"Russian athletes of piety in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries"
(Edition of Mount Athos)
Monk genuine scholar, and confessor of the Christian faith, the hierarch Innocent bore the name of Hilary before leaving the world. He was born May 30, 1784. His father was a clerk of a church in Pavlovsk, on the outskirts of Moscow.
Since childhood, Hilary showed great modesty. While studying at the seminary Perervinsky Moscow, he was also the name of Smirnov, which means calm, peaceful. When he had finished his theological studies, this time at the seminary of the Lavra, was appointed teacher. Four years later he was promoted to inspector. Feeling the monastic vocation, he received the tonsure in the same year. In 1810 he was appointed superior of the monastery Ougrech, and later the monastery Znamensky. In 1812 he was honored as winner of the theological sciences Theological Academy in St. Petersburg, and the rank of Archimandrite. In the capital, he distinguished himself by his gifts as a preacher. In 1813 he was rector of the theological seminary, a professor of the Academy, member of the Theological Censor, and superior of the monastery of St Sergius.
History Teacher of the Church, Archimandrite Innocent was unwilling to depend on foreign scholars, so he decided to personally verify events same historical sources, and compile their own notes. Thus arose under his pen an outline history of the Church of biblical times until the eighteenth century , work which was reprinted many times and soon formed the only reference book in seminaries . But there were other notable works, including theology active, the test comment on the first two psalms , and comment Symbol of Faith.
On holidays, Archimandrite Innocent withdrew to the monastery of St Sergius, and without preparation, pronounced sermons inspired. During those years, her service was continually rewarded: he was elevated to doctor of theology, Archimandrite of the first order, superior of the Monastery of Novgorod-Iourev, and even received the Medal of St. Vladimir Equal-to Apostles, the second degree. However, this is not so much activity outside of this extraordinary man who deserves attention, but his precious inner life.
Since his youth, aspired Innocent the ascetic life. One day, during a reading, he was struck by the portrait of a true servant of the faith as a brush Saint Paul in his epistle to Timothy. Therefore, he began to pay particular attention to himself. As he was very humble and deeply penetrated the consciousness of his unworthiness, he began to judge harshly. His piety soon changed into a strong spiritual feeling, which made him fear any word or action unfair, and engage in a constant battle against the subtle movements of the pride and pleasure. Name of the Lord became for him a weapon at all times. Her fervor was so intense he was often away from a reading or an interview to hide her tears. He loved to teach people simple, and sought to noticing what his faults. If noted in others a sincere desire of amendment, he scolded. His intellect was so pervasive that it seemed to guess the secret thoughts or desires of his interlocutors. It also revealed some hidden sins. To those who sought from him some instruction, he set forth the absolute need to remember anywhere, any time of the Name of Jesus Christ: "The Name of Jesus Christ like a flaming weapon in the hands of the Seraphim, protects us from attacks of temptation. This single, large, and priceless name remains in our hearts! It is in our mind and our memory, our imagination, our eyes and our ears, the doors and the doorway at the table and on our couch. It will make our spirit strong in front of the enemy, we will grant eternal life, and teach us wisdom without the aid of any reasoning. " He also taught the invisible power of the sign of the Cross. Fleeing the fire as the empty words, he repeated to himself: "Innocent, remember that thou shalt be justified or condemned by your words! "(Mt.12, 37)
When he taught, Archimandrite not looking eloquence, however, his words were always lively impression of strength and vigor. During the Divine Office, we perceived that he was standing before the Lord Himself. It betrayed the intense prayer of his heart to the sighs and tears that punctuated his ecphonèses.
Innocent could not endure the judgments. One day they made him part of infamous slanders about him, he replied: "Do not blame the brother, but please! How could I be upset with my enemy? My clothes even he is not there to remind me of the lack of rancor small children? "So he cut short any conversation about the faults of others.
Innocent deeply saddened of the moat that separated the life of Christian duty. He was amazed at what people spend time in the theater of divine to spend much money, and that the rich are reluctant to give a penny for the care of churches.
One day, a poor ragged hermit visited Innocent, who offered him of his clothing. As the hermit refused, Archimandrite said: "Brother, if you do not accept this garment in the name of the Lord, I give to a poor or a brother on the road." The monk finally agreed and concluded by saying: "Now you got me dressed. Will come when you impoverish yourself: then the Lord will clothe. Then I think you accomplished for the floor: giver to the poor lends to God and receive a hundredfold . This prophecy is fulfilled in his time.
