(St. Dimitri of Rostov)
After the completion of all the mysteries of our redemption and the Ascension of Christ the all-holy and all-blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, lived several years in the early church. She looks forward to its extension throughout the universe and saw the glory of her Son and her God spread everywhere. She attended his living fulfillment of the words predicted that all generations would say blessed: in fact, Christ God was glorified everywhere, and His all-pure Mother with Him. Finally, she approached her blessed and most holy Dormition, full of years, hoping to leave his body to go to God. It was always burning since the divine desire to see the face very smooth and as expected of her Son, who sits in heaven at the Father's right hand. Consumed more than the Seraphim with the flame of his love pouring from her eyes very holy streams of tears, she prayed fervently to the Lord to take her with him to remove it in this vale of tears, and lead to the eternal and heavenly joy. Since Zion, where she lived in the house of St. John the Theologian, she would often climb the Mount of Olives where Christ, His Son and his Lord had risen to heaven. There she spread her fervent supplications.
One day she prayed, asking to be freed from this body to get the Christ-God, the Holy Archangel Gabriel came forward, who served him since childhood, he who had once nurtured in the Holy Saints, for he was the messenger of the Incarnation of God, who kept him relentlessly every day of his life. Approaching his face bright, he announced to the Virgin the arrival of death, which was to come on the third day. By preventing the All-Pure time of his end, he hastened to reassure her she was not troubled. So she says the idea of passing into eternal life and live forever with the immortal King of glory. Gabriel's mouth, she heard: "Your son is waiting our God with Angels and Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim, celestial spirits and souls of the righteous, to take you, you His Mother in His Heavenly Kingdom, that thou mayest live and reign with Him for ever and ever! "
Because of the victory of Christ's death did not have the sleeping body of that which she had failed to possess the soul. The Most Pure was asleep for a short time, and getting up, like a dream, to shake the torpor of the tomb, as we hunt drowsiness from her eyes. She would enjoy eternal life and glory in the light of the Lord's face. She would go to the sound of happy voices.
As a token of his promises, the messenger of good news gave the All-Pure a royal scepter of Paradise, a branch of palm tree glistening with heavenly grace, so she was brought to his bed, When his body most holy and pure would be led to the burial.
Oh, what unspeakable joy won the all-blessed Virgin! What a joy to be in heaven with her Son and her God, always to enjoy the vision of the face so dear! Bowing to the ground, she gave thanks to his Creator, and said: "I would not have been worthy to receive you in my heart, Lord, if you yourself had done me no grace to me , Your servant. I kept the treasure entrusted to me, so, O King of glory, I ask you to ensure that the hell I do no harm! The heavens and angels tremble before Thee every day, and how much more the man shaped the land, which is only what it receives from the goodness of his Lord and his God, he who is blessed for ever and ever! "
The all-pure Sovereign was keen to revisit the time of his death the Apostles who were scattered throughout the universe. She begged the Lord that he should be so. She also asked not to see at the time of departure the Prince of Darkness and his terrible pack, but rather the Son and God the Holy Angels escorted to Him took his soul in His holy hands, as He had promised. Kneeling on the Mount of Olives, she addressed petitions and thanksgivings, bowed to his God and Creator. And behold, there was a miraculous sign: the olive trees bowed to the ground lifeless as humans, bending their tops to show their submission and reverence to the Mother of God. And here is that each prostration of the All Holy, the trees with him.
Back home, it happened that everything began to tremble under the influence of divine forces around him invisibly, and the blessed glory that emanated of person. Of course his most holy face shone still under the effect of grace, more than Moses at Sinai when he talked with God. Here, however, he lit a glory unspeakable.
The Most Pure undertook to prepare for his departure. She began by announcing the news to John, the beloved disciple, she had adopted. She showed him the scepter of light the angel and told him to wear a diaper before burial. It warns of his imminent departure all those who served in his house. She prepared the room and the layer of deposited fragrance in incense, lit many candles. She took care of everything what was necessary for the burial. John immediately sent a message to Saint Jacques, brother of the Lord and first Bishop of Jerusalem, as well as parents and friends, to announce the imminent departure of the Mother of God and the date of death. In turn, St. Jacques warns the faithful of Jerusalem and surrounding villages.
The All Holy Sovereign did so openly about the words of the Archangel, the messenger of good news and showed the date palm branch of the divine Paradis, who shone with the glory of heaven like a ray of light. All who had gathered around the Mother of God wept on hearing her mouth allholy talk about his death, so that the house was filled with cries, tears and sobs. All begged their most gracious Sovereign and Mother do not leave orphans. But she instructed them not to weep and to rejoice in his death. It would indeed take place near the throne of God, see him face to face, and always talk to Him without intermediaries. It would be easier to intercede for all, and soften even one whose kindness was already so merciful. She promised to those who mourned not leave them orphans. She promised to visit them after his death, and with them the world, and to provide assistance to those who are in misery. These words full of consolation took away the sadness of the heart, the tears dried up, and soothed the sobbing.
She bequeathed her two tunics two poor widows who had always served with love and zeal, and received her livelihood. She wanted to bury that his holy body in Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives, near Jerusalem. Here were the graves of his parents, Saints Joachim and Anne, as well as the righteous Joseph, the divine lover, near the Valley of Jehoshaphat [contraction of Jehovah shaphot, which means God judges. This is the valley of Kidron where will the Last Judgement], which separates Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives and serves as a burial place for all the poor of the city.
As she gave his instructions, there was a loud noise like a loud thunderclap. Clouds piled around the house. On a command of God, the angels came to steal the Holy Apostles on the edge of the universe to lead them to Jerusalem on the clouds, to Mount Zion, outside the doors of the house of the All Holy Mother of God. Perceiving each other, they rejoiced, wondering why the Lord had combined. Then Saint John the Theologian went out to meet them, embraced them, shed tears of joy, and told them that the moment of departure of the All Holy was near. The Apostles understood that the Lord had gathered in Jerusalem from the ends of the earth to witness the death of His most pure Mother and bury his body holy dignity. A great grief came upon them the idea of separation.
They entered the house, found the Mother of God sitting on his bed, overflowing with spiritual joy, and kissed him.
- You are blessed by the Lord Who created the earth and sky!
- Peace to you, brothers elected Lord! How did you come here?
They told how the Spirit of God had pleased and taken on clouds. The All-Pure praised God for having heard his prayer. So the Lord had made his desire to see the Apostles before his death!
- The Lord has brought you here for the consolation of my soul, who must leave this body under the law of the fallen nature. A moment stopped by my Creator approached.
- O our Sovereign! As long as you remain in the world, we rejoice like we have before our eyes our Lord and Master. Now, how saddened our hearts they bear the grief of being deprived of your presence among us on earth? But since the will of Christ God that you have children you'll go to heaven, we rejoice in His purpose about you. But we grieve to remain orphans, for we shall see thee more, thou our Mother and Consolation!
And Holy Apostles burst into tears.
- Do not cry, friends disciples of Christ! Do not disturb my joy through your tears! Rejoice with me instead! I leave to my son and my God ... You take my body as I prepared this layer, you take away in Gethsemane, you bury it under the law of nature, then you forgive again in service of the Word, as appropriate. And if the Lord's will, you will see me again after I left.
During this conversation, Paul Divine, the vase of election, arrived in turn. He saluted the Mother of God, and fell at his feet. Opening the mouth, he poured it before the torrents of his praise.
- Rejoice, Mother of Life and purpose of my preaching! I have not enjoyed the sight of Christ my Lord before His ascension, but it seems to me to see Him looking at you!
Alongside St. Paul stood his disciples Saint Dionysius the Areopagite, the admirable Yerotei, Timothy, and other apostles of the Group of Seventy. The Holy Spirit had been counted worthy to receive the ultimate blessing of Mary the Virgin all-blessed, and conduct his funeral in the fullness of honor. Calling them each by name, she blessed them, praising their faith and hard work they displayed to preach Christ. She wished everyone the eternal bliss and prayed God to protect the world and grant him peace.
the fifteenth day of August came, and with him the third hour of the day. It was the time set for the death of the all-holy Mother of God. The Holy Apostles lit many candles, glorifying the Lord. The all-pure Virgin was lying on his bed, dressed for the occasion, ready for the blessed beginning. She longed awaited the arrival of his Son and Lord.
Suddenly, the house was ablaze with light ineffable glory of God, which darkens the light of candles. The disciples were frightened of this splendor descending from heaven. And here that Christ came, the King of Glory, surrounded by an innumerable multitude of Angels, Archangels, Powers of Celestial souls of righteous, holy ancestors and prophets, who had once talked about the All- Holy Virgin. The Lord came to His Mother. Seeing his son, the All-Pure He wrote this song Customary
- My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has looked upon the lowliness of his servant!
Recovering from her bed, she promptly went to meet her Lord and bowed before him. He looked at her loving eyes and said
- Come, my very-close! Come, my dove! Come, my pearl of great price! Enters the abode of eternal life!
Bowing again, she replied:
- Blessed is Thy Name Glory, O Lord my God! You have chosen me, me Your humble servant, to accomplish the Mystery! Remember me in your eternal kingdom, O King of Glory! You know how much I loved with all my heart. I kept the treasure that you had confided. Now, receive my soul in peace, and protect the world from darkness! She did not fear the attacks of Satan!
Lord reassured her of her sweet words, urging him to not fear the power of Satan that he had walked, and invited him to ride boldly from the earth to heaven. She cheerfully replied:
- My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is ready!
Then, for the second time, she said, "Let me according to Thy word! Then she lay on her couch and is very pleased to see the bright face of her Son, our beloved Lord. Burning with love and spiritual joy, she gave her soul in His hands, without suffering, as sinking into a very sweet sleep. That was generated it corruption-free and painless birth tenderly took his most holy soul, and did not allow his body to see corruption.
immediately rang merrily singing sweet angels, who often took over the words of Gabriel: "Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women! "Solemnly accompanied by all the heavenly orders, the most holy soul was carried to heaven in the hands of the Lord.
