Tuesday, August 4, 2009

All-nighter Woodstove Maine


St. Dimitri of Rostov

The Holy Apostle Peter was called Simon before his apostolate. Jewish by birth, he was born in Galilee in the small town of Bethsaida unknown, a father named Jonas, from the house of Simon. His brother was the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. St. Peter married the daughter of Aristobulus, the brother of the Holy Apostle Barnabas, whom he had two children, a son and a daughter. Simple, uneducated man, he feared God, accomplishing all His commandments, and stood before him without fault in all his actions. He was a fisherman by trade, and lived in poverty, earning his hands the necessary food for her household, that is to say his wife, his children, his stepmother, and his old father.

His brother Andrew, in turn, despised the vanity and worldly concerns, and led a single life that led him to become a disciple of St. John the Baptist preached repentance by the Jordan. Seeing his master one day point to the Lord Jesus, saying: "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world", he left John to follow Christ with another of his disciples. When asked "Master, where do you live? "The Lord has said," Come and see! "They stayed with him that day. In the morning, Andrew went to find his brother Simon Peter and said: "We have found the Messiah! "And he brought him to the Lord Jesus, who looked at him and said:" You are Simon son of Jonah, thou shalt be called Cephas ", which means Peter. St. Pierre was immediately wounded by love for the Lord. He thought on the spot that he was the Christ sent by God for the salvation of the world. However, he did not abandon his house and immediately trade, and continued for a time yet to obtain the necessary relatives, with the help of Andrew, because of the great age of their father. But later, when John was put in prison, the Lord Jesus, who was near the Sea of Galilee, saw Peter and Andrew casting their nets and said, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men ! "

And what kind fishing would become of them? This was demonstrated on their day when the Lord got into Simon's boat and ordered the nets. Peter said: "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing but Your word I will let down the net! (Luc5 0.5 to 6) And the prize was so big that the net broke, foreshadowing the spiritual and apostolic fishing which was caught by the Word of God to many peoples in the net of salvation. Seeing this miracle, Peter fell at Jesus' feet terrified, saying, "Lord, get away from me because I am a sinful man! "But the Lord chose instead to answer him:" Follow me, and now you fish for men to life as you had caught the fish to death! "

Therefore, Saint Peter was a disciple of Christ with his brother Andrew and the other newly called disciples, and he was loved by the Lord for the simplicity of his heart. One day, Christ visited the modest home of St. Peter and heals his mother-in-mouth, touching her hand. The next night he went into a desert place to pray, and Peter, do not support the idea of being an hour without the Lord, left his house and ran behind his Lord with zeal. The finding, He said: "Lord, all looking for you! "

Now Peter never left Christ, and remained constantly at her side to enjoy his view, listen to His words sweeter than honey, and bear witness to the many and great miracles which attested that It was indeed the Christ, the Son of God.

The heart of Pierre thought without doubt the truth, and his mouth confessed salvation. Indeed, as the Lord was returning from Caesarea Philippi and asked his disciples: "Who do men say that I am, I, the Son of Man? "They replied:" Some say that Thou art John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets, and Christ as insisting: "And you, who do you say I am? "Peter replied," You are the Christ, the Son of the living God! Then the Lord praised his testimony just saying: "Blessed art thou Simon, son of Jonah, because it is not flesh and blood that revealed this to you, but My Father which is in heaven! And Christ promised Peter to give him the keys of His Heavenly Kingdom. But Pierre felt the love for the Lord was so strong that he could not conceive that a misfortune could happen to him, also in the hearing of His sufferings, he said: "Be merciful O Lord, and that this never happen to you! " These words of Peter were not pleasing to the Lord who had just come into this world to redeem mankind from destruction by His sufferings. However, these words were demonstrating both the fervent love of Peter and his lack of bitterness, when the Lord rebuked by these harsh words: "Behind me, Satan! Far from being irritated against the Lord, Peter courageously accepted the reprimand edifying, and followed Christ with redoubled fervor.