A night burned continually before the icons of the cell Innocent. Despite the weakness of his body, exhausted by toil and fasting, he would often say to their knees in prayer of the publican: God, be merciful to me a sinner!
activity of Innocent at St. Petersburg lasted seven years. It was surprising by the complexity and diversity of tasks: he was the time administrator, teacher, critic, researcher, senior preacher, ascetic and spiritual father. But this bright torch began to run out yet. The intellectual effort overworking his fragile health. One night, tired from the preparation of notes next day he lay on the ground near the lectern to wake up quickly to conclude its work. But he caught cold, became seriously ill, and could never really recover.
capabilities, reputation and activity of Innocent presaged a brilliant career. According to custom, after one or two appointments, he would probably be called a cathedra famous and historic, where his work could reach great heights. But the Lord gave His servant worthy of an early finish his working life and, moreover, not to finish in glory, but the tribulations incurred for the truth.
During the reign of Alexander I, Russian high society enjoyed a passion for what we then called the spiritual Christianity. This erroneous teaching, often opposed to Orthodoxy, leaning to the negation of the Church and gave birth to unhealthy mysticism sects, the precursor of heretical tendencies emerged thereafter. This movement was protected by the President of the Holy Synod, Prince Golitsyn, a very influential figure.
The heart of the Archimandrite Innocent was hurt to see this teaching spread. It is also not embarrassed to express his opinion on the books that were broadcasting: "The Christian who will not judge soundly enough tears to be paid on injuries that can open these books in schools. Full aberrations and fallacies of psychological harm if they reason that the soul shudders at such a reading. "
In 1818, a Stanovitch wrote a book entitled interview on the grave of a little child about the immortality of the soul, which will bring consolation if a foundation for the faith of the Church accurate. This book pointedly criticized the fallacies of the so-called spiritual Christianity that hawked periodicals and translations. Archimandrite Innocent was forced to browse the book Stanovitch in his capacity of censor. Full of zeal for the purity of the faith, he said according to the doctrine of the Orthodox Church.
Archimandrite Filaret, Metropolitan of Moscow future, advised to be cautious in Innocent disapproval of Christianity spiritual: "We archimandrites, we can not save the Church of errors infiltrate it and it is better to contact the Metropolitan, as his voice carries more weight than ours. " Innocent but considered that it had to act, even if his attempt does would not be successful, "Do not tell the truth means lacking courage. Should we not talk because you can not see the dawning success? Success is not our business, but that of the Lord! Our problem is to testify to the glory of the Lord! "
Stanovitch The book was published and aroused the indignation of the Prince Golitsyn, and revenge. The prince also knew from the beginning of Innocent disapproval. The author of the book, which was a poor helpless man, was expelled from Saint Petersburg. On 6 January 1819, the book was banned by the highest authority. A very severe remonstrance was made for Innocent "have unwisely authorized a work that tends to destroy the spirit of education within a Christian. Moreover, in its opinion on the immortality of the soul, the author relates the defense of our Greek-Russian Church only attacked anyone. This book is totally opposite to what guides our Christian government in the spiritual and civic life. "
It was now clear Innocent did not stay long in St. Petersburg. Despite this, the wind would turn six years later for the book Stanovitch with the new Minister of Education, which published the following decree: "Many books related to faith containing erroneous commentaries of the Holy Scriptures have been published privately without any examination of the Synod on the contrary, books written in the spirit of our Orthodox faith have suffered a severe ban. Thus, the book published under the title interview on the grave of a little child about the immortality of the soul was prohibited and set aside. This book has been reviewed and approved by the Metropolitan, and we hereby authorize its publication and its dissemination. "
