Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Dutch Pay On Invitations

Our Lady of Guadalupe

It noted that the priest at mass this morning that the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (December 12) had taken up the ranks, becoming listed as a solemnity in the liturgical calendar of the Americas. I have several reasons to want to emphasize today the importance of this word to honor the Virgin Mary.

She revered patroness of the various peoples of Mexico and the state of Mexico and Latin American countries in general .. I have often done during stays in this beautiful country to visit my parents who spend the winter in fifteen years. I once had the opportunity to attend Mass at Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City and I could even get close to the "paint" on the miraculous cloak of St. Juan Diego. I remember I had to work hard to succeed in receiving Holy Communion as the crowd was dense.

The Virgin of Guadalupe is the patron of the movement for the privileged life. Combatants to recognize the full humanity of unborn children know that the young Indian woman "depicted" on the mantle is pregnant because she wears distinctive clothing. I'm not very militant, but I used this day to pray for those I know who are committed to protecting the unborn.

Personally, I consider Our Lady of Guadalupe as the patroness of inculturation, a term which I define as "adaptation - the demonstration, implementation, the incarnation - Expressions of Faith Christian the many positive aspects of diverse cultures, especially indigenous. " Even before Jacques Cartier discovered Canada, the Holy Virgin appeared to an Indian from Mexico, under the guise of a Native American with the features and symbolic traditional costume who have sympathetic resonance for millions of indigenous Mexicans have rallied to the Christian faith, for they were joined in their cultural fabric. It is important that faith be transmitted in a way that reaches people in what they are. Christ is a Native American, the Virgin is an Indian. This is also true of "tribes" dechristianized the modern world: we need the language (in the sense of cultural events) today serves to proclaim the Good News in a way adapted to the mentality and contemporary culture.

is still the pastor who taught us today was in Canada the " Day of Prayer for Aboriginal Peoples. " On the Internet, I learned that this was done for five years. Just read the newspapers to know that our Aboriginal people have serious problems of poverty (and all the ensuing consequences) compared to the rest of Canadians. In the past and even today, Canadians of European origin have "abused" people who have gone before us in North America. The path to healing and reconciliation will necessitate social justice.

Finally, today I pray especially for my son doctoral student in the history of New France. If I understand correctly, in his thesis he wants to raise awareness of the various Indian bands who settled around Montreal and Quebec City at various times and for various reasons. It is hoped that the additional light thrown on the history of interactions between the French and the indigenous peoples will be of some use in current relationships between First Nations and the states of Quebec and Canada.

In the heart of Advent, as the feast of the Immaculate Conception, the festival highlights Mary is at the heart of all the comings of Christ, it stands for small and humble who are déencombrés enough to welcome him. Guadalupe is the Virgin inculturated and invites us to penetrate the heart of Christianity in our own culture.


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