The eyes of the Apostles were worthy of this divine vision, the people who had once gazed fondly Ascension of the Lord on the Mount of Olives. After the first fright, followers bowed before the Lord into heaven the soul of His Mother. Surrounding the layer and shedding tears, they saw the face of Mary the Most Holy shine like the sun. The most pure body exhaled an indescribable perfume surpassing all the scents of this world. This perfume, no human tongue can describe. All embraced the holy body with reverence and fear, the worshiping with honor, sanctifying themselves in contact, and receiving in the spiritual heart of the ineffable joy that emanated from the all-holy Mother of God. At the touch of the All-Pure, the patients recovered their health, the blind eyes lit up, deaf ears were opened, the lame feet strengthen, the evil spirits fled, and all evil would disappear.
After all these wonderful events, they set in motion that would lead the procession to the grave the body of Mary, so pleasing to God. First, St. Peter, St. Paul and St. Jacques, followed by other Brains, raised the layer on their shoulders. In mind, St. John the Theologian was radiant and royal scepter. The rest of the congregation walked around the holy Apostles with candles and censers, punctuating the dirge. St. Pierre intoned, and all followed in perfect agreement. They sang the psalm of David, "when Israel went to Egypt," punctuating each verse with an Alleluia. Then we added other songs and solemn psalms of thanksgiving, guided by the Holy Spirit who led the lips of singers. Body acceptable to God the all-pure Virgin was brought gloriously through Jerusalem, to Zion Gethsemane. A circle of clouds had formed over the layer, such a great and clear halo crown of an unusual light. Above this cloud could be heard singing a very sweet, all that could be collected. The cloud accompanied the All Holy to the grave.
Along the way, a sad event took place. The people of Jerusalem, consisting mostly of Jewish believers, was alerted by these unknown songs. Seeing the procession, he left homes, astonished that such glory and such were given to honor the Mother of Jesus. Learning this, the high priests, drunken jealousy and anger, dispatched their servants, their soldiers, and a crowd brandishing weapons and stakes to disperse those who carried the body of Mary, kill the disciples of Jesus, and burn their remains. When those preparing mischief that came with fury, armed for battle, the circle of cloud layer that crowned the corpse was lowered to the ground, protecting the holy Apostles and those accompanying them. Thus, the dirge was seen by all, but those who sought to harm could not see anything. Holy Angels, who stood invisibly over the holy body and the choir of the faithful, struck blind the bad guys who banged against the walls of the city, looking for helping hands.
He arrived, however, that a mysterious plan, God would perform a greater miracle. One of the priests saw the cloud lift, revealing the multitude of faithful carrying candles around the Apostles, and the layer of the All Holy. Renewing itself with the old jealousy of our Lord, he said: "What an honor to have given birth to this body the liar, which destroyed the law of our fathers! Taking advantage of its strong build, he rushed furiously upon layer to overthrow the very body of our pure Sovereign. But when the insolent hands reached their goal, they were decided by an angel wielding a sword invisible God's vengeance, and hung miserably on the layer. The high priest collapsed. Then, realizing his sin, he cried sadly
- Woe is me!
And turning to the Apostles, he added:
- Have mercy on me, servants of Christ!
The Holy Apostle Peter commanded stop the convoy and said
- You got what you wanted! Therefore understand that the Lord is the God of vengeance! The God of vengeance will act boldly! We can not heal your wound. And our Lord, against whom you are unfairly high and that you killed, do not want to grant you healing if you believe in Him with all thy heart, and if thy mouth confesses Jesus as Messiah and Son of God!
Immediately the high priest cried
- I believe He is Christ the Savior of the world, announced by the prophets! We too had begun to believe in Him, but out of jealousy, we fell into the darkness of wickedness, and we did not want to praise the greatness of God. We unfairly conspired his death. But by the power of the Godhead, He rose again the third day, we cover all ashamed, we who had hated. We tried to hide His Resurrection by bribing the guards, but we could not achieve, because the rumor had spread everywhere. After this confession
burning repentance, the holy Apostles and the faithful rejoiced with all the angels, because there is joy over one sinner who repents. Peter commanded the high priest to apply his arms at the end of the hands that hung on the trench coat, and invoke the name of the Most Holy Mother of God. Having thus, the high priest was healed on the spot. Its members became again healthy. Only one kind of thread indicated the passage of the sword. The new convert worshiped layer, adored Christ God born of the Virgin most pure, and magnified the long one that had given birth, offering generous praise from the prophecies concerning him, or about Christ his Son. All were amazed at the healing, and these very wise words that sang the glory of Christ, and praised the all-pure Mother of God.
The high priest joined the Holy Apostles and accompanied the procession to Gethsemane. Many who had been blinded became aware of their sin and showed repentance. Guided to the Mother of God in faith to touch his sacred bed, they found the sight and eye health of the soul.
The apostles and the multitude of faithful reached the village of Gethsemane. They filed the layer near the tomb bearing the holy body. Then rose again the cries and lamentations of the people. All were crying to be orphans. All were crying that they were deprived of such property. Everyone prostrated himself before the body of the all-holy Mother of God, embraced the watered with her tears and gave her one last kiss. It is with great difficulty we managed to put in the tomb at night. And when a large stone came to seal the burial, the crowd could not get away, both attached to the love of the Mother of God.
The Holy Apostles
lingered for three days in the village of Gethsemane, singing and chanting day and night at the tomb of the all-pure Virgin. During these three days, you could hear voices in the sky very sweet Almighty, who sang and praised God and glorified His Mother.
By a decree of providence, it happened that the Apostle Thomas was absent at the burial of the glorious all-pure Virgin. It is only the third day he arrived at Gethsemane. It was very sad for not being worthy, like the other Apostles, the last blessing and the ultimate kiss of the all-pure Mother of God. It also saddened to have seen the glory of God, and the wonderful mysteries that occurred during the Dormition of the All Holy, and the path that led his body to the grave. The Holy Apostles, sympathetic to her grief, took counsel and decided to open the tomb to allow him to see the body of our Sovereign Lady the Mother of God, worship him and kiss his lips to relieve his sentence and find a cure for her sadness. When they lifted the stone, they were terrified, because the tomb was empty. The body of the Mother of God there rested more. You could not see the shroud, which exhaled a perfume sublime and powerful. The Apostles were in great perplexity. They reverently kissed the shroud, wept and prayed together the Lord to kindly tell them what had happened to the body very clean. Arrived at night, they sat down and fortified by a bit of food.
Our all-holy Lady, Mother of us all, had once brought joy to the whole universe at his Nativity. At its Dormition, she would not hurt anyone. Moreover, it sought to console each with his mercy, even his enemies, she is the Mother of the merciful goodness of the King.
At mealtime, the Apostles had adopted a pious custom: they left an empty place among them, whose location was marked by the presence of a cushion. They laid on this cushion a piece of bread, called by the Lord. After lunch, they got up, gave thanks, raised from the Lord, glorifying the Name of the Blessed Trinity, and ended their prayer by saying: "Lord Jesus Christ, help us! Then they ate the Lord as a blessing. They had this holy habit, not only when were together, but when each was alone.
So that night at Gethsemane, while their minds were wholly concerned to know where could well be the most holy body of the Mother of God, the end of the meal arrived. They built as usual from the Lord, and glorified the Blessed Trinity. And now resounds in the air singing angels. Looking up, the Apostles saw the all-pure Virgin and Mother of God, standing, living amidst a multitude of angels, illuminated by ineffable glory. The All-Sainte told them: "Rejoice, for I am with you until the end of days! "Filled with joy, instead of pronouncing the usual" Lord Jesus Christ, help us! "They said:" Most Holy Mother of God, help us! "And from that moment the Holy Apostles, and the whole Church with them, were assured that the all-pure Mother of God was resurrected on the third day by his son and his God, and taken to heaven with his body. Going home to the tomb, they took the coat, which became a comfort to the afflicted and truthful testimony that the Mother of God had indeed raised from the tomb.
It was not appropriate because the Tabernacle of Life was selected by the death and left in the corruption of other creatures, he who had given birth in the flesh incorruptible Author of all creatures. The legislator was not ignorant of His own law, and as a loving son, he honored as Himself His Mother undefiled, the rising again the third day to the lead in the celestial world, according to the prophecy of the divine David: Arise O Lord, to enter into Thy rest, Thou and the ark of Your holiness! "These prophetic words were thus a double accomplishment: the Resurrection of the Lord and in the resurrection Mother of God. Like that of her Son, the tomb of the Mother of God, carved into the rock, is empty until today, and offered to the veneration of the faithful. Divine providence saw to it that St. Thomas was not present for the Dormition of the all-pure Mother of God. Thus the tomb was opened, and the Church of the Resurrection assured of the All Holy. And the Resurrection of Christ was evidenced by the lack of faith of Thomas.
Thus took place the Dormition of our Sovereign all-pure and all-blessed Mother of God. His body was buried and immaculate. Advinrent and his glorious resurrection and its rise to heaven in the flesh. After these admirable and divine mysteries, the Holy Apostles returned, carried on the clouds, to the country of their preaching.