In January 1819, the persecution raged against Innocent. You can have an idea of his impressions from the letters he sent to a dedicated. "It is nice to hear," he wrote on January 7, charges on which the conscience is at peace. " And January 8: "I do not reprimand, and my soul is even more weakened. By meeting the Prince at the palace on the day of Epiphany, I noticed that he was deeply offended. Between us, I prayed for him by offering to the Lord and bloodless sacrifice, I know not why, I prayed with tears of compunction. God grants it and the heart softened. Without peace between the prince and me, it would be difficult to appear at its meetings; he can not stand me. So should I be thrown out like garbage spiritual and the sweepings of St. Petersburg. If this pleases the Lord, surely for the good of all and especially for my good. It is sad that this poor author that I left past the work was expelled in twenty-four hours. I am the cause of this, fool me. If his book was not passed, it would still be there at his post, and at peace! "
Archimandrite Innocent was appointed to the cathedra of Orenburg and consecrated bishop on March 2 at the Cathedral of the Mother of God of Kazan. That day, his face beaming with spiritual joy. In the evening in his cell, he said to a monk: "I am an unworthy servant and was honored with the dignity of the holiest! "Then he sang a hymn of thanksgiving to the Most Holy, and then the hymn "Here is the Bridegroom who comes in the middle of the night." His eyes were full of tears. He ended by singing: "I see Thy bridal chamber, O my Savior! "
Innocent health was deteriorating more and more. "The road to Moscow is not very long," he wrote, but death is even closer. When will she? It is not known. But suddenly she comes ... On March 23, Metropolitan interceded with the Tsar was transferred to the Innocent cathedra of Penza and Saratov, because of the weakness of his nature and his ill health. He was urged to first go to Moscow to consecrate a bishop, following the death of the Archbishop of Moscow.
the day of departure, many people gathered to His Eminence Innocent. He offered one of his sermons to each of his disciples, saying: "I give you this in remembrance of me. Over time, comparing your work to mine, you can say as they wrote poorly once! I loved you and wanted to make you happy. But now I leave you confident God. Learn patience! "He left many items to her admirers. Then came the moment of departure. "At this moment I got into a car, pray that the Lord will sustain my weakness. How much weight on my head, my eyes, my mind, and more on my heart! How the Lord will bless he start this? I give him everything. That these arms are stretched to Him alone. That's my desire! "
The journey from Moscow completely exhausted Innocent performing the coronation, with difficulty:" I left Thursday with great difficulty for the nomination, and I came back half conscious. Sunday, I celebrated at the Cathedral of the Dormition and I perform the coronation. The Lord only gives the forces necessary to accomplish so great work. The audience questioned whether I could finish what I started. I trembled myself, half-conscious, hoping but hardly believing in the Lord's mercy ... After the end of the Liturgy, I had difficulty in regaining my carriage. I hardly remember how I came to the apartment where I treat myself. As I will not be cured, I will not go in Penza: they think the way they want! "The celebration at the Cathedral of the Dormition, icy this time of year, completely deteriorated health of Innocent. He had to spend three months in Moscow. It probably was suffering from dropsy. At first, it lacked everything. Subsequently, he received the care of pious people, touched by the suffering of the persecuted. Thus were fulfilled the words of the pilgrim. The biggest help came mainly from the Countess AA Orlov, who leaves the lasting memory of a devout Orthodox.
Innocent suffered a lot mentally. The storm that erupted over his head shook a lot this gentle soul, "There is a fear in me people, I'm afraid they might hurt me. It is the disease that creates the fear in me. " When at last the bishop could leave, the Countess was accompanied by a doctor, surrounded by all amenities, and assumed all expenses of travel. The trip took place in line. "Pray that the Lord bless my path and my life. It softens the disease so I can continue my earthly life I want, even intermittently, and the effect of His goodness, to His holy Name spend. "
June 21, Innocent came in Penza. The weather was beautiful. The crowd was gathered on each side of the road, near the cathedral and inside. All were concerned about the unhealthy aspect of the new bishop. The intense suffering had printed a large pallor on his face. Her voice trembled with weakness. After the service of thanksgiving, His Eminence gave a homily on the theme of peace.
Despite the illness, the new bishop left no Sunday or any holiday celebration without or sermon. His teachings greatly impressed his flock. He preached with tears. When he offered the bloodless sacrifice, he became animated with new life, especially when he invoked the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the gifts. He prostrated himself in tears, and despite the weight of vestments on his sickly body, it does not allow deacons to support it. He was absorbed in prayer so that once, after the singing of the cherubim, he did not even notice the commotion that won people to the news of a fire that broke out in the episcopal residence.