Later, many disciples heard the words of the Lord without being able to accept them and said, before leaving: "This is a hard saying, who can hear? "The Lord said to the Twelve:" And you, do you not also go away? And yet it was Peter who answered: "Lord, to whom shall we go, You have the words of eternal life! We believed and we have known that Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God! "

In his great faith and fervor, Saint Pierre ventured to even ask the Lord to walk on water, and this was not denied him. He left the boat and walked toward the Lord Jesus. But his faith was not perfect because it had not yet received the Holy Spirit, and seeing the wind, he was frightened and cried: "Lord, save me! Immediately, Christ gave him her hand: "Man of little faith, why did you doubt? "The freeing of the deep waters, and later, his lack of faith by saying:" I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not! "

Peter was dignified with the two other Apostles and Jean Jacques, to see the Lord's Transfiguration on Mount Tabor. He heard his own ears Father's voice as he relates in his letter: "It is not following cunningly devised fables that we have made known the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but having His majesty saw with our own eyes. For He received from God the Father honor and glory when he heard Him Praise His wonderful voice saying This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. We heard this voice from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain "

When the Lord went to His voluntary sufferings and His death on the Cross, Pierre showed his zeal for Him, not only by saying: "Lord, I am ready to go with Thee to prison and death," but also drew his sword to cut off the ear of the servant of priest Malchus. And even if by divine providence, it fell three times denying the Lord, sincere repentance and bitter tears caused him to be the first of the Apostles to see the Lord after His Resurrection: "The Lord is risen indeed, and It appeared to Simon "(Luc24, 34). St. Paul also testifies: "He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and He appeared to Cephas, then to the Twelve. "

What was Peter's joy when he saw the Lord and received from him the merciful forgiveness of his sin! After his triple denial, he offered a triple response of love to Christ, saying: "Lord, You know everything, You know I love you! "Following what the Lord established as pastor of His flock and His Heavenly Kingdom porter.

After the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, Peter, as head of the Apostles, was the first to preach the Word of God, and acquired in an hour up to three thousand souls to the Church of Christ. He also showed an unusual miracle worker. As he entered the temple to pray along with Saint John, he saw a man lame from birth at the gate called "beautiful." He took her right hand and raised him, saying: "In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk! And immediately, feet and ankles of lame grew stronger, so that a bound he was on his feet, walked, jumped, and went with the Apostles in the Temple praising God. This miracle and the Word of God led him to faith in Jesus Christ nearly five thousand men.

St. Pierre put to death by his word Ananias and Sapphira his wife who had committed the sacrilege of lying to the Holy Spirit. At Lydda he heals a man named Aeneas who had been paralyzed since the age of eight years by the only words: "Jesus Christ heals you! At Joppa, he was raised a girl named Tabitha.

Not only his hands and his speech was powerful miracles, but even his shadow caused cures. Wherever he went, people came out their patients on their beds so that Peter's shadow covered them in passing.

But soon, King Herod laid his hand on the Church of Jerusalem to hurt him, "said Jacques assassinate the brother of John, and had to take Peter to put him in prison. Then he was bound by two chains, the Angel of the Lord delivered him overnight, and released him from prison.

The Prince of the Apostles was the first to open the doors to the Gentiles of faith at Caesarea by naming the Roman centurion Cornelius, having had the vision of a sheet descending from heaven responsible for quadrupeds and reptiles, accompanied by a voice ordering him de tuer et de manger, sans regarder comme impur ce que Dieu déclarait pur, en signe de la prochaine conversion des païens.

Il dénonça par la suite le mage samaritain Simon qui voulait hypocritement par le baptême acheter le don de l’Esprit Saint : « Que ton argent périsse avec toi car ton coeur n’est pas droit devant Dieu ! Je vois que tu es dans un fiel amer et dans les liens de l’iniquité ! »

Toutes ces choses sont inscrites dans l’Evangile et dans les Actes des Apôtres qu’on lit à l’église, où elles sont présentées en détails. Les rassembler exhaustively here is not necessary as all know well.

The following exploits and labors of the Holy Apostle Peter is less known, and we report here in the words of St. Simeon Metaphrastes: "From Jerusalem, St. Peter went to Caesarea, where he spent a Bishop from the chorus of presbyters who had followed him. He then went to Sidon, where he made many healings and consecrated a bishop, then Berytus where he consecrated another bishop. From there he went to Byblos and Tripoli in Phoenicia, where he devoted Marson, with whom he had lived as bishop. From there he went on the island of Laodicea Antarados then he healed many sick, drove unclean spirits, and gathered a large church to which he gave a bishop. Then he came to Antioch in Syria, where hiding Simon Magus, who had fled to Palestine and now fleeing soldiers of the Roman Emperor Claudius. Peter performs many healings in Antioch, preached with happiness God in three persons, and ordered the bishops to evangelize Sicily, including Marcian for the people of Syracuse, and for Pancratios Tavroménie. He then went Tyana in Cappadocia, then at Ancyra in Galatia where his prayers resurrected a dead man, and he catechised and baptized many people, introduced the local church and consecrated a bishop. Afterwards, he went to Sinope in Pontus and Amasea. He then visited in Gangres Paphlagonia then Claudiopolis in the province of Honoria, Nicomedia and Nicaea in Bithynia.