And now how to describe our Sovereign, the all-pure Virgin and Mother of God, while living on this earth? Here is what St. Ambrose says: "In its flesh as in spirit, the Virgin was humble. His speeches were wise. She was assiduous reading, vigilant in its work, slow to speak, and chaste in his conversation. She conversed with men as if she was talking with God. It offends no one, wanted good to everyone, not despise no man, he was miserable, was not mocking anyone, and magnified everything she saw. Everything that came from his lips was the bearer of grace, his actions were something virginal. His dress betrayed the inner perfection, compassion, absence of malice. "
But alongside this character so holy, what was his appearance? Here's what Epiphanius and Nicephorus relates, "She was worthy, constant in all things, speaking little, and only if it was necessary, rather simply to listen. It was no less eloquent, and get to know all honor and veneration. It was open to all without laughing or disorder, and, better yet, without anger. His height was average. His face had the complexion of a grain of wheat, her hair was auburn, his eyes piercing and his eyes as the fruit of the olive tree. His eyebrows were very black and tilted his rather large nose, his mouth like the rye-flour, full of sweet words. Her face, neither pointed nor round, slightly elongated. His fingers were very long. It was unrelated to any bragging, simply, unable to simulate anything, without any weakness, with great humility. Its clothes were simple, made of natural stuff, like show us His holy veil. Abundant divine grace accompanied each of his acts. "
And how is it now in heaven at the right hand of the throne of God? We should hear about it the mouths of angels, archangels, and the righteous, who stand before her, and are filled with God's face and her sweet face! These people can talk about it after their dignity. And we, who glorify the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God in Trinity of Persons, also boast the all-pure Mother of God, and worship it fervently, that it is glorified and magnified by all generations for ever, amen!
Everything about the early life of the all-pure Virgin and Mother of God has been partly described in the homilies on other parties: the Conception, the Nativity, the Entry to the Temple, Annunciation, Nativity of Christ and the Holy Encounter. We will add here, after the story of her Dormition, a few words about the life of our Sovereign after the Ascension of Christ.
St. Luke writes in Acts of the Apostles after the Ascension of the Lord and His disciples left the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem, and entered the Upper Room where the Last Supper was held. There, in the same spirit, they persevered in prayer and supplication with the women, and Mary, the Mother of Jesus. After the departure of the Lord, the All Holy became their only comfort, solace in their sorrow. She strengthens and instructed in the faith. All she had kept in her heart the words and miracles, since the good news of Gabriel on the design without seed and the birth of Christ in her womb, through childhood of the Lord until His life before baptism John, all that she did know the kind followers of his Son. As she stood in the Holy Spirit revelations raised on the divinity of Christ and the meaning of his works, it could do a detailed account of acts done by the power of God before the Lord made himself known to the world. All this greatly strengthened the faith of the Apostles.
They prayed together so in the Upper Room, awaiting the coming of the Holy Spirit whom the Lord had promised to send from the Father, and prepared to receive donations. Ten days after the Ascension of Christ, when the raid took place in the Holy Spirit, like tongues Fire on the Holy Apostles, the Comforter began based on the very dignified and very valuable Virgin, who was already a beloved home for him and pleasant to stay permanently. The all-blessed Virgin received a greater share of the Holy Spirit as the Apostles. The bigger the vessel, the more it can hold. As proclaimed by the Church, the all-pure Virgin, the Holy Spirit is for an output greater than all the others, larger even than the Apostles, Prophets, and Saints: "Verily, you are higher than all, O Virgin Pure, for you have content, more than all the graces of the Spirit Holy! "
Once the Lord had said on the Cross" Behold your son ... Behold your mother ", the all-pure Virgin moved into the house of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian, on Mount Zion. The disciple took her home and served as his own mother. After receiving the Holy Spirit, the Apostles did not immediately dispersed throughout the world, but long remained in Jerusalem, as evidenced by the Acts. After the death of the first martyr Stephen, there was a great persecution against the Church of Jerusalem. The Apostles and the faithful departed miners in all Judea and Samaria, leaving the heads the Apostles. Protected by God, they remained for nearly ten years in the holy city, until King Herod raised his hand to persecute the Church. While some Apostles left Jerusalem momentarily, (Peter and John went to Samaria, Peter healed Aeneas the paralytic at Lydda, revived Tabitha at Joppa, baptized the centurion Cornelius in Caesarea, founded the first apostolic throne in Antioch, Jacques, brother of John, went to Spain) they always came back for the salvation of the Israelite people and the consolidation of the first churches, their mother at all. As sung by Saint John Damascene: "Hail, Holy Sion, mother of Churches, remains of God, you first receive the remission of sins! But the apostles returned to Jerusalem to meet the all-holy Virgin and Mother of the Lord and hear his divine words. They saw her as the representative of Christ, and beheld his worthy and very holy face as if he had been the face of the Savior Himself. They listened to his gentle words filled with an inexpressible spiritual joy, forgetting their sorrows and misfortunes. Their hearts enjoyed the honey of speech of the all-holy Mother of God.
A host of new baptized, coming from distant countries, hastened to Jerusalem to see the Mother of God and hear his very holy speech. Like that of Christ the Savior, the glory of His Immaculate Mother reached the ends of the earth, as evidenced by the Epistle of St. Ignatius the God-Bearer, sent from Antioch to Saint John the Theologian: "Here we have many women who want to see the Mother of Jesus, and trying each day trip to visit her, touch her breasts that have suckled the Lord Jesus, and learn some of her mysteries. His fame and Virgin Mother of God, full of all graces and of all virtues, has come down to us. They say she gaily through the persecutions and misfortunes, it grieves neither poverty or deprivation, it is not irritable or against those who do evil but rather provides its more benefits, it is soft at happy events, merciful to the poor it helps as it can. When people are hostile to our faith, she knows how to resist them with force. She teaches the faithful the new piety, reverence, and good works. She loves above all humble and lowly shows itself in respect of others. Anyone who saw the lot rent. She is patient when the leaders of the Jews and Pharisees make fun of her. Trustworthy men told us that in Mary the Mother of Jesus, holiness unites human nature to that of angels. All this arouses in us a strong desire to see this amazing and heavenly miracle. " In another epistle for St. John the Theologian, St. Ignatius the God-Bearer wrote: "If I could, I would like to visit you see the faithful gathered there, and especially the Mother of Jesus. They say all find it amazing, worthy, and very kind. All want to see. Who would want to see this Virgin and interview the one who bore the true God? "
These letters show great desire to see the holy sanctity of Mary, the all-pure Virgin. It is understandable that those who were worthy could say blessed. Verily, blessed are the eyes that have seen it, after Christ the Savior, and ears that were worthy of hearing the words coming out of his mouth invigorating inspired! What comfort and what thanks do they were not met!
Our Lord left His Mother on earth to live, that by his presence, his tips, His teachings, and his fervent prayers to her Son and her God, the Church militant multiplies, take courage and boldness to acquire the blood to resist to his Lord. The Mother of God brought each strength and consolation of the Holy Spirit, she prayed for everyone. When the Apostles were arrested, she addressed a prayer to God, full of compunction, and an angel of the Lord was sent at night to open the prison doors. When the first martyr Stephen was led to death, she followed the crowd from afar. While they were stoning Iosaphat in the valley, near the brook Kidron, she was with John the Theologian on a nearby hill, and prayed fervently to the Lord that He fortify the Protodeacon in suffering, and receive his soul in His hands. When Paul set upon the Church, she addressed such fervent prayers to God for the persecutor, He changed the wild wolf in lamb sweet, the opponent as an apostle, the persecutor to disciple and teacher of the universe.
And what other benefits the early church did she not received the all-pure Mother of God as a little child of his mother? What thanks did she not drawn from the inexhaustible source, until than high by reinforcement of grace, she had reached maturity and was so firmly established that the gates of hell could anything against it? The Mother of God was full of joy, like a mother who welcomes his children (Ps.112: 9). Every day, she saw the growth of children of the Church: at first, the preaching of Peter won three thousand souls, then it was five miles, then multitudes ... Later she learned that the Church of Christ won everything in the universe. Those who were returning to Jerusalem after the sermon came to tell him everything. As she was looking forward to this good news, praising his Son and his God! But now Herod
unleashed persecution against the Church, and beheaded Jacques's brother John, who was returning from Spain. He also grabbed Peter, he put him in prison in booking the same fate. After the miraculous deliverance of the Prince of the Apostles, the first among the Apostles decided to turn to leave Jerusalem for Jews to flee. They dispersed throughout the world, having drawn the mission countries. Before their departure, they composed the symbol of faith, so that all planted in their hearts with one voice the holy faith in Christ. They left all these distant lands, except St. Jacques, the Lord's brother, who was appointed first bishop of Jerusalem by Christ Himself.
St. John the Theologian left Jerusalem with the all-pure Mother of God, flee away momentarily to the woes that caused the Jews jealous, and giving way to anger at the cruel persecution and martyrdom. Not to remain inactive, they set out for Ephesus, that John had drawn. There is a letter addressed to the clergy of Constantinople and drafted at the Third Great and Holy Ecumenical Council, held in Ephesus against Nestorius. It contains the following sentences: "Nestor, author of the impious heresy, called by the Holy Fathers and Bishops of the Council of Ephesus, where once stayed John the Theologian and the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, excludes himself, Confused by his bad conscience, and dared not come. Because of this, after being summoned three times, he was condemned by the just judgments of God and holy Synod Fathers, and was stripped of all priestly dignity "
all-pure Virgin went to Ephesus and other cities and regions to visit newly baptized. She went to Antioch to meet St. Ignatius the God-Bearer, as she had promised in writing: "I will come unto thee with Jean to see you, you and those who are with you." It is said that she also went to Cyprus to visit Lazarus, risen from the fourth day was bishop, and on Mount Athos. Report the story of the monk Stephen Athonite:
"After the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, the disciples were gathered in Zion with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, awaiting the Comforter, in the order of the Lord they had prescribed not to leave Jerusalem and await the fulfillment of His promise. Later, they drew lots for the country in which each was to preach the gospel of God. The All-Pure said,
- I too want to draw lots with you, so you do not remain destitute country that God will give me. The Apostles
nodded with fear and reverence to the words of the Mother of God, and he pointed out the land of Iberia. The all-pure Mother of God received the news with joy. Immediately after receiving the Holy Spirit in the form of a tongue of fire, she wanted to go on this earth. But the angel of God said:
- Be not far from Jerusalem at the moment, but stay there for a while! The fate will become clear in recent days! For a time, you will have to toil in a land that God will tell you much.
