(Treasury of Saint Tikhon of spiritual Zadonck)
Whoever leaves his home and his homeland to settle a new land is about to live in abroad, passing traveler. In this world of calamity away from the heavenly homeland, the Christian is also an alien, a traveler passing through. We have here no lasting city, but we seek the the future, says the holy Apostle Paul (Hb.13, 14). David also confesses I am a stranger with You, a pilgrim, as well as all my fathers (Ps.38: 14). And he adds in his prayer: I am a stranger on earth, do not hide Your commandments (Ps.118: 19).
The man who was exiled in a foreign land is stepping up efforts to achieve the goal that motivated the exile. Christians, called by the Word of God and renewed by the Holy Baptism for eternal life also increases the effort not to be deprived of it because it is won or lost in this world.
The man who lives in a foreign land is acting with fear, as it evolves in unknown environments. The Christian is afraid of everything in this world: it guards against evil spirits, sin, illusions, wicked and ungodly.
All deviate from abroad and are wary of him because he is not one of them. Those who love the world, the son of this century, moving away as the true Christian and hate him because his conduct is opposed to theirs. The Lord says elsewhere: if you were the world, the world would love his own good, but because you are not the world, but I chose you out of the world, the world hates you (Jn.15, 19). It is said that the sea does not keep the bodies, but rejects them. The fickle world, too, rejects the pious souls, dead to the world. Whoever loves the world is his brainchild, but he who despises his desires is illusory enemy.
man passing in a strange land acquisition is not: neither house or garden, or anything like that, except the bare necessities of life. The true Christian knows that nothing in this world is immutable: it must abandon everything, even his own body. We brought nothing into the world as well, we can carry nothing out (1Tim.6, 7). That is why the true Christian seeks nothing else in this world than necessary, according to the words of the Apostle: therefore when we have food and raiment, let us be satisfied (1Tim.6, 8).
The alien return to his homeland with movable property, such as money or goods. Movable property that the true Christian can carry with him into the other world are his good works. They are the ones that seek to raise here, such as a commodities trader who acquires spiritual. With them also he will appear before the Heavenly Father. To this we called the Lord Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroy, where thieves break in and steal that (mt.6, 20).
The son of this world are concerned about the corruptible body, but the pious care about the immortal soul. The son of this world are searching for temporal and earthly treasures, but the pious souls yearn for things eternal and heavenly that eye has not seen, nor ear heard them, and which are not mounted in the heart of man (1Cor.2, 9). Gazing with the eye of faith this wonderful treasure and inconceivable, they despise all earthly riches.
The son of the world run after the glory of this world, but true Christians seek the glory of heaven, their true homeland. The son of the world adorn the body with valuable clothes, but the son of the Kingdom of God seeking to decorate their immortal soul with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience (Col.3, 12). The son of this world are fools and madmen, they seek that which has no value. The son of the Kingdom are reasonable and wise, they are interested in what holds the eternal bliss.
bored foreigner away from his homeland, the true Christian is boring and painful to live in this world. For him, everything here below is reverberates with exile, banishment or prison, since it is far from his heavenly home. Woe to me because my exile lasted , "said David (Ps.119: 5) surrounded by the chorus of sighs of all the saints.
bored foreigner in a foreign land, but it is good because he remembers what motivates his exile. The true Christian too bored in this world, but bear it as God directs, keeping in mind the memory of his homeland. Jews exiled to Babylon from Jerusalem languished ever, they waited fervently return. True Christians are in this world on the shores of Babylon, sat weeping and groaning at the recollection of the heavenly Jerusalem (Ps.136). We are full of boldness and prefer to leave this body to go home with the Lord (2Cor.5, 8), Saint Paul says, sighing.
The son of the world attached to him as a country, a paradise, so they do not want to leave. But the son of the kingdom away from him by heart, and endure all sorts of hardships to reach their homeland, because for a true Christian, Life in this world is a suffering and a cross.
When the alien comes home, his parents, his neighbors and friends are looking forward to his return, greet him, wish him welcome. When the true Christian ended his pilgrimage here below, and comes to the heavenly homeland, the angels and saints welcome her arrival. When the stranger returns home, he saw no danger in peace. So the true Christian reached his heavenly home to rest, no longer afraid, and lives in bliss and joy.
So look, O Christian!
Our life here is nothing but a trip: the land is mine, saith the Lord , and you are to me as foreign and Breakfast (Lev.25, 23).
Our true homeland is not here but in heaven. For her we were created, called by the Word of God, and renewed by the Holy Baptism.
We must not, given our heavenly calling, look for land or property we attach, except for the necessities: food, clothing, shelter ...
The Christian should desire nothing else in this world that life eternal where your treasure is, there will your heart (mt.6, 21).
Whoever wants to be saved must detach his heart from the world until his soul has not migrated to the eternal habitations.
He who seeks wealth or fame he shows the world and not heaven for country: he understood his mistake the day he died ...
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