26, 2011)

City Rosieres aux Salines offers conference hosted by archaeologists
of INRAP (National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research)
on archaeological excavations on the town


A summary of work will be presented by Mrs Jenny KAURIN specialist metals, Philippe Vidal, an anthropologist, explains his job of building work on the site of the Zone of the Sands, Nicolas TIKONOV, céramologue to propose an account of work done on this same area there are a dozen years.

Date and venue:
Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 14:30

Multipurpose Hall
54,110 Rosieres-aux- saline

Tel: 03 83 48 14 02

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Exotic Meats In San Antonio

People's Court on sexual exploitation

From 18 to 20 March 2011, CLES invites you to put the sex in the dock during a People's Court on the commercial sexual exploitation , the first of its kind in Quebec and possibly the world!

hear women in prostitution, act together against exploitation. That's the rallying cry of the members of the Coordination of struggle against sexual exploitation - CLES since its inception. After five years of development of educational tools and more than three years of field presence, CLES wants to make the agenda a discussion on the commercial sexual exploitation and its impact on combating violence against women.

Evidence, international guests, workshops and artistic events are scheduled for this extraordinary event which will welcome especially women, from different regions of Quebec and British Columbia, including indigenous women including several having a personal experience related to sexual exploitation and feminists working in different sectors, for example: labor, human rights, education and youth intervention, including several national and / or international:

Diana Russell Professor Emeritus of Sociology (Mills College, Oakland, CA), author expert on the subject of sexual violence co-organizer of the International Tribunal on Crimes against Women in 1976 in Brussels;

Lee Lakeman Member of the Collective Rape Relief and Women's Shelter (BC) and author of Obsession With Intent: Violence Against Women;

Matiada Ngalikpima Dublin Transnational Project Coordinator, Refugee Forum, author of Sexual slavery: a challenge to Europe;
Jhappan Professor Radha Political Science (Carleton University, Ottawa) preparing a book on child pornography and sex tourism;

Rosella Melanson Director General of the Advisory Council on the Status of Women (New Brunswick);

CATHII will present a workshop on trafficking for sexual exploitation.

For information and registration see the website of the CLES: www. lacI . org /

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cervical Erosion And Ttc

fight against human trafficking in Ontario

In an announcement last February 17, Ontario intends to improve its ability to fight against human trafficking by providing additional support to prevent, deter and denounce the exploitation of persons, and support victims of this terrible crime.

The province is launching a coordinated approach, at several points, to combat the crime of human trafficking and raise awareness of the issue. Initiatives will focus on prevention, enforcement and victim support. They provide as follows:
  • A hotline 24/24, 7 / 7 to help victims (operational in spring 2011);
  • additional support for emergency services and community organizations to they help more effectively trafficked persons;
  • The new Crown attorneys who specialize in human trafficking cases to prepare better and continue strong offenders;
  • initiatives for law enforcement targeted by the Ontario Provincial Police, Peel Regional Police and Toronto Police Services;
  • funds for projects run by local police to combat human trafficking in their communities;
  • An awareness campaign to help victims.

Ontario is also developing an advisory committee to fight against trafficking in persons, composed of representatives from police, service providers for victims, survivors and experts to advise on initiatives future to facilitate victims' access to specialized services that help them escape their current situation and find the support they need to regain their independence and dignity.

Ontario will invest 1.95 million U.S. dollars over three years to combat human trafficking across the province.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nud Audible Alarm Definition

Human Trafficking and CSW 55

CATHII A member is currently in New York for the CSW 55.
The priority theme of the fifty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women at
namely 'Access and participation of women and girls to education, training, science and technology, including the promotion of equal access to full employment and decent work. "He will also discuss human trafficking. Franciscans International offered Saturday at their seminar preparation for the CSW, information on human trafficking and their work at the United Nations. To be continued ....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Make Gumpaste Motorcycle

Frôlois (54) - The statue of Christ the links

From its prestigious past, the village has retained Frolois a statue of Christ the links (also called Bon Dieu de Pitié) a copy of which is right of the road to Pierrefonds and Pulligny, ready the place called Valailles which is identified as the place where the plague came from the village to finish their life.

Dated the first quarter of the sixteenth century, Christ is shown seated at the time of the Passion, hands bound by ties, a crown of thorns encircling his head. This type of statue is often found in cemeteries (as at Marville, Meuse, for example) or near an ossuary.

original Christ was put inside the parish church to avoid any future damage and theft. Indeed, the statue had been damaged during the first world war by soldiers who amused themselves by shooting him. Then, in March 1973, it was stolen but fortunately recovered in October of that year, near the abandoned farm Voirincourt, two steps Laneuvelotte, and SEICHAMPS Velaine sous Amance.

Since 1991, the Good-God-of-Mercy Frolois is classified.

Location Frolois Meurthe-et-Moselle

Location of the statue of Christ the links from the village



On Christ the links in Lorraine, you can visit:

Copyright - Olivier PETIT - 2011

What Does French Vanilla Cake Taste Like?