And the All-Pure remained for a long time in Jerusalem. Yet Lazarus, risen from the fourth day, resided on the island of Cyprus where he was consecrated bishop by the Apostle Barnabas. In his great love, he wished to review the all-pure Mother of our Lord that he had not seen for ages, but he dared to visit Jerusalem for fear of the Jews. Having understood this, the Mother of God wrote him to console him and ordered him to send a boat so that she could come visit him in Cyprus. On reading the letter, Lazarus is very pleased. Touched by such humility, he quickly sent it to a boat and a courier. The all-pure Mary went to sea in company with John, the disciple virgin, and other brothers who followed them with reverence. The ship sailed for Cyprus. But suddenly, a contrary wind arose and the ship was diverted from its route to a sheltered cove on Mount Athos. This was for the Mother God's little penalty as the angel had predicted.
The Holy Mountain was so full of idols, there was a large temple and a sanctuary of Apollo. There were accomplished divination, magic, fireworks and other demonic. The Greeks worshiped many such places, where they came from afar to worship the god, and receive a reply that they consult diviners. When the Mother of God landed, a loud cry burst from all the idols of the peninsula
- down the mountain to the creek Clement, all of you who have been seduced by Apollo, and welcome Mary the Mother of Jesus, great God!
Thus the demons inhabiting the idols, compelled by a divine force, announced the truth against their will, as formerly the Gadarenes who cried to the Lord, what have we to Thee, Son of God? Are you here to torment us before the time? Hearing this, the people ran to the creek surprised and saw the boat of the Mother of God. He received the Most Holy with honor, asking how she had given birth to God and what was his name. God opened his mouth, she announced in detail the good news of Jesus Christ, and all worshiped the God she had given birth to and worshiped. The All-Pure performed many miracles, and the people who found faith, was baptized. Choosing a leader among his fellow passengers, it establishes the master of the newly baptized. Then, rejoicing in spirit, she said
- This site, chosen by lot, was given to me by my Son and my God!
Then she blessed the crowd and added:
- The grace of God abideth on this place and those who live with faith and piety in fulfilling the commandments of my Son and my God! Goods necessary to life on land will be abundant for them, without having to provide too much effort. Heavenly life They will be prepared. The mercy of my Son will not dry up here until the end of time! As for me, I am the Protector of this place and its fervent intercessor before God!
Having said this, she blesses the people again and sailed for Cyprus with John and his retinue.
Arrived on the island, she found Lazarus in great sadness. Concerned about the delay of the Mother of God, he feared that the storm had caused him any wrong. He indeed knew what had happened by the providence of God. But the presence of the Mother of God was soon changed his affliction into joy. The All-Holy and offered him a omophorion headlines she had made herself for the occasion, and told him everything that had happened in Jerusalem and Mount Athos, thanking God for everything. She spent some time in Cyprus, comforted and blessed the church of the place, then returned to sea to Jerusalem. "
In the holy city, the Mother of God again lived at the house of John Zion, protected by the almighty hand of God deicides jealous and synagogues, which were constantly fighting the Son of God and those who believed in him. In no way, these wicked Jews would have supported the Mother of Jesus remained alive if Providence had not protected, and they would certainly striven to destroy him. But the infidels could not get hold of the Tabernacle of God, as once in Nazareth on His Son Himself, when He was led by a crowd full of fury at the top of the mountain on which the town was located, to be precipitate the top of the cliff. From among them, He walked away without Jews furious might not put their hands on her tormentors. They could not touch one I saw their eyes because they were restrained by the invisible force of God. His hour had not yet come ... The all-pure Virgin lived then in the middle of a many enemies hate like a sheep among wolves, like a lily among the thorns, repeating aptly the words of his ancestor David: The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the protector of my life, before whom I tremble? Though an army encamp against me, my heart will not fear, if a fight begins against me even though I keep hope! and again: if I go to the darkness of death I will fear no evil for You are my Son and my God, Thou art with me.
St. Denis the Areopagite, who had been baptized by the Holy Apostle Athens Paul and remained with him for three years, also came to Jerusalem to visit and venerate the Mother of God, with the blessing of his master. Having seen what he had longed to meet, he expressed his joy at the spiritual leaders of the Apostles in a letter: "It seems impossible, and I confess to God, my guide and my good master, that Outside of the Most High God, we can find more divine power and admirable grace, indeed inconceivable by the mind of man, that this person, I saw not only the eyes of the body but also those of the soul. I have seen firsthand the Mother of Christ Jesus our Lord: it is the image of God, more holy than all the heavenly spirits. God's grace, the magnanimity of the Prince of the Apostles, and the indescribable goodness gracious Virgin herself, allowed me to see her. I confess before the omnipotence of God, before the Savior's grace, to the dignity of the Blessed Virgin His Mother, Where, with Jean, Prince of Evangelists and Prophets, who, while residing in the flesh radiates like the sun in the sky, I was ushered to the front of the all-holy Virgin, created in the image God, a bright light and boundless lights me not only outwardly, but especially inside, filling me with so worthy and wonderful fragrances that my weak body and my mind could not bear the signs and fruits of all these beatitudes and glories eternal. My heart and my mind exhausted before that divine grace and glory. I testify by God, who lived in the virginal womb, as if I had not been stored in my newly enlightened mind your divine teachings, I thought she was the true God, and I would have adored as it should worship Him. No glory, no honor can not be conceived in the mind of man glorified by God, to the extent of bliss that I tasted in that moment, me unworthy. As I was fortunate and blessed to have been rendered worthy of the time! I thank God for that the very top and very good, the divine Virgin, the Apostle John extraordinary, and you, Prince of the Church and master victorious for having shown mercy with such a blessing! "We understand from reading these lines divine grace which came from the face of our all-pure Sovereign when she lived on earth, and how lit up souls and rejoiced the hearts of those who saw in the flesh. An innumerable multitude of newly baptized men and women converged on it from all backgrounds, receiving his gifts, like a true mother, equally and impartially. His grace and enriched everyone rejoiced, healing the sick, firming the weak, comforting the afflicted, strengthens faith, providing the assurance of hope, the divine sweetness, love, and the amendment of sinners.
all-pure Virgin often went out of the house of John to visit places that her amiable son had sanctified by His presence and His blood. She visited Bethlehem, where he was born to her in a manner ineffable, without breaking the seal of her virginity. She went round all the places where our Lord suffered voluntarily, spraying copious tears of a mother's love, saying: "There was killed my son very friendly, there He was crowned with thorns, He went out there carrying His cross, He was crucified. " Near the tomb, which was won by a joy unspeakable, she said: "There, he was buried and rose again the third day gloriously."
And yet it is written: some Jews hate announced the high priests and scribes that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, went every day to Golgotha and the tomb where his son had been filed, bending knees and grieving. So do we put a guard at the tomb to prevent access to the Christians. It is clear that the pious custom of visiting the holy places and to worship Christ God wished to suffer for us had been introduced by the Mother of God herself, soon followed by the faithful. A guard was then placed by the scribes and high priests, who were still breathing threats and murder, to prohibit access to all of the tomb of Jesus and kill his mother Mary. But God blinded the eyes of the guards so they do not see Mary. So she went as usual to visit these places without the guards might not see her or his companions. After some time they went to swear to the high priests and scribes that no longer came to visit the tomb.
The Mother of God went so frequently on the Mount of Olives, where our Lord had ascended to heaven. Kneeling down, she kissed the footprints that Christ's feet had left on the stone. She prayed there and God the Son that He was willing to take with him, too, because more St. Paul that she wanted to be freed from the flesh and live with Christ. She often repeated the words of David: When shall I come and appear before me the face of God? My tears have been my bread day and night (Ps.41 0.3 to 4), when will I see my beloved Son, when will I go to Him who sits on the right hand of the Father, when shall I come before the throne of His glory, when can I have my fill of the sight of His face? O my sweet son, O my God! It's time to be merciful to Zion, it's time to be merciful to thy mother, who in this sad vale of tears, deprived of the sight of Thy most holy face! Bring forth my soul from the prison of this body! As the deer longs with flowing streams, so my soul desires Thee, O God! (Ps.41, 2) if I'm satiated lorsqu'apparaƮtra Your glory!
all-pure Virgin was accustomed to dwell on the Mount of Olives, in the village of Gethsemane, on the side of a small hill planted an orchard, which had formerly Zebedee acquired and who was now the legacy of St. John the Theologian. Our Lord had prayed and sweated blood in the orchard before His passion voluntary, and there fell to his knees face before His Father in Heaven. Subsequently, it was in that same orchard that His all-pure Mother spread her fervent prayers, kneeling, too, face against the ground, flooding the ground with his tears. There she was informed, through the angel, his impending transfer to the sky, and was comforted. Before his death, all-pure Virgin had two appearances of the angel, as the story of the church historian, George Kedrinos: first, a fortnight before her Assumption, and the second, three days before. At this time she received the last part of the palm tree of paradise that St. John the Theologian then turned to his bed mortuary.
Some have written, like Saint Meliton, Bishop of Sardis, as Saint John the Theologian at Ephesus was before the Dormition of the All-holy Mother of God, and he was, like the other apostles, delighted in a cloud for attend the funeral of the Most Pure. But others, like Metaphrastes Sophronios and assert with confidence that St. John was not far from the Mother full of grace, he became the adopted son and that he always served as a son serves his sincere mother, keeping it in his house until he died happy. But he happened to get away for short periods in the surrounding cities as evidenced by the Acts, but he always did with the approval and blessing of the Mother of God. During his brief absence and return to St. John, St. Jacques is the brother of the Lord and First Bishop of Jerusalem, who watched over the All-Pure, which in no case he never left his episcopal throne. If, as the story of some, the Theologian was delighted with the clouds like the other Apostles, probably for some town nearby. That
know also that the Dormition of the all-pure Virgin and Mother of God should be solemnly celebrated on the fifteenth day of August! The ceremony was instituted during the reign of the pious Byzantine Emperor Maurice. In celebrating his joy and transfer to the heavens rejoice as one who was born from her and led her to heaven in glory, Christ our God, glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever, amen!
