Monday, April 14, 2008

Ball Gowns Under £50.00


I find it came to the idea that everything that feeds me from God and should be welcomed with respect and gratitude. I do not think just what nourishes my body, but anything that makes me live: music, reading, sunsets, flowers, with my family, etc.. Anything that makes me happy in one way or another is a visitation of God who comes to feed me, who just make me live with that.

Looking at an apple, I can say. This apple will give me energy, which will give me pleasure in the act of eating was created by God in order to send me life, for it is Life itself and the Source of all life. The pleasure I feel in certain activities is a sign that is good for me, this is the plan of God for keeping me alive, to transfer part of its Energy Being in my being.

I know that the criterion of pleasure is not infallible in discerning the energy value of an activity. There may be deviations and abuses. The fact remains that most pleasures are "noble", plus they live. Things that are good for physical health, psychological and spiritual are nutritious for both body and soul. Eat a good apple is good for all my being, reading a good book is good for my whole being. The pleasures associated with physical activity, intellectual activity and spiritual activity are positive, they recharge, boost, build, update the whole being.

A very partial list of such activities may include: a good meal with of loved ones, a sport or recreation (movies, books, music), the discovery of a concept or solving a problem, the services that I pay, individual or community prayer, the times when I laugh and I laugh, the reunion with people I love. This kind of experience feeds the whole being. This is how God comes to me. The pleasure of food is a gift from God and comes to meet me.

God is the Source of all that exists outside it. Everything comes from him and everything is kept in continuous existence by him. It supports our being in its very existence, but it also sustains us all that is part of our living environment, by everything that keeps us alive, for everything that makes us live. Plus we are close to the source, the easier it is to drink, find our "sustenance" to the Source of our being. Eternal happiness will finally be able to drink directly from the Source.

As a mother feed her family is a gesture of love, God feeds us with love. It is so different from us that the food he gives us must be adapted to our level of being. There is the Creator and creation. In creation there is the matter "inert" and living matter. Living matter is fed energy from inert matter directly or indirectly (the live feed on live). Among the living, there are human beings who are multidimensional, multifaceted before eating. Without wishing to divide the human being who is simple, we realize the diversity of what makes us live as we have various sizes to feed and that pleasure is for our whole being. The attraction pleasure leads us to choose among the things in our nourishing.

As Jesus is God to us, God among us, God within our reach, everything we do to get closer to him, we hang him, unites us God our original and ongoing source of Life. When our Lord Jesus Christ said that His flesh is real food, he said that his whole person is what really makes us live. If we were to really adhere to Christ, we would have very little need of earthly food, as well Christ as his food was to do the will of his Father, so our food would do the will of Christ.

Save The Date Necessary

Mass and Mission

The next question I received from Committee for Theological Reflection Development and Peace at the International Eucharistic Congress: " The Eucharist has anything to do with solidarity work locally or internationally? If yes, what meaning do you give him from such a commitment? " Here's my answer.

My involvement in Development and Peace, as all my human and Christian commitments, finds its source and food in the Eucharistic celebration. For me, the last part of the Mass continues in my life. From the Our Father, prayer for peace and for peace, through communion in the risen Christ (sent by the Father who sent me to like him), until the blessing and Sending followed by the singing of transmission, I feel inserted into a missionary mode. The Mass becomes a springboard for me, sending a mission, energizes me to serve my fellow human beings during my week. I get peace in person to become a peacemaker in my environment (and in all corners of the world through my involvement in Development and Peace).

The Mass has a social dimension. The "Do this in remembrance of me" does not apply only to the Rite of the Eucharist, but also in imitation of the Servant which is the deck to wash the feet of his disciples. If Mass does not persist in serving the poor, commitment, there is a dimension missing. If the Mass is "the breaking of bread", if the bread is broken and shared symbolically in the Eucharist is to encourage us to do the same in our lives by sharing our resources with the poor. "Ma" Communion is not only union with Christ, it is union with his Body the Church. If the Mass is a private matter without extension name, if it does not fruit in my life support, solidarity, justice, dedication, commitment, development and peace, I spend next to something essential. When I celebrate the Eucharist, I just rebuild my relationship with the Servant who wants I join his brothers in need.

Every Eucharist renews mystery of Easter is a mystery of liberation from evil in all its forms, by the death and resurrection of Christ. Passover commemorates the liberation of Jews from the land of slavery. Our Eucharistic celebration is also a passage from slavery to freedom, from death to life. By participating, I've risen from the dead with Christ, so that I turn to all those who are bowed under the weight of injustice, to help them in the name of Christ to recover and to become turn carrier Resurrection. The Eucharistic Christ who came to break the chains of our slavery to desires us to become our next (near and distant) of replacement strings. Work for Human Development is a human work and applying the Christian world the fruits of redemption that we enjoy in the Eucharist.

