Homelessness, prostitution and First Nations
order to shed light on the problem of homelessness experienced by many members of First Nations in Val-d'Or Native Friendship Centre has commissioned a field study, published in the last year. Among the findings on prostitution. This Val-d'Or, it is related to the problem of poverty and drug and alcohol affects many people living in homelessness. Although prostitution is not just about Aboriginal people, Aboriginal women are particularly affected. They prostitute themselves to pay their rent, but also for their own consumption and often also that of their spouses. They also suffer a lot of abuse from customers who fled without paying, abuse them, etc.. Most often, they do not report these abuses, lack of esteem and considering they are not taken seriously by the authorities. Confirming the results of the study, conducted a police operation last year in Val-d'Or led to the arrest of 28 prostitutes, 21 were indigenous.
Document Survey field on the needs of homelessness in Val-d'Or is available online:
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