(St. Dimitri of Rostov)
After the completion of all the mysteries of our redemption and the Ascension of Christ the all-holy and all-blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, lived several years in the early church. She looks forward to its extension throughout the universe and saw the glory of her Son and her God spread everywhere. She attended his living fulfillment of the words predicted that all generations would say blessed: in fact, Christ God was glorified everywhere, and His all-pure Mother with Him. Finally, she approached her blessed and most holy Dormition, full of years, hoping to leave his body to go to God. It was always burning since the divine desire to see the face very smooth and as expected of her Son, who sits in heaven at the Father's right hand. Consumed more than the Seraphim with the flame of his love pouring from her eyes very holy streams of tears, she prayed fervently to the Lord to take her with him to remove it in this vale of tears, and lead to the eternal and heavenly joy. Since Zion, where she lived in the house of St. John the Theologian, she would often climb the Mount of Olives where Christ, His Son and his Lord had risen to heaven. There she spread her fervent supplications.
One day she prayed, asking to be freed from this body to get the Christ-God, the Holy Archangel Gabriel came forward, who served him since childhood, he who had once nurtured in the Holy Saints, for he was the messenger of the Incarnation of God, who kept him relentlessly every day of his life. Approaching his face bright, he announced to the Virgin the arrival of death, which was to come on the third day. By preventing the All-Pure time of his end, he hastened to reassure her she was not troubled. So she says the idea of passing into eternal life and live forever with the immortal King of glory. Gabriel's mouth, she heard: "Your son is waiting our God with Angels and Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim, celestial spirits and souls of the righteous, to take you, you His Mother in His Heavenly Kingdom, that thou mayest live and reign with Him for ever and ever! "
Because of the victory of Christ's death did not have the sleeping body of that which she had failed to possess the soul. The Most Pure was asleep for a short time, and getting up, like a dream, to shake the torpor of the tomb, as we hunt drowsiness from her eyes. She would enjoy eternal life and glory in the light of the Lord's face. She would go to the sound of happy voices.
As a token of his promises, the messenger of good news gave the All-Pure a royal scepter of Paradise, a branch of palm tree glistening with heavenly grace, so she was brought to his bed, When his body most holy and pure would be led to the burial.
Oh, what unspeakable joy won the all-blessed Virgin! What a joy to be in heaven with her Son and her God, always to enjoy the vision of the face so dear! Bowing to the ground, she gave thanks to his Creator, and said: "I would not have been worthy to receive you in my heart, Lord, if you yourself had done me no grace to me , Your servant. I kept the treasure entrusted to me, so, O King of glory, I ask you to ensure that the hell I do no harm! The heavens and angels tremble before Thee every day, and how much more the man shaped the land, which is only what it receives from the goodness of his Lord and his God, he who is blessed for ever and ever! "
The all-pure Sovereign was keen to revisit the time of his death the Apostles who were scattered throughout the universe. She begged the Lord that he should be so. She also asked not to see at the time of departure the Prince of Darkness and his terrible pack, but rather the Son and God the Holy Angels escorted to Him took his soul in His holy hands, as He had promised. Kneeling on the Mount of Olives, she addressed petitions and thanksgivings, bowed to his God and Creator. And behold, there was a miraculous sign: the olive trees bowed to the ground lifeless as humans, bending their tops to show their submission and reverence to the Mother of God. And here is that each prostration of the All Holy, the trees with him.
Back home, it happened that everything began to tremble under the influence of divine forces around him invisibly, and the blessed glory that emanated of person. Of course his most holy face shone still under the effect of grace, more than Moses at Sinai when he talked with God. Here, however, he lit a glory unspeakable.
The Most Pure undertook to prepare for his departure. She began by announcing the news to John, the beloved disciple, she had adopted. She showed him the scepter of light the angel and told him to wear a diaper before burial. It warns of his imminent departure all those who served in his house. She prepared the room and the layer of deposited fragrance in incense, lit many candles. She took care of everything what was necessary for the burial. John immediately sent a message to Saint Jacques, brother of the Lord and first Bishop of Jerusalem, as well as parents and friends, to announce the imminent departure of the Mother of God and the date of death. In turn, St. Jacques warns the faithful of Jerusalem and surrounding villages.
The All Holy Sovereign did so openly about the words of the Archangel, the messenger of good news and showed the date palm branch of the divine Paradis, who shone with the glory of heaven like a ray of light. All who had gathered around the Mother of God wept on hearing her mouth allholy talk about his death, so that the house was filled with cries, tears and sobs. All begged their most gracious Sovereign and Mother do not leave orphans. But she instructed them not to weep and to rejoice in his death. It would indeed take place near the throne of God, see him face to face, and always talk to Him without intermediaries. It would be easier to intercede for all, and soften even one whose kindness was already so merciful. She promised to those who mourned not leave them orphans. She promised to visit them after his death, and with them the world, and to provide assistance to those who are in misery. These words full of consolation took away the sadness of the heart, the tears dried up, and soothed the sobbing.
She bequeathed her two tunics two poor widows who had always served with love and zeal, and received her livelihood. She wanted to bury that his holy body in Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives, near Jerusalem. Here were the graves of his parents, Saints Joachim and Anne, as well as the righteous Joseph, the divine lover, near the Valley of Jehoshaphat [contraction of Jehovah shaphot, which means God judges. This is the valley of Kidron where will the Last Judgement], which separates Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives and serves as a burial place for all the poor of the city.
As she gave his instructions, there was a loud noise like a loud thunderclap. Clouds piled around the house. On a command of God, the angels came to steal the Holy Apostles on the edge of the universe to lead them to Jerusalem on the clouds, to Mount Zion, outside the doors of the house of the All Holy Mother of God. Perceiving each other, they rejoiced, wondering why the Lord had combined. Then Saint John the Theologian went out to meet them, embraced them, shed tears of joy, and told them that the moment of departure of the All Holy was near. The Apostles understood that the Lord had gathered in Jerusalem from the ends of the earth to witness the death of His most pure Mother and bury his body holy dignity. A great grief came upon them the idea of separation.
They entered the house, found the Mother of God sitting on his bed, overflowing with spiritual joy, and kissed him.
- You are blessed by the Lord Who created the earth and sky!
- Peace to you, brothers elected Lord! How did you come here?
They told how the Spirit of God had pleased and taken on clouds. The All-Pure praised God for having heard his prayer. So the Lord had made his desire to see the Apostles before his death!
- The Lord has brought you here for the consolation of my soul, who must leave this body under the law of the fallen nature. A moment stopped by my Creator approached.
- O our Sovereign! As long as you remain in the world, we rejoice like we have before our eyes our Lord and Master. Now, how saddened our hearts they bear the grief of being deprived of your presence among us on earth? But since the will of Christ God that you have children you'll go to heaven, we rejoice in His purpose about you. But we grieve to remain orphans, for we shall see thee more, thou our Mother and Consolation!
And Holy Apostles burst into tears.
- Do not cry, friends disciples of Christ! Do not disturb my joy through your tears! Rejoice with me instead! I leave to my son and my God ... You take my body as I prepared this layer, you take away in Gethsemane, you bury it under the law of nature, then you forgive again in service of the Word, as appropriate. And if the Lord's will, you will see me again after I left.
During this conversation, Paul Divine, the vase of election, arrived in turn. He saluted the Mother of God, and fell at his feet. Opening the mouth, he poured it before the torrents of his praise.
- Rejoice, Mother of Life and purpose of my preaching! I have not enjoyed the sight of Christ my Lord before His ascension, but it seems to me to see Him looking at you!
Alongside St. Paul stood his disciples Saint Dionysius the Areopagite, the admirable Yerotei, Timothy, and other apostles of the Group of Seventy. The Holy Spirit had been counted worthy to receive the ultimate blessing of Mary the Virgin all-blessed, and conduct his funeral in the fullness of honor. Calling them each by name, she blessed them, praising their faith and hard work they displayed to preach Christ. She wished everyone the eternal bliss and prayed God to protect the world and grant him peace.
the fifteenth day of August came, and with him the third hour of the day. It was the time set for the death of the all-holy Mother of God. The Holy Apostles lit many candles, glorifying the Lord. The all-pure Virgin was lying on his bed, dressed for the occasion, ready for the blessed beginning. She longed awaited the arrival of his Son and Lord.
Suddenly, the house was ablaze with light ineffable glory of God, which darkens the light of candles. The disciples were frightened of this splendor descending from heaven. And here that Christ came, the King of Glory, surrounded by an innumerable multitude of Angels, Archangels, Powers of Celestial souls of righteous, holy ancestors and prophets, who had once talked about the All- Holy Virgin. The Lord came to His Mother. Seeing his son, the All-Pure He wrote this song Customary
- My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has looked upon the lowliness of his servant!
Recovering from her bed, she promptly went to meet her Lord and bowed before him. He looked at her loving eyes and said
- Come, my very-close! Come, my dove! Come, my pearl of great price! Enters the abode of eternal life!
Bowing again, she replied:
- Blessed is Thy Name Glory, O Lord my God! You have chosen me, me Your humble servant, to accomplish the Mystery! Remember me in your eternal kingdom, O King of Glory! You know how much I loved with all my heart. I kept the treasure that you had confided. Now, receive my soul in peace, and protect the world from darkness! She did not fear the attacks of Satan!
Lord reassured her of her sweet words, urging him to not fear the power of Satan that he had walked, and invited him to ride boldly from the earth to heaven. She cheerfully replied:
- My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is ready!
Then, for the second time, she said, "Let me according to Thy word! Then she lay on her couch and is very pleased to see the bright face of her Son, our beloved Lord. Burning with love and spiritual joy, she gave her soul in His hands, without suffering, as sinking into a very sweet sleep. That was generated it corruption-free and painless birth tenderly took his most holy soul, and did not allow his body to see corruption.
immediately rang merrily singing sweet angels, who often took over the words of Gabriel: "Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women! "Solemnly accompanied by all the heavenly orders, the most holy soul was carried to heaven in the hands of the Lord.
