If Jesus said: "I am meek and humble of heart" (Mt 11:29), he said: "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father" (John 14 9) and "I and the Father are one" (Jn 10:3), it follows that the Father is meek and humble of heart, that God is Trinity meek and humble of heart. "The Son of man came not to be served but to serve and give His life a ransom for many." (Matthew 20:28)
St. Thomas somewhere an image of saisisante the humility of God. He says God is like an apple tree laden with fruit so that it choice but to bend its branches to the ground. God is tilted toward us, tilted at ground level. The earth is humus, whence comes the word "humility." Praise God for his humility!
Lord, you are all there, the toddler, all-discrete, all-sensitive, all-abiding, all sweet, all-humble, all-addressed, all-close, the all-friend, the all-hidden, all-cleared, the all-patient, all-merciful, all-observant, all-dependent, all-down, all-down, the all-modest, all-dedicated, all-servant, the all-helpful, all-good, the very-low, all-powerless, all-given the all-delivered, all-paid, all-forsaken, all-skinned, all-poor, all there ...
The child of the manger is the image of a God who is without means, helpless, totally dependent on us. Jesus nailed to the cross is the image of God left entirely to our discretion. The Good Shepherd who cares for his sheep and gives his life for them is the image of the perfect servant. The father of the prodigal who flout leash and cheat, who waits and who watches, who welcomes with joy, without reproach is the image of God humblissime.
God is like a king left on a trip and leaves the responsibility of running the house with his servants. In reality, it is perhaps even more as in the parable that follows.
The kingdom of heaven is like a family that has won the lottery a month's stay in Acapulco in a luxurious villa on the seaside paradise This place belonged to a billionaire who preferred to keep anonymity. They were welcomed with open arms by a butler, who made them visit the site and told them: "The owner lets you know that everything is at your disposal. Of Similarly, you have three servants to meet your needs: myself, my wife and my son. We'll take care of the household, cooking, land, everything. Just tell us what you want. "Amazed, parents and their three children took advantage of the full amenities. They often asked for employees who could be their mysterious host, but the answer was that he preferred to remain incognito. After a week, visitors were at home and even took liberties. They abused the kindness of a few servants and did not care too much for their help life. The latter continued to fill their service with gentleness and effectiveness. Only later, six months after returning home that the mystery cleared. During a television program, they recognized their three servants as the three members of a wealthy family in Mexico known for his philanthropy.
A corollary of the staggering reality of Christ and humble servant of God and humble servant is that I should consider myself me-lead and act as a humble servant. My inner attitude towards my family and all those I meet should be: "I am your humble servant." That this is not a polite old-fashioned, but a reality assumed and put into action. Since I belong to Christ, I will do my best to think and act like it would in my place to serve and give my life from day to day, with humility. I can count on the prayers of those who called himself "humble servant" of God.
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