Christ told us to celebrate the Passover meal until he returns. We proclaim at every Mass after the story of the institution: "We await your coming in glory. "Universal peace in the" new heaven and new earth " which the Eucharist is the germ and anticipation, is the model of the kind of society we must strive by our commitments. We are far from being reached, but the vision of the Promised Land of which the Eucharist is the pledge drives us to work to create a bit more in the world today.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Almee-1 Jpee Drugs Green

Things We Lost in the Fire

I found this remarkable film. I will not elaborate on the plot (a slow pace, the effective use of flashbacks), the game characters (the actors glaring truth in demanding roles), photography (intimate, very big and very big shots), etc.. I would follow the spiritual side (in the broadest sense of the word.

I would first try to summarize without betraying (the sequence n is not very straight): Bryan, good father and good husband, is also a good friend Jerry who are stuck in heroin, which brings tensions in his marriage to Audrey. Bryan was killed trying to help an abused woman by her husband. Audrey sends her brother Jerry Neal looking for funerals. Later, she decides to offer his garage as a residence to Gerry, in exchange for his help. Since the death of Bryan, Gerry tries to recover. It establishes a good relationship with both children and neighbor of Audrey Howard. He attended the Narcotics Anonymous. In a moment of anger, Audrey thrown out and he relapsed into drugs. She goes looking for him and with the help of Neal, takes care of him. She convinces him to go to a rehabilitation home. This overview is far from doing justice to all the excitement that this movie streams. The atmosphere is dark, but it dosed light moments and comedy, as in real life.

The film's title alludes to the fact that when the garage was burned down with all sorts of valuable documents, Bryan said the principal was no one was hurt, that's what mattered that people come before things.

At the end of the film, I said that the communion of saints! The characters are weak and suffering and yet being open to the needs of each other, they managed to get out some of their hole. All characters, major and minor, are trying to help each other. The late Bryan is the catalyst. The memory of his goodness motivates survivors to do better, to get up and help others to recover.

"Accept the Good. "This little phrase (an adage Bryan) comes back a few times during the movie. It's like the legacy of Bryan. Audrey and Jerry each need to live this lesson to deposit their burdens. Emphasize the positive often seems less natural than emphasize the negative. Welcome the good things in life can seem difficult when things go wrong, but is light in darkness.

God as such is absent from the film, or hidden behind the scenes. Gerry has something like a rosary around her neck and her friend NA wears a kind of cross on her necklace. The latter asks Jerry why he never stays for the Serenity Prayer at the end of their meeting. This is not a film "Christian, but Christian themes is everywhere: love of neighbor, donated his life (again) fall and redemption, etc..

There are many "good feelings" and clichés in this film. This is not a film of well-being, but rather a reflection film on grief, addiction, redemption. As often is removed from a movie or a book what brings, it is likely that Mr. and Mrs. All-the-world, like myself, will love this work and be affected. People whose values are ossified surely find negative things to criticize. For me, I choose to accept the good and try to enjoy it.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hmong Online Store Cheaters

Formula to write a novel?

a) The history

- The story takes precedence over all, the plot drives the book.

- is built, structured, structured, focused for a settlement: the initial situation, the trigger, the events, the outcome and the final situation.

- is divided into many separate scenes (like a movie) that each have their units, interest rationale.

- There are twists, shifts, things that will upset the situation of the characters.

- Anticipation is possible because of signs and advertisements, but there are detours and surprises, false leads, question marks, a progressive revelation of information.

- dialogue, descriptions, cultural references, geographical, historical, are important.

b) Characters

- The characters are glamorous: class (very) simple, attractive, high color, wonderful and friendly, they have charm.

- The characters are searched.

- The characters have values that attract us, which we can identify, they have good feelings.

- These are beings who love and danger, which may worry.

- As we know them, we discover flaws, tears, often related to their childhood.

c) The atmosphere

- The author succeeds in engaging the reader, to establish a relationship with him. This accessory is necessary for the reader agrees to continue reading despite the improbabilities and be receptive to messages.

- The reader is touched, it was an emotional reaction to the characters, situations, events.

- The author draws the reader into his story: it is board, you get spoof, but there is interactivity.

- Objectivity is suspended for adopting the subjective world of the novel is accepted as the improbable probable, it reacts as if it were true.

- The author engages the reader in a conversation at the level of feelings and intellect.

- The novel is an escape from everyday life: it is a journey into an imaginary world that can see reality differently.

- Reading creates and leaves a feeling of well-being.

d) Service

- The book makes you think about the values, philosophical or religious landmarks, the direction of life.

- It allows you to take consciousness, existential questions, new perspectives.

- It addresses the big themes: death, fate, family, friendship, relationships, etc..

- It has a message, a thesis, a worldview, life lessons.

- It promotes a lifestyle, an existential choice, a moral.

- It may have its messages directly or symbolically.

e) The style of language

- The style is a deviation from the standard language. This gap can be of various orders, but it aims to produce an effect in the reader. What differentiates the use of words and sentence structures in an author?

- Style is how to use various means of expression of language: word choice, sentence composition (syntactic, semantic and rhythmic), the literary devices (images, figures of thought or feeling), the terms of narrative (narration, description, dialogue), etc..