The eyes of the Apostles were worthy of this divine vision, the people who had once gazed fondly Ascension of the Lord on the Mount of Olives. After the first fright, followers bowed before the Lord into heaven the soul of His Mother. Surrounding the layer and shedding tears, they saw the face of Mary the Most Holy shine like the sun. The most pure body exhaled an indescribable perfume surpassing all the scents of this world. This perfume, no human tongue can describe. All embraced the holy body with reverence and fear, the worshiping with honor, sanctifying themselves in contact, and receiving in the spiritual heart of the ineffable joy that emanated from the all-holy Mother of God. At the touch of the All-Pure, the patients recovered their health, the blind eyes lit up, deaf ears were opened, the lame feet strengthen, the evil spirits fled, and all evil would disappear.
After all these wonderful events, they set in motion that would lead the procession to the grave the body of Mary, so pleasing to God. First, St. Peter, St. Paul and St. Jacques, followed by other Brains, raised the layer on their shoulders. In mind, St. John the Theologian was radiant and royal scepter. The rest of the congregation walked around the holy Apostles with candles and censers, punctuating the dirge. St. Pierre intoned, and all followed in perfect agreement. They sang the psalm of David, "when Israel went to Egypt," punctuating each verse with an Alleluia. Then we added other songs and solemn psalms of thanksgiving, guided by the Holy Spirit who led the lips of singers. Body acceptable to God the all-pure Virgin was brought gloriously through Jerusalem, to Zion Gethsemane. A circle of clouds had formed over the layer, such a great and clear halo crown of an unusual light. Above this cloud could be heard singing a very sweet, all that could be collected. The cloud accompanied the All Holy to the grave.
Along the way, a sad event took place. The people of Jerusalem, consisting mostly of Jewish believers, was alerted by these unknown songs. Seeing the procession, he left homes, astonished that such glory and such were given to honor the Mother of Jesus. Learning this, the high priests, drunken jealousy and anger, dispatched their servants, their soldiers, and a crowd brandishing weapons and stakes to disperse those who carried the body of Mary, kill the disciples of Jesus, and burn their remains. When those preparing mischief that came with fury, armed for battle, the circle of cloud layer that crowned the corpse was lowered to the ground, protecting the holy Apostles and those accompanying them. Thus, the dirge was seen by all, but those who sought to harm could not see anything. Holy Angels, who stood invisibly over the holy body and the choir of the faithful, struck blind the bad guys who banged against the walls of the city, looking for helping hands.
He arrived, however, that a mysterious plan, God would perform a greater miracle. One of the priests saw the cloud lift, revealing the multitude of faithful carrying candles around the Apostles, and the layer of the All Holy. Renewing itself with the old jealousy of our Lord, he said: "What an honor to have given birth to this body the liar, which destroyed the law of our fathers! Taking advantage of its strong build, he rushed furiously upon layer to overthrow the very body of our pure Sovereign. But when the insolent hands reached their goal, they were decided by an angel wielding a sword invisible God's vengeance, and hung miserably on the layer. The high priest collapsed. Then, realizing his sin, he cried sadly
- Woe is me!
And turning to the Apostles, he added:
- Have mercy on me, servants of Christ!
The Holy Apostle Peter commanded stop the convoy and said
- You got what you wanted! Therefore understand that the Lord is the God of vengeance! The God of vengeance will act boldly! We can not heal your wound. And our Lord, against whom you are unfairly high and that you killed, do not want to grant you healing if you believe in Him with all thy heart, and if thy mouth confesses Jesus as Messiah and Son of God!
Immediately the high priest cried
- I believe He is Christ the Savior of the world, announced by the prophets! We too had begun to believe in Him, but out of jealousy, we fell into the darkness of wickedness, and we did not want to praise the greatness of God. We unfairly conspired his death. But by the power of the Godhead, He rose again the third day, we cover all ashamed, we who had hated. We tried to hide His Resurrection by bribing the guards, but we could not achieve, because the rumor had spread everywhere. After this confession
burning repentance, the holy Apostles and the faithful rejoiced with all the angels, because there is joy over one sinner who repents. Peter commanded the high priest to apply his arms at the end of the hands that hung on the trench coat, and invoke the name of the Most Holy Mother of God. Having thus, the high priest was healed on the spot. Its members became again healthy. Only one kind of thread indicated the passage of the sword. The new convert worshiped layer, adored Christ God born of the Virgin most pure, and magnified the long one that had given birth, offering generous praise from the prophecies concerning him, or about Christ his Son. All were amazed at the healing, and these very wise words that sang the glory of Christ, and praised the all-pure Mother of God.
The high priest joined the Holy Apostles and accompanied the procession to Gethsemane. Many who had been blinded became aware of their sin and showed repentance. Guided to the Mother of God in faith to touch his sacred bed, they found the sight and eye health of the soul.
The apostles and the multitude of faithful reached the village of Gethsemane. They filed the layer near the tomb bearing the holy body. Then rose again the cries and lamentations of the people. All were crying to be orphans. All were crying that they were deprived of such property. Everyone prostrated himself before the body of the all-holy Mother of God, embraced the watered with her tears and gave her one last kiss. It is with great difficulty we managed to put in the tomb at night. And when a large stone came to seal the burial, the crowd could not get away, both attached to the love of the Mother of God.
The Holy Apostles
lingered for three days in the village of Gethsemane, singing and chanting day and night at the tomb of the all-pure Virgin. During these three days, you could hear voices in the sky very sweet Almighty, who sang and praised God and glorified His Mother.
By a decree of providence, it happened that the Apostle Thomas was absent at the burial of the glorious all-pure Virgin. It is only the third day he arrived at Gethsemane. It was very sad for not being worthy, like the other Apostles, the last blessing and the ultimate kiss of the all-pure Mother of God. It also saddened to have seen the glory of God, and the wonderful mysteries that occurred during the Dormition of the All Holy, and the path that led his body to the grave. The Holy Apostles, sympathetic to her grief, took counsel and decided to open the tomb to allow him to see the body of our Sovereign Lady the Mother of God, worship him and kiss his lips to relieve his sentence and find a cure for her sadness. When they lifted the stone, they were terrified, because the tomb was empty. The body of the Mother of God there rested more. You could not see the shroud, which exhaled a perfume sublime and powerful. The Apostles were in great perplexity. They reverently kissed the shroud, wept and prayed together the Lord to kindly tell them what had happened to the body very clean. Arrived at night, they sat down and fortified by a bit of food.
Our all-holy Lady, Mother of us all, had once brought joy to the whole universe at his Nativity. At its Dormition, she would not hurt anyone. Moreover, it sought to console each with his mercy, even his enemies, she is the Mother of the merciful goodness of the King.
At mealtime, the Apostles had adopted a pious custom: they left an empty place among them, whose location was marked by the presence of a cushion. They laid on this cushion a piece of bread, called by the Lord. After lunch, they got up, gave thanks, raised from the Lord, glorifying the Name of the Blessed Trinity, and ended their prayer by saying: "Lord Jesus Christ, help us! Then they ate the Lord as a blessing. They had this holy habit, not only when were together, but when each was alone.
So that night at Gethsemane, while their minds were wholly concerned to know where could well be the most holy body of the Mother of God, the end of the meal arrived. They built as usual from the Lord, and glorified the Blessed Trinity. And now resounds in the air singing angels. Looking up, the Apostles saw the all-pure Virgin and Mother of God, standing, living amidst a multitude of angels, illuminated by ineffable glory. The All-Sainte told them: "Rejoice, for I am with you until the end of days! "Filled with joy, instead of pronouncing the usual" Lord Jesus Christ, help us! "They said:" Most Holy Mother of God, help us! "And from that moment the Holy Apostles, and the whole Church with them, were assured that the all-pure Mother of God was resurrected on the third day by his son and his God, and taken to heaven with his body. Going home to the tomb, they took the coat, which became a comfort to the afflicted and truthful testimony that the Mother of God had indeed raised from the tomb.
It was not appropriate because the Tabernacle of Life was selected by the death and left in the corruption of other creatures, he who had given birth in the flesh incorruptible Author of all creatures. The legislator was not ignorant of His own law, and as a loving son, he honored as Himself His Mother undefiled, the rising again the third day to the lead in the celestial world, according to the prophecy of the divine David: Arise O Lord, to enter into Thy rest, Thou and the ark of Your holiness! "These prophetic words were thus a double accomplishment: the Resurrection of the Lord and in the resurrection Mother of God. Like that of her Son, the tomb of the Mother of God, carved into the rock, is empty until today, and offered to the veneration of the faithful. Divine providence saw to it that St. Thomas was not present for the Dormition of the all-pure Mother of God. Thus the tomb was opened, and the Church of the Resurrection assured of the All Holy. And the Resurrection of Christ was evidenced by the lack of faith of Thomas.
Thus took place the Dormition of our Sovereign all-pure and all-blessed Mother of God. His body was buried and immaculate. Advinrent and his glorious resurrection and its rise to heaven in the flesh. After these admirable and divine mysteries, the Holy Apostles returned, carried on the clouds, to the country of their preaching.