Then he quickly returned to Jerusalem for Easter and then to Cappadocia and Syria. He returned to Antioch and Jerusalem where he was visited by St. Paul three years after his conversion to Christ as it relates the Galatians: Three years later, I went up to Jerusalem to become acquainted with Cephas, and I remained with him fifteen days . After that meeting, some laws of the Church have been defined, the blessed Paul went to complete the works which he had been called, and the great Peter came to Antioch, where he consecrated bishop Evode. He then went to Phrygia. From there he went to Nicomedia, where he consecrated bishop Prochorus. The latter, however, continued to follow St. John the Theologian even after ordination. Nicomedia, Pierre went to Heliopolis in the Hellespont, where he devoted Bishop Cornelius the Centurion, and then returned to Jerusalem.

There he had a vision of the Lord who said Arise, Peter, and leave for the West! It is necessary that the West is illuminated by your lights. I will be with you!

In those days that Simon Magus was captured by soldiers who pursued and taken to Rome to be paid according to his works. Arrived in the capital of the empire, he employed the tricks and magic to the darkened minds of many, so much so that far from being chastened, he was considered a god. This disciple of satan so astonished Roman Emperor Claudius himself by his magic, which he carved his statue and placed it between two bridges on the Tiber with the inscription: A Simon the holy God . But Justin and Irenaeus spoke of this in detail ...

Returning to the great Peter, having announced to the brothers of the Lord appeared, kissed them and went to Antioch, visiting churches and meeting new St. Paul. From there he went, Orcanos consecrated Bishop of Tarsus, Apelles, brother of Polycarp, for Smyrna, Olympus, Philippi of Macedonia, Thessaloniki Jason, Silas he had found in Paul and for Colossi Herodium in Patras. Then he went to Sicily by sea, remained some time at home Tavromeni Pancratios his disciple, a man versed in the Scriptures, there catechised and named a bishop and he ordered Maxime went to Rome.

In Rome, he preached every day in homes and in the assemblies, one God, the Father Almighty, one Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, true God from true God, and a one Holy Spirit vivifying. It attracted many people to faith in Christ and liberated by the lure of pagan holy baptism.

Seeing this, Simon Magus was unable to remain silent and to hide his animosity toward the Apostle, whereas the preaching of it as just a shame that tarnished its glory. He began to openly oppose the teaching of the truth, contradicting Saint Pierre shamelessly by his words and his actions at the center of the city. It was apparent to the people of the illusory phantoms which preceded and followed him everywhere, saying that those were the souls of the dead, or resurrected who adored him as a god. By the artifice of his illusions, he was walking right or hopping lame. But all this was an illusion, like this fabulous Proteus who changed form, appearing in turn with two faces, under the guise of a goat, a snake or bird, or even as the fire by continuing to deceive fools. But when the great Apostle of the Lord threw the look on his nonsense, they disappeared. "

Metaphrastes Simeon is not the only controversy to speak of the Holy Apostle Peter and Simon Magus. Found in the prologue of synaxaries the following story: "When Saint Peter came to Rome and learned that Simon Magus was called Christ and performed many signs before men, his fervor was kindled and he went to the house of Simon. Many people, who stood near the doors, forbade him entry.

- Why do you prevent me from joining this insidious mage?

- This is not a magician but a powerful god. He placed a guard outside his door who knows the human mind: a black dog that kills anyone who thinks ill of Simon.

- I am telling the truth, Simon is the devil! You and the dog, go tell your master that Peter, the apostle of Christ wants to come home!

The dog went with Simon to warn of the arrival of Peter with a human voice. Everyone was terrified when he heard about the dog. Simon sent the animal for Peter. When Peter entered, the mage made his dreams appear in the eyes of the people. And the Holy Apostle showed the power of Christ work miracles even greater. "

What miracles? It tells what the Greek Egycippos, the most former church historian who lived near the Apostles. Here is the story of one of them: "The son of a Roman widow of royal rank came to die in his early years. Her mother shed many tears and seemed inconsolable. His family remembered when we were in Rome at that time two men were said to resurrect the dead: Peter and Simon Magus. So they did call, and thousands of people gathered high condition and a great multitude from the people. St. Peter said to Simon, who boasted of his power

- That accept as true teaching of the man who resurrected the dead!