There was a lot of work to reorganize the diocese. The clergy was not up as expected. The episcopal residence was "like a cabin or a bad hostel": its floor is raised under the feet, the windows were broken and smoky, the rain passed through the roof. The ranger had taken possession of the lands of the bishopric. In short, everything was correct.
After inspecting churches and theological institutions of the city, the bishop began a tour across the diocese. It had great difficulty when he saw the poverty of the churches. Some had no Bible, nor any of the books needed for the celebration of the ecclesiastical cycle. They were sometimes only three or four vestments, including one in silk and other fabric. The visit to Saratov, however, made a good impression to the bishop. There were ten churches. At the cathedral, Archbishop Innocent was a sermon on the text: with me Magnify the Lord and exalt His name together . "When I pronounced the words magnify the Lord with me , I wanted to embrace everyone to magnify the Very High. The people were many. The cathedral, narthex and its square were full of people. "On the third day of his stay in Saratov, the bishop, totally exhausted, took to his bed.
Two weeks later, he returned to Penza, where he continued to look after the affairs of his diocese, and this even on his deathbed. Learning that the school board and would repeat his theological Church History he was concerned with the review. It's just if the doctor could convince take his medicine. The patient's eyes were constantly turned to the crucifix. A week before the end he gave a thousand rubles for the maintenance of poor students of church property in the district of Penza.
- Who should we thank?
- Jesus Christ!
He was so weakened he could not even lift a glass of water. Yet he did not let go until the end of the pen. The late fall and rain only increased his suffering. He had more than skin and bones. Emanated from him yet calm, compunction and reverence. He said he looked a lot like St. Dimitri of Rostov, "This is not a big deal to have a superficial similarity. If only the grace of God made me worthy to approach him in spirit! "
During this last illness, no one heard the patient push the slightest whimper. If someone sympathized, he cut short by saying: "God wills it! "The night of Oct. 9, he called his servant cell and told him: "What a wonderful vision I had! It seemed that the heavens had opened! Two young men dressed in bright whites are descended from the heights towards me, looked at me with love, took me with them myself so weak, and raised me to heaven. My heart was filled with joy unspeakable and I woke up! "
On 10 October morning, His Eminence asked the holy anointing, gathering her remaining strength to repeat the prayers and raise a little. Then his tongue began to go numb, his breathing stopped, and he crossed his arms over his chest. Those present for the release décroisèrent breathing, but he passed them again.
The suffering went on until six in the evening, but the face was peaceful. Then someone began to read the Psalter. In Psalm fifty-four, the tears flowed and heard the dying words: I cried out to God and the Lord answered me! Then when they heard me And Lord, I trust in You , Bishop Innocent heaved his last breath and his soul departed peacefully to God. So he fell asleep October 10, 1819, in his thirty-sixth year, seven months after being bishop, including three in his flock.
The funeral service, to the astonishment of all, was celebrated by his predecessor, then retired in Penza. The inspector of the seminary, Archimandrite Basil, later Bishop of Tobolsk, delivered a remarkable and touching speech: "Why hide from us so fast, light of our eyes? Why do you know your bed at the very dawn of your life? Scarcely if we had time - and some have not been - to give you the first kiss, and you demand the latest already. Rise up, good shepherd, and hear the cries of your children call you! Be careful with the sobs of orphans who dump at your feet with tears of gratitude! The slow recognition of the cores penetrated thy goodness has not had the time to offer a sacrifice worthy of you already that you give your soul to your sheep. What love can be higher and stronger than this one? Oh, if only our tears can revive your heart, as once they were revived by your words! But now he has fallen asleep And only the trumpet of the angel will have the strength to wake up! In vain our rebel yell come from disturbing your quiet rest, if necessary after all these labors. Receive the crown of righteousness awaits you for your faith and your spiritual feats! Unite yourself in spirit with the Lord, which thy mouth was ever the name, this name was also engraved in your heart. But do not abandon us, even after you left! "
Innocent was buried under the altar in the Cathedral of Kazan, Penza. The locals celebrate to this day offices for the repose of the soul their pastor. The memory of this zealous defender and right to the truth of Christ, this being dedicated and without malice, pure soul of this little child, the good shepherd, is kept by those who devoutly wish to treasure the integrity and purity of Orthodoxy.
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