And now how to describe our Sovereign, the all-pure Virgin and Mother of God, while living on this earth? Here is what St. Ambrose says: "In its flesh as in spirit, the Virgin was humble. His speeches were wise. She was assiduous reading, vigilant in its work, slow to speak, and chaste in his conversation. She conversed with men as if she was talking with God. It offends no one, wanted good to everyone, not despise no man, he was miserable, was not mocking anyone, and magnified everything she saw. Everything that came from his lips was the bearer of grace, his actions were something virginal. His dress betrayed the inner perfection, compassion, absence of malice. "
But alongside this character so holy, what was his appearance? Here's what Epiphanius and Nicephorus relates, "She was worthy, constant in all things, speaking little, and only if it was necessary, rather simply to listen. It was no less eloquent, and get to know all honor and veneration. It was open to all without laughing or disorder, and, better yet, without anger. His height was average. His face had the complexion of a grain of wheat, her hair was auburn, his eyes piercing and his eyes as the fruit of the olive tree. His eyebrows were very black and tilted his rather large nose, his mouth like the rye-flour, full of sweet words. Her face, neither pointed nor round, slightly elongated. His fingers were very long. It was unrelated to any bragging, simply, unable to simulate anything, without any weakness, with great humility. Its clothes were simple, made of natural stuff, like show us His holy veil. Abundant divine grace accompanied each of his acts. "
And how is it now in heaven at the right hand of the throne of God? We should hear about it the mouths of angels, archangels, and the righteous, who stand before her, and are filled with God's face and her sweet face! These people can talk about it after their dignity. And we, who glorify the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God in Trinity of Persons, also boast the all-pure Mother of God, and worship it fervently, that it is glorified and magnified by all generations for ever, amen!
Everything about the early life of the all-pure Virgin and Mother of God has been partly described in the homilies on other parties: the Conception, the Nativity, the Entry to the Temple, Annunciation, Nativity of Christ and the Holy Encounter. We will add here, after the story of her Dormition, a few words about the life of our Sovereign after the Ascension of Christ.
St. Luke writes in Acts of the Apostles after the Ascension of the Lord and His disciples left the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem, and entered the Upper Room where the Last Supper was held. There, in the same spirit, they persevered in prayer and supplication with the women, and Mary, the Mother of Jesus. After the departure of the Lord, the All Holy became their only comfort, solace in their sorrow. She strengthens and instructed in the faith. All she had kept in her heart the words and miracles, since the good news of Gabriel on the design without seed and the birth of Christ in her womb, through childhood of the Lord until His life before baptism John, all that she did know the kind followers of his Son. As she stood in the Holy Spirit revelations raised on the divinity of Christ and the meaning of his works, it could do a detailed account of acts done by the power of God before the Lord made himself known to the world. All this greatly strengthened the faith of the Apostles.
They prayed together so in the Upper Room, awaiting the coming of the Holy Spirit whom the Lord had promised to send from the Father, and prepared to receive donations. Ten days after the Ascension of Christ, when the raid took place in the Holy Spirit, like tongues Fire on the Holy Apostles, the Comforter began based on the very dignified and very valuable Virgin, who was already a beloved home for him and pleasant to stay permanently. The all-blessed Virgin received a greater share of the Holy Spirit as the Apostles. The bigger the vessel, the more it can hold. As proclaimed by the Church, the all-pure Virgin, the Holy Spirit is for an output greater than all the others, larger even than the Apostles, Prophets, and Saints: "Verily, you are higher than all, O Virgin Pure, for you have content, more than all the graces of the Spirit Holy! "
Once the Lord had said on the Cross" Behold your son ... Behold your mother ", the all-pure Virgin moved into the house of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian, on Mount Zion. The disciple took her home and served as his own mother. After receiving the Holy Spirit, the Apostles did not immediately dispersed throughout the world, but long remained in Jerusalem, as evidenced by the Acts. After the death of the first martyr Stephen, there was a great persecution against the Church of Jerusalem. The Apostles and the faithful departed miners in all Judea and Samaria, leaving the heads the Apostles. Protected by God, they remained for nearly ten years in the holy city, until King Herod raised his hand to persecute the Church. While some Apostles left Jerusalem momentarily, (Peter and John went to Samaria, Peter healed Aeneas the paralytic at Lydda, revived Tabitha at Joppa, baptized the centurion Cornelius in Caesarea, founded the first apostolic throne in Antioch, Jacques, brother of John, went to Spain) they always came back for the salvation of the Israelite people and the consolidation of the first churches, their mother at all. As sung by Saint John Damascene: "Hail, Holy Sion, mother of Churches, remains of God, you first receive the remission of sins! But the apostles returned to Jerusalem to meet the all-holy Virgin and Mother of the Lord and hear his divine words. They saw her as the representative of Christ, and beheld his worthy and very holy face as if he had been the face of the Savior Himself. They listened to his gentle words filled with an inexpressible spiritual joy, forgetting their sorrows and misfortunes. Their hearts enjoyed the honey of speech of the all-holy Mother of God.
A host of new baptized, coming from distant countries, hastened to Jerusalem to see the Mother of God and hear his very holy speech. Like that of Christ the Savior, the glory of His Immaculate Mother reached the ends of the earth, as evidenced by the Epistle of St. Ignatius the God-Bearer, sent from Antioch to Saint John the Theologian: "Here we have many women who want to see the Mother of Jesus, and trying each day trip to visit her, touch her breasts that have suckled the Lord Jesus, and learn some of her mysteries. His fame and Virgin Mother of God, full of all graces and of all virtues, has come down to us. They say she gaily through the persecutions and misfortunes, it grieves neither poverty or deprivation, it is not irritable or against those who do evil but rather provides its more benefits, it is soft at happy events, merciful to the poor it helps as it can. When people are hostile to our faith, she knows how to resist them with force. She teaches the faithful the new piety, reverence, and good works. She loves above all humble and lowly shows itself in respect of others. Anyone who saw the lot rent. She is patient when the leaders of the Jews and Pharisees make fun of her. Trustworthy men told us that in Mary the Mother of Jesus, holiness unites human nature to that of angels. All this arouses in us a strong desire to see this amazing and heavenly miracle. " In another epistle for St. John the Theologian, St. Ignatius the God-Bearer wrote: "If I could, I would like to visit you see the faithful gathered there, and especially the Mother of Jesus. They say all find it amazing, worthy, and very kind. All want to see. Who would want to see this Virgin and interview the one who bore the true God? "
These letters show great desire to see the holy sanctity of Mary, the all-pure Virgin. It is understandable that those who were worthy could say blessed. Verily, blessed are the eyes that have seen it, after Christ the Savior, and ears that were worthy of hearing the words coming out of his mouth invigorating inspired! What comfort and what thanks do they were not met!
Our Lord left His Mother on earth to live, that by his presence, his tips, His teachings, and his fervent prayers to her Son and her God, the Church militant multiplies, take courage and boldness to acquire the blood to resist to his Lord. The Mother of God brought each strength and consolation of the Holy Spirit, she prayed for everyone. When the Apostles were arrested, she addressed a prayer to God, full of compunction, and an angel of the Lord was sent at night to open the prison doors. When the first martyr Stephen was led to death, she followed the crowd from afar. While they were stoning Iosaphat in the valley, near the brook Kidron, she was with John the Theologian on a nearby hill, and prayed fervently to the Lord that He fortify the Protodeacon in suffering, and receive his soul in His hands. When Paul set upon the Church, she addressed such fervent prayers to God for the persecutor, He changed the wild wolf in lamb sweet, the opponent as an apostle, the persecutor to disciple and teacher of the universe.
And what other benefits the early church did she not received the all-pure Mother of God as a little child of his mother? What thanks did she not drawn from the inexhaustible source, until than high by reinforcement of grace, she had reached maturity and was so firmly established that the gates of hell could anything against it? The Mother of God was full of joy, like a mother who welcomes his children (Ps.112: 9). Every day, she saw the growth of children of the Church: at first, the preaching of Peter won three thousand souls, then it was five miles, then multitudes ... Later she learned that the Church of Christ won everything in the universe. Those who were returning to Jerusalem after the sermon came to tell him everything. As she was looking forward to this good news, praising his Son and his God! But now Herod
unleashed persecution against the Church, and beheaded Jacques's brother John, who was returning from Spain. He also grabbed Peter, he put him in prison in booking the same fate. After the miraculous deliverance of the Prince of the Apostles, the first among the Apostles decided to turn to leave Jerusalem for Jews to flee. They dispersed throughout the world, having drawn the mission countries. Before their departure, they composed the symbol of faith, so that all planted in their hearts with one voice the holy faith in Christ. They left all these distant lands, except St. Jacques, the Lord's brother, who was appointed first bishop of Jerusalem by Christ Himself.
St. John the Theologian left Jerusalem with the all-pure Mother of God, flee away momentarily to the woes that caused the Jews jealous, and giving way to anger at the cruel persecution and martyrdom. Not to remain inactive, they set out for Ephesus, that John had drawn. There is a letter addressed to the clergy of Constantinople and drafted at the Third Great and Holy Ecumenical Council, held in Ephesus against Nestorius. It contains the following sentences: "Nestor, author of the impious heresy, called by the Holy Fathers and Bishops of the Council of Ephesus, where once stayed John the Theologian and the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, excludes himself, Confused by his bad conscience, and dared not come. Because of this, after being summoned three times, he was condemned by the just judgments of God and holy Synod Fathers, and was stripped of all priestly dignity "
all-pure Virgin went to Ephesus and other cities and regions to visit newly baptized. She went to Antioch to meet St. Ignatius the God-Bearer, as she had promised in writing: "I will come unto thee with Jean to see you, you and those who are with you." It is said that she also went to Cyprus to visit Lazarus, risen from the fourth day was bishop, and on Mount Athos. Report the story of the monk Stephen Athonite:
"After the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, the disciples were gathered in Zion with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, awaiting the Comforter, in the order of the Lord they had prescribed not to leave Jerusalem and await the fulfillment of His promise. Later, they drew lots for the country in which each was to preach the gospel of God. The All-Pure said,
- I too want to draw lots with you, so you do not remain destitute country that God will give me. The Apostles
nodded with fear and reverence to the words of the Mother of God, and he pointed out the land of Iberia. The all-pure Mother of God received the news with joy. Immediately after receiving the Holy Spirit in the form of a tongue of fire, she wanted to go on this earth. But the angel of God said:
- Be not far from Jerusalem at the moment, but stay there for a while! The fate will become clear in recent days! For a time, you will have to toil in a land that God will tell you much.
