(Article extracted from spiritual treasury of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk)
Christians! Our life is as a path that connects the village to another, one city to another. Our life is a journey that we follow constantly. We slept, or that we ensure we follow him forever. We borrow it from our birth and we leave to our death. For some, this path is very long, for others it is very short, but anyway, its end, nobody knows. We do not know when we reach the end of our road. This was decided by the Lord who provides all things, so we're still waiting to go, and we prepare ourselves.
Some paths are large and spacious, other close and tight. It's the same path of our lives. But look at what these paths, spacious or cramped, and we understand how to run one or the other drives.
On the broad way is unbelief, on the narrow path is the living faith. On the broad way the absence of fear, on the narrow path the fear of God. On the broad road will own and disobedience, on the narrow path of submission and obedience. On the broad road of self-love without limit, on the narrow path of God's love and brother. On the way love the spacious vanities of the world, on the narrow path the flight of these vanities. On the broad way the search for honors, fame and wealth, on the narrow path the contempt of all these things. On the way spacious luxury and lust, on the narrow path of temperance, fasting and abstinence. On the broad road of pride and pomp, on the narrow path of humility. On the broad way the sins and iniquities, on the narrow path virtues. On the broad road of depravity, adultery and all the impurities, on the narrow path of innocence and purity. On the broad way drunkenness and indecency on the narrow path of sobriety and decency. On the broad road robbery, kidnapping, looting, violence and the injustice on the narrow path distance from it all and the attainment of justice. On the broad road rage, rage, revenge, revenge in words and deeds, on the narrow path of vengeance contempt, gentleness and patience. On the broad road toughness, fierceness and cruelty, on the narrow path of mercy and compassion. On the broad way of calumny, contempt, insults and abuse trial to the next, on the narrow path of this forbearance and silence reasonable. On the broad road lies, malice, deceit and hypocrisy, on the narrow path candor and words that correspond to thoughts. On the broad way the words, deeds and thoughts contrary to the will of God, on the narrow path of sincere repentance and its fruits, good deeds.
So you see, a Christian, how are the paths of our lives! The broad way, contrary to God, He is unpleasant. The narrow path, however, is pleasing to Him, for he agrees to His holy will. The broad road leads man to destruction, while the narrow path leads to life.
Satan attracts and leads us all the way to spacious, but Christ the Saviour, who suffered and died for all of us, reminding us on the narrow path. Think! Who should we listen to Christ, or Satan? Which path should you follow? the way that leadeth to destruction, or the narrow path that leads to life? Christ our Lord wants to lead you to eternal life, He who loves you free. But Satan, your enemy wants you lead him to perdition. Hear the words of your Savior, who deserve attention, hold them in your heart, and educate yourself with them! Be attentive to yourself, and what they say: Enter through the narrow gate. Large, indeed, and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and there are many who engage in it, but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and there are few who located. (Mt.7 0.13 to 14) And the Holy Apostle adds this: We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of heaven. (Act.14: 22) Lead me, Lord, in Thy way, and I will walk in Thy truth, that my heart rejoices to fear Your Name. (Ps.85: 11) And in turn teaches Psalm 118? It teaches us how to pray to the Lord Himself teaches us His way, we maintain, and lead us always on her.
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