Monday, April 14, 2008

Ball Gowns Under £50.00


I find it came to the idea that everything that feeds me from God and should be welcomed with respect and gratitude. I do not think just what nourishes my body, but anything that makes me live: music, reading, sunsets, flowers, with my family, etc.. Anything that makes me happy in one way or another is a visitation of God who comes to feed me, who just make me live with that.

Looking at an apple, I can say. This apple will give me energy, which will give me pleasure in the act of eating was created by God in order to send me life, for it is Life itself and the Source of all life. The pleasure I feel in certain activities is a sign that is good for me, this is the plan of God for keeping me alive, to transfer part of its Energy Being in my being.

I know that the criterion of pleasure is not infallible in discerning the energy value of an activity. There may be deviations and abuses. The fact remains that most pleasures are "noble", plus they live. Things that are good for physical health, psychological and spiritual are nutritious for both body and soul. Eat a good apple is good for all my being, reading a good book is good for my whole being. The pleasures associated with physical activity, intellectual activity and spiritual activity are positive, they recharge, boost, build, update the whole being.

A very partial list of such activities may include: a good meal with of loved ones, a sport or recreation (movies, books, music), the discovery of a concept or solving a problem, the services that I pay, individual or community prayer, the times when I laugh and I laugh, the reunion with people I love. This kind of experience feeds the whole being. This is how God comes to me. The pleasure of food is a gift from God and comes to meet me.

God is the Source of all that exists outside it. Everything comes from him and everything is kept in continuous existence by him. It supports our being in its very existence, but it also sustains us all that is part of our living environment, by everything that keeps us alive, for everything that makes us live. Plus we are close to the source, the easier it is to drink, find our "sustenance" to the Source of our being. Eternal happiness will finally be able to drink directly from the Source.

As a mother feed her family is a gesture of love, God feeds us with love. It is so different from us that the food he gives us must be adapted to our level of being. There is the Creator and creation. In creation there is the matter "inert" and living matter. Living matter is fed energy from inert matter directly or indirectly (the live feed on live). Among the living, there are human beings who are multidimensional, multifaceted before eating. Without wishing to divide the human being who is simple, we realize the diversity of what makes us live as we have various sizes to feed and that pleasure is for our whole being. The attraction pleasure leads us to choose among the things in our nourishing.

As Jesus is God to us, God among us, God within our reach, everything we do to get closer to him, we hang him, unites us God our original and ongoing source of Life. When our Lord Jesus Christ said that His flesh is real food, he said that his whole person is what really makes us live. If we were to really adhere to Christ, we would have very little need of earthly food, as well Christ as his food was to do the will of his Father, so our food would do the will of Christ.


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