CATHII-info February 2011

Do not miss the February 15, 2011 edition of the CATHII-info text on the opposition to the decision of the Ontario Superior Court (Trial Himel) wanting to legalize prostitution.

Available on request by email to cathii_info@yahoo.ca

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chinese Bang With Wave Weave

Solidarity with Aboriginal families

A hundred people showed their support for the survival of the Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC) and their campaign Sisters in Spirit (SIS), which since its inception in 2004, worked to raise awareness and to compile data on violence against women and young Aboriginal women in Canada. Indeed, the day of Valentine's Day in Montreal was a time when members participated in CATHII the commemorative march for murdered and missing Aboriginal women in Canada.

Monday, February 14, 2011

80's Aerobics Instructor Halloween Costume


The Historical Society Museum and the Lorraine Lorrain continues his series of lectures
in March, is the program


" Engravers and printers in the sixteenth century Lorraine" by Mireille
Friday 4 and Saturday, 5 March 2011 to 15 hours

"Mirecourt at the time of drapers and luthiers "
by Philippe Schliklin
Friday 11 and Saturday, February 12 to 15 hours

" Legacy of the Middle Ages and Renaissance in the Decorative Arts of the nineteenth century "
by Stephen Martin
Friday 18 and Saturday 19 February 2011 to 15 hours

These interventions will be held:
Musée Lorrain
Conference Room
64 Grande Rue
54 000 NANCY

For additional information, you can call

You can go to the website
Company History Lorraine and Lorraine Museum:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stretched Labia I Have A Stretched Out Labia?

Thuilley-TO-CURRANT (54) - Exploring the village

Previously, you could discover the church Thuilley aux Currants ( http://patrimoine -de-lorraine.blogspot.com/2010/11/thuilley-aux-groseilles-54-leglise.html ), I now propose to make a turn in the village to discover of its "treasures" ...

Castle Street still has some old houses dating from the early sixteenth century. The first house we see ( the purple star on the map locates the ) seems back in the early sixteenth century when taking into account the trilobe windows and illuminating the shield stage. Going up the street, you can take a look at one well arm ( the black star on the map locates ) and one of the houses with a blocked window lintel triloba the late fifteenth century (the gray star locates on plan). In front of this house, a mansion from the early sixteenth century ( the star sky-blue on the map locates the ), has kept a nice pair of window lintel trilobe and crest on the floor (similar those of the first house mentioned) and his stable door flanked to left by a cart, and to the right by a pedestrian entrance door frame moldings. Almost at the end of the street, in line with that of the church, a "bourgeois" or "noble" ( the yellow star on the map locates the ), dating from the seventeenth century, now seems a bit abandoned when in 2004 during my first pass, it was still inhabited. It still offers beautiful remains, a beautiful gateway "to the ancient" (the arms hammered) which is accessed by stairs and windows framed in the floor.

The Church Street, which forms an S in the village, has also kept some houses dating from the fifteenth century to the eighteenth century. The first we meet ( dark blue star on the map locates the ) is not enhancing his window with his particular Gothic trilobe to bite the lintel of the late fifteenth century. Past the church, another house, the eighteenth century, we faced ( the star locates the dark green on the map ). As soon as one turns the corner, we see facing us, the beautiful house "bourgeois" mentioned above, then all right after a house dating back probably in the early sixteenth century with its sober gateway to ogee lintel ( the star light green on the map locates the ). Finally, at the rear thereof, a garden shed has a pierced by a cross of Lorraine.

Location of village-to-Currant Thuilley Meurthe-et-Moselle

Situation of sights to see in the village of Thuilley aux Currants

Church Street: House party in the early sixteenth century
( dark blue star on the map locates the )

Street of the church house of the eighteenth century
( star dark green on the map locates the )

Church Street: garden with a stone shelter
pierced by a cross of Lorraine
(located at the rear of houses along the street parallel to church)

Church Street: Old houses

Church Street: houses part of the sixteenth century
( the star light green on the map locates the )

Street the church door lintel bracket (early sixteenth century)

Castle Street: House of the early sixteenth century with stable door,
cart door and gate house
( the star-blue sky on the map locates )

Castle Street: House of the early sixteenth century
pedestrian door to the house framing molded

Castle Street: House in the early sixteenth century
window lintels with double shield and trilobe

Castle Street: House Party of the late fifteenth century
( the gray star locates the Plan )
Castle Street: House Party of the late fifteenth century
Window trilobe Gothic

Rue du chateau houses
old part (the the bottom corresponds to the purple star on the map )

Castle Street: House of the early sixteenth century
( the purple star on the map locates the )

Castle Street: one of Well-arm
( the black star on the map locates )

Castle Street: House stately seventeenth century
( the yellow star on the map locates the )

Street Castle: Home of the seventeenth century
windows illuminating the upper
Street Castle: Home of the seventeenth century
Gateway to the ancient frame with fluted pilasters topped
foliage capitals and tympanum to armorial
the lord of

Castle Street: House "lord" of the seventeenth century
The Arms hammered overcoming door in a frame to ancient
pilasters topped with capitals with foliage

Copyright - Olivier PETIT - 2011