Monday, April 14, 2008

Save The Date Necessary

Mass and Mission

The next question I received from Committee for Theological Reflection Development and Peace at the International Eucharistic Congress: " The Eucharist has anything to do with solidarity work locally or internationally? If yes, what meaning do you give him from such a commitment? " Here's my answer.

My involvement in Development and Peace, as all my human and Christian commitments, finds its source and food in the Eucharistic celebration. For me, the last part of the Mass continues in my life. From the Our Father, prayer for peace and for peace, through communion in the risen Christ (sent by the Father who sent me to like him), until the blessing and Sending followed by the singing of transmission, I feel inserted into a missionary mode. The Mass becomes a springboard for me, sending a mission, energizes me to serve my fellow human beings during my week. I get peace in person to become a peacemaker in my environment (and in all corners of the world through my involvement in Development and Peace).

The Mass has a social dimension. The "Do this in remembrance of me" does not apply only to the Rite of the Eucharist, but also in imitation of the Servant which is the deck to wash the feet of his disciples. If Mass does not persist in serving the poor, commitment, there is a dimension missing. If the Mass is "the breaking of bread", if the bread is broken and shared symbolically in the Eucharist is to encourage us to do the same in our lives by sharing our resources with the poor. "Ma" Communion is not only union with Christ, it is union with his Body the Church. If the Mass is a private matter without extension name, if it does not fruit in my life support, solidarity, justice, dedication, commitment, development and peace, I spend next to something essential. When I celebrate the Eucharist, I just rebuild my relationship with the Servant who wants I join his brothers in need.

Every Eucharist renews mystery of Easter is a mystery of liberation from evil in all its forms, by the death and resurrection of Christ. Passover commemorates the liberation of Jews from the land of slavery. Our Eucharistic celebration is also a passage from slavery to freedom, from death to life. By participating, I've risen from the dead with Christ, so that I turn to all those who are bowed under the weight of injustice, to help them in the name of Christ to recover and to become turn carrier Resurrection. The Eucharistic Christ who came to break the chains of our slavery to desires us to become our next (near and distant) of replacement strings. Work for Human Development is a human work and applying the Christian world the fruits of redemption that we enjoy in the Eucharist.

Christ told us to celebrate the Passover meal until he returns. We proclaim at every Mass after the story of the institution: "We await your coming in glory. "Universal peace in the" new heaven and new earth " which the Eucharist is the germ and anticipation, is the model of the kind of society we must strive by our commitments. We are far from being reached, but the vision of the Promised Land of which the Eucharist is the pledge drives us to work to create a bit more in the world today.


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