And the people cheered the speech of Peter. But Simon, who hoped his magic, he also spoke to the people

- If I raise the dead, you will kill Peter?

- We burn him alive before your eyes!

Simon went to the layer of dead and put to work its magic. With the help of demons, he did move his head from the dead. The people shouted as soon as the young man was alive and risen. He tried to seize Peter to burn. But the Apostle raised his arms for silence, and when all were silent and said:

- If the boy is alive, he gets up, he speaks, and he works! Until you have not seen all this, rest assured that you are mistaken by Simon his dreams and ghosts!

Simon walked around the long layer by invoking demons. But as he could get anything, shame on him, and he tried to run away. But the people held him back. So St. Peter, who had already risen and Tabitha had made many other glorious miracles, stood away from death, raised his arms and eyes to heaven and prayed:

- Lord Jesus Christ, You gave us an order: in My Name, raise the dead! I ask you therefore to revive the young man died so that all these people know that You are the one true God and that no one but you reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever! Amen. Young man, get up, my Lord Jesus Christ will raise you and heals you!

The dead man opened his eyes, stood up and began to talk and walk. "

The Roman Marcel, who was initially a disciple of Simon, but was later informed, leads to faith, and baptized by St. Peter writes in his epistle to the saints and martyrs Nerion Archilla, the end of the story: "The young man rose fell at the feet of Peter, crying

- I saw the Lord Jesus Christ who ordered the angels to go by thy supplication, my widowed mother!

all the people cried out that only God is the God preached by Peter. Simon Magus again used his magic to get a dog's head and save, but the people seized it with the intention of stoning or burning, what St. Peter forbids saying

-Our Lord and Master did not order return evil for evil. Let him go where he wants! Shame, contempt and knowledge of his weakness to him enough. His magic can do nothing.

Simon was released and came home thinking I did not know the miracle. He put on my door a large dog tied by an iron chain and said

- I'll see if Peter will come to you as usual.

After one hour, St. Pierre came to the door, untied the dog and said:

- Go tell Simon Magus to stop fooled by his demonic works people for whom Christ shed His blood!

The dog went to tell the mage with a human voice that the Apostle had said. Having heard this I quickly went out to get Peter to me with honor, and I chased her and her dog Simon. The latter rushed Simon bit his teeth into, and threw it ashore. Pierre, who watched the scene through the window ordered the dog in the Name of Christ not to cause more harm to the body of Simon. Thus, without causing any harm, the dog in reduced lint all her clothes so that no part of his body remained covered. The people injuria Simon, and drove with his dog in the city loudly. Ashamed and dishonored, Simon did not reappear over to Rome for an entire year, and did not return when Nero succeeded Claudius. Emperor Nero was a bad guy, as testified by the bad people around him. He loved many Simon and made him his friend. "

In the prologue the great intrigue, you can still read some details about Simon: "It would be beheaded, and promised to resurrect the third day. By a trick, he made sure to place a sheep by the sword, and made him a sort of ghost of a man. St. Pierre drove the illusion of the body of sheep and denounced Simon for all to see. Indeed saw all the beheaded sheep appear instead of Simon.

Magician Simon could not contradict the Apostle Peter. Crushed by the shame and dishonor, he promised to rise to heaven. Gathering all the strength of demons served him, he went to the center of Rome, and climbed onto the roof of a building of great size, his head covered with a crown of laurels. Then he addressed the people angrily

- Romans, since until this very moment you persist in your folly, because you leave me along Peter, I will relinquish my turn and stop defend this city! My angels take me in their arms and come into my home my father in heaven, where I send you great punishment to punish you for not listening to my words and believe my work!

Having said this, Simon clapped his hands, catapulted into the air and began to fly, driven by demons. People are very surprised, said to each other:

- is the work of a god that fly with her body!

But the great Apostle Peter began to pray, saying:

- Lord Jesus Christ my God, denounces the illusion of the magician, that he should deceive the more people who believe in you! And you, the devils in the name of my God I command you not to wear it, but to let go where it is now! Immediately, the demons, the word of the Apostle Simon departed and miserable unemployment fell, as Satan once precipitated from the heavens, and smashed on the floor. Seeing this, the people went into raptures for hours, tirelessly repeating: Great is the God preached by Peter, in truth there is no God except the true God! The magician, after his fall, was completely broken, but by the will of God, still alive, that he might again have the opportunity to acknowledge weakness and his own demons, his condition miserable, that shame should gain and he admitted the force of the Almighty. Lying on the ground, broken, he endured great suffering while the people laughed at him, and it was not until morning that he gave his soul painfully bad in the hands of demons to be driven to hell with Satan, their father.