And the All-Pure remained for a long time in Jerusalem. Yet Lazarus, risen from the fourth day, resided on the island of Cyprus where he was consecrated bishop by the Apostle Barnabas. In his great love, he wished to review the all-pure Mother of our Lord that he had not seen for ages, but he dared to visit Jerusalem for fear of the Jews. Having understood this, the Mother of God wrote him to console him and ordered him to send a boat so that she could come visit him in Cyprus. On reading the letter, Lazarus is very pleased. Touched by such humility, he quickly sent it to a boat and a courier. The all-pure Mary went to sea in company with John, the disciple virgin, and other brothers who followed them with reverence. The ship sailed for Cyprus. But suddenly, a contrary wind arose and the ship was diverted from its route to a sheltered cove on Mount Athos. This was for the Mother God's little penalty as the angel had predicted.
The Holy Mountain was so full of idols, there was a large temple and a sanctuary of Apollo. There were accomplished divination, magic, fireworks and other demonic. The Greeks worshiped many such places, where they came from afar to worship the god, and receive a reply that they consult diviners. When the Mother of God landed, a loud cry burst from all the idols of the peninsula
- down the mountain to the creek Clement, all of you who have been seduced by Apollo, and welcome Mary the Mother of Jesus, great God!
Thus the demons inhabiting the idols, compelled by a divine force, announced the truth against their will, as formerly the Gadarenes who cried to the Lord, what have we to Thee, Son of God? Are you here to torment us before the time? Hearing this, the people ran to the creek surprised and saw the boat of the Mother of God. He received the Most Holy with honor, asking how she had given birth to God and what was his name. God opened his mouth, she announced in detail the good news of Jesus Christ, and all worshiped the God she had given birth to and worshiped. The All-Pure performed many miracles, and the people who found faith, was baptized. Choosing a leader among his fellow passengers, it establishes the master of the newly baptized. Then, rejoicing in spirit, she said
- This site, chosen by lot, was given to me by my Son and my God!
Then she blessed the crowd and added:
- The grace of God abideth on this place and those who live with faith and piety in fulfilling the commandments of my Son and my God! Goods necessary to life on land will be abundant for them, without having to provide too much effort. Heavenly life They will be prepared. The mercy of my Son will not dry up here until the end of time! As for me, I am the Protector of this place and its fervent intercessor before God!
Having said this, she blesses the people again and sailed for Cyprus with John and his retinue.
Arrived on the island, she found Lazarus in great sadness. Concerned about the delay of the Mother of God, he feared that the storm had caused him any wrong. He indeed knew what had happened by the providence of God. But the presence of the Mother of God was soon changed his affliction into joy. The All-Holy and offered him a omophorion headlines she had made herself for the occasion, and told him everything that had happened in Jerusalem and Mount Athos, thanking God for everything. She spent some time in Cyprus, comforted and blessed the church of the place, then returned to sea to Jerusalem. "
In the holy city, the Mother of God again lived at the house of John Zion, protected by the almighty hand of God deicides jealous and synagogues, which were constantly fighting the Son of God and those who believed in him. In no way, these wicked Jews would have supported the Mother of Jesus remained alive if Providence had not protected, and they would certainly striven to destroy him. But the infidels could not get hold of the Tabernacle of God, as once in Nazareth on His Son Himself, when He was led by a crowd full of fury at the top of the mountain on which the town was located, to be precipitate the top of the cliff. From among them, He walked away without Jews furious might not put their hands on her tormentors. They could not touch one I saw their eyes because they were restrained by the invisible force of God. His hour had not yet come ... The all-pure Virgin lived then in the middle of a many enemies hate like a sheep among wolves, like a lily among the thorns, repeating aptly the words of his ancestor David: The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the protector of my life, before whom I tremble? Though an army encamp against me, my heart will not fear, if a fight begins against me even though I keep hope! and again: if I go to the darkness of death I will fear no evil for You are my Son and my God, Thou art with me.
St. Denis the Areopagite, who had been baptized by the Holy Apostle Athens Paul and remained with him for three years, also came to Jerusalem to visit and venerate the Mother of God, with the blessing of his master. Having seen what he had longed to meet, he expressed his joy at the spiritual leaders of the Apostles in a letter: "It seems impossible, and I confess to God, my guide and my good master, that Outside of the Most High God, we can find more divine power and admirable grace, indeed inconceivable by the mind of man, that this person, I saw not only the eyes of the body but also those of the soul. I have seen firsthand the Mother of Christ Jesus our Lord: it is the image of God, more holy than all the heavenly spirits. God's grace, the magnanimity of the Prince of the Apostles, and the indescribable goodness gracious Virgin herself, allowed me to see her. I confess before the omnipotence of God, before the Savior's grace, to the dignity of the Blessed Virgin His Mother, Where, with Jean, Prince of Evangelists and Prophets, who, while residing in the flesh radiates like the sun in the sky, I was ushered to the front of the all-holy Virgin, created in the image God, a bright light and boundless lights me not only outwardly, but especially inside, filling me with so worthy and wonderful fragrances that my weak body and my mind could not bear the signs and fruits of all these beatitudes and glories eternal. My heart and my mind exhausted before that divine grace and glory. I testify by God, who lived in the virginal womb, as if I had not been stored in my newly enlightened mind your divine teachings, I thought she was the true God, and I would have adored as it should worship Him. No glory, no honor can not be conceived in the mind of man glorified by God, to the extent of bliss that I tasted in that moment, me unworthy. As I was fortunate and blessed to have been rendered worthy of the time! I thank God for that the very top and very good, the divine Virgin, the Apostle John extraordinary, and you, Prince of the Church and master victorious for having shown mercy with such a blessing! "We understand from reading these lines divine grace which came from the face of our all-pure Sovereign when she lived on earth, and how lit up souls and rejoiced the hearts of those who saw in the flesh. An innumerable multitude of newly baptized men and women converged on it from all backgrounds, receiving his gifts, like a true mother, equally and impartially. His grace and enriched everyone rejoiced, healing the sick, firming the weak, comforting the afflicted, strengthens faith, providing the assurance of hope, the divine sweetness, love, and the amendment of sinners.
all-pure Virgin often went out of the house of John to visit places that her amiable son had sanctified by His presence and His blood. She visited Bethlehem, where he was born to her in a manner ineffable, without breaking the seal of her virginity. She went round all the places where our Lord suffered voluntarily, spraying copious tears of a mother's love, saying: "There was killed my son very friendly, there He was crowned with thorns, He went out there carrying His cross, He was crucified. " Near the tomb, which was won by a joy unspeakable, she said: "There, he was buried and rose again the third day gloriously."
And yet it is written: some Jews hate announced the high priests and scribes that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, went every day to Golgotha and the tomb where his son had been filed, bending knees and grieving. So do we put a guard at the tomb to prevent access to the Christians. It is clear that the pious custom of visiting the holy places and to worship Christ God wished to suffer for us had been introduced by the Mother of God herself, soon followed by the faithful. A guard was then placed by the scribes and high priests, who were still breathing threats and murder, to prohibit access to all of the tomb of Jesus and kill his mother Mary. But God blinded the eyes of the guards so they do not see Mary. So she went as usual to visit these places without the guards might not see her or his companions. After some time they went to swear to the high priests and scribes that no longer came to visit the tomb.
The Mother of God went so frequently on the Mount of Olives, where our Lord had ascended to heaven. Kneeling down, she kissed the footprints that Christ's feet had left on the stone. She prayed there and God the Son that He was willing to take with him, too, because more St. Paul that she wanted to be freed from the flesh and live with Christ. She often repeated the words of David: When shall I come and appear before me the face of God? My tears have been my bread day and night (Ps.41 0.3 to 4), when will I see my beloved Son, when will I go to Him who sits on the right hand of the Father, when shall I come before the throne of His glory, when can I have my fill of the sight of His face? O my sweet son, O my God! It's time to be merciful to Zion, it's time to be merciful to thy mother, who in this sad vale of tears, deprived of the sight of Thy most holy face! Bring forth my soul from the prison of this body! As the deer longs with flowing streams, so my soul desires Thee, O God! (Ps.41, 2) if I'm satiated lorsqu'apparaƮtra Your glory!
all-pure Virgin was accustomed to dwell on the Mount of Olives, in the village of Gethsemane, on the side of a small hill planted an orchard, which had formerly Zebedee acquired and who was now the legacy of St. John the Theologian. Our Lord had prayed and sweated blood in the orchard before His passion voluntary, and there fell to his knees face before His Father in Heaven. Subsequently, it was in that same orchard that His all-pure Mother spread her fervent prayers, kneeling, too, face against the ground, flooding the ground with his tears. There she was informed, through the angel, his impending transfer to the sky, and was comforted. Before his death, all-pure Virgin had two appearances of the angel, as the story of the church historian, George Kedrinos: first, a fortnight before her Assumption, and the second, three days before. At this time she received the last part of the palm tree of paradise that St. John the Theologian then turned to his bed mortuary.
Some have written, like Saint Meliton, Bishop of Sardis, as Saint John the Theologian at Ephesus was before the Dormition of the All-holy Mother of God, and he was, like the other apostles, delighted in a cloud for attend the funeral of the Most Pure. But others, like Metaphrastes Sophronios and assert with confidence that St. John was not far from the Mother full of grace, he became the adopted son and that he always served as a son serves his sincere mother, keeping it in his house until he died happy. But he happened to get away for short periods in the surrounding cities as evidenced by the Acts, but he always did with the approval and blessing of the Mother of God. During his brief absence and return to St. John, St. Jacques is the brother of the Lord and First Bishop of Jerusalem, who watched over the All-Pure, which in no case he never left his episcopal throne. If, as the story of some, the Theologian was delighted with the clouds like the other Apostles, probably for some town nearby. That
know also that the Dormition of the all-pure Virgin and Mother of God should be solemnly celebrated on the fifteenth day of August! The ceremony was instituted during the reign of the pious Byzantine Emperor Maurice. In celebrating his joy and transfer to the heavens rejoice as one who was born from her and led her to heaven in glory, Christ our God, glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever, amen!
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