St. Peter, after the fall of Simon, went on a high and waved his hand to the people who shouted was silent. He taught him the true knowledge of God, and a long speech, introduced him to the Christian faith. "

Learning the shameful death of his friend, the Emperor Nero was angry strongly against Peter and kill him. However, the wrath of the sovereign could not lead immediately, as reported by Saint Simeon Metaphrastes, but only a few years later.

After the death of Simon, in fact, St. Pierre did not stay long in Rome. He made a lot of baptisms, strengthens the church, consecrated bishop of St. Lin imperial city, then moved to Terracina, where he spent another Epaphroditus as bishop. He managed to Sirma then to Spain where he spent as bishop Epainétos before reaching Carthage in Africa. There he devoted Crescens then left for Egypt. At Thebes, the city of a hundred doors, he consecrated as Bishop Rufus, and Alexandria, the holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark.

After a revelation, he went to Jerusalem to attend the Dormition of the Most Pure Virgin Mary the Mother of God. After that, he returned to Egypt, then crossed Africa to return to Rome, where he went to Milan and Photikin, where he consecrated bishops and presbyters ordained.

He then left for Britain where he lived far longer and attracted to faith in Christ a great people. This is where an angel visited him and told him: "Peter, you left this life is approaching, should you go to Rome where you will bear the death on the cross, and will receive the Lord Jesus Christ your just reward. " After giving thanks to God, Stone spent a few days in Britain, firming dedicating churches and bishops, ordaining presbyters and deacons.

During the twelfth year of the reign of Nero, he returned again to Rome, where he consecrated as Bishop Clement. He refused for a long time to bring such a yoke, but urged by the words of the Apostle, he bent his neck under the yoke of Christ, and with his master and other holy men, he drew the chariot of the Word of God. Many men and women of Rome senatorial rank were enlightened by faith and baptism.

It happened that the Emperor Nero had among his concubines while two beautiful women whom he preferred to all others. Both women became believers and decided to lead a chaste life, now refusing to obey the lustful desires of the emperor. The latter, who lived in lust without ever being able to satisfy it, was angry against the Church of Christ and especially against the Apostle Peter, whom he considered responsible for the conversion of his concubines. Remembering the death of his friend Simon, he did seek to kill Peter.

The church historian Egysippos reports that the faithful of Rome begged Pierre to hide and leave the city for the good of the multitude. But Peter did not intend it that way, and wanted to suffer and die for Christ. The faithful, weeping and moaning, begged the Apostle best to save his life, if necessary for the Holy Church buffeted by the woes provided by the infidels. St. Peter relented by tears of the faithful, and promised to leave the city and hide. The next night, after praying with the congregation, he kissed each one and left alone. Arriving at the gates of the city, he met the Lord Jesus Christ, who returned to the city. Pierre saluted

- Lord, whither goest Thou?

- I'm going to Rome to be crucified again!

At these words the Lord became invisible. Peter understood that Christ in His suffering in His servants as bona fide members, would suffer in Rome in his body too. He returned on his steps, went to church, and was arrested by soldiers.

Saint Simeon Metaphrastes reports that not only Peter was arrested, but also a multitude of followers, among them Herodium and Olympia, as the tyrant condemned to be beheaded. Pierre, meanwhile, was sentenced to the crucifixion. The soldiers seized thus condemned to lead them to the scene of torture. They left, however, from Clement, who was a relative the emperor. They slew with the sword Herodium, Olympia and many other devotees. Peter, meanwhile, asked his executioners to be crucified upside down, to honor the Lord by bowing his head under his feet.

Thus the great Apostle Peter fell asleep, glorifying God on the cross, and supporting the great pain of the nails in his hands and his feet. He put his soul to God on the twenty-ninth of June.

Clement, the disciple of Peter, claimed the body of the Apostle, came down from the cross prepared him adequately, and summoned the faithful still alive and hierarchs to bury him with honor. He also buried the bodies of those who had suffered with Peter Saints Herodium and Olympia, and all the faithful who came to glorify Christ God, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit is glorified for ever. Amen.


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