Thursday, July 9, 2009

Signs A Scorpio Man Is Interested In You




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The thought that our existence is called sinful and corruptible to stop at the end of the world is very old thinking. The prophets of the Old Testament have expressed themselves. But it must be said that in the New Testament, the new awareness of Christian humanity makes shudder under the impact a very special wind. Christ the Savior, both through His Word by His divine incarnation in human nature, addresses the question of the end of this sinful and mortal existence, that is to say, the end of this world and the beginning of a new existence, this time immortal.

The holy incarnation of God and the mysteries it contains precisely the new cache immaterial existence and the end of the old material existence.

The fact of the appearance of God in human nature shows clearly that this nature has been the germ of another existence of God.

Church sang it with gladness hymns in mysterious and difficult to grasp the consciousness that has not yet been informed : "We are celebrating the killing of death, destruction of hell, the beginning of another life eternal. "

The arrival of Christianity in the world introduces this new life, eternal Christianity, the religion of triumph of the eternal over the temporal, of the mortal immortal, incorruptible on the corruptible.

Christianity is the religion of resurrection. In it, the old and corruptible existence is abolished, destroyed hell, the old man and his world are corruptible and asked to die, so that animated the new man, incorruptible, immortal, the man in the Resurrection living in heaven.

The end of the world finds its place in true Christianity. Then disappear to mortal mankind give way to another kind, immortal, angelic. The Christian who seeks to extend this mortal life is childish does not understand Christianity, it does not the mysteries (cf. Mt.19, 12).

The mystery of Christianity is great. If mankind continues to exist mortal because he is unable to contain the mystery in the mud of his spiritual development, it may not contain the mystery of Christ's immortality.

Few are those who access this mystery. Some are from birth, and others when developing their spiritual awareness reaches a certain stage. Then the human race ever mortal in them, they become the bearers of a new kind of immortal. In them to reveal the beginnings of another life eternal.

The first to bring this eternal life in their humanity were the Apostles, which had been regenerated by the Spirit of God, and after them came the holy monks and all the saints. The Apostles were the first to know by experience the beginning of a new life , divine, and outside of time. For this reason he uttered in this world who live in evil, in this life time, these prophetic words: "Children, this is the last hour the world and its desires pass " (1Jn.2 0.18 to 19).

Since the advent of the new Christian consciousness, and his new outlook on life, has turned the thoughts of the end of the ancient consciousness of the end of this transient world, Such a heavenly light very special. The first Christianity was particularly swamped by the light, which achieved experimentally by a living sense of the heart, the new , the other . He rejected the old acutely, without concession. His conscience and illuminated, it rejected the old world and its image in the darkness of nothingness.

This acute sense of living and awareness of the Christian end of the world resonates strongly in the words of the apostle: "This is what I say, brethren, that time is short. That now those who have wives be as those who do not are those who mourn as those who do not cry, those who rejoice as those who do not rejoice, those who buy as those who do not, and those who use this world as those who did not USED BY because of this world Password (1Cor.7 0.21 to 30).

What majestic view of the world in the words of the Apostle! The world is but an image, the fleeting shadow, but not the object itself! What spiritual conception, foreign to the carnal existence! What a lively and acute perception of the world, this shadow, this fleeting image!

Having seen eternity as a new life, the saints have said that this world is but the fleeting image of the invisible world. Unfortunately, this acute perception of life and living news has not been received by the Christian peoples. She has found refuge in the solitary cells of hermits and ascetics of Christ. The lonely were the bearers of this new life, another existence of the God-Man. They walked along the path of faith in Christ and this faith gave them the experiential awareness of the mysteries of Christ's eternal Kingdom, the wonderful miracles of our wonderful God, who was wonderfully in them.

outside Christianity became worldly and pagan. It has adapted to this world to live carnal and material for the sake of being carnal. He does not know the wonderful miracles of our wonderful God. The new existence does seem to be the preserve of solitary.

The light illuminating the miracles of our God admirable light illuminating the new existence from the earliest days of Christianity until today, comes from these solitary elect of God, that is ie monks. It comes from these large families of monks or hermits, where, in the laboratories of the Spirit fulfilled the great mystery.

Life on earth is bound to turn into a life in heaven. Thick and dark matter must spiritualize and shine rays of another world. Corpulence sinner must change into a holy flesh. The tears of repentance should turn into wine of joy eternal. The earthly man is destined to become a heavenly angel.

In the heat of battle and falls inside secret cell of the human mind falls into materialism, matter is transformed under the influence of divine power. The human spirit deprived transformed into flesh, crawling in the dust lusts, is released gradually from lust, and, under the inspiration of grace, acquires wings to rise from the earth to the heavens where it is illuminated by the rays of the sun never sets, shiny Its light, turning light, as is said: "You are the light of the world" (Matt. 5:14).

corruptible flesh and dark, the eternal companion of the mind and the slave of passions, seeing the transfigured spirit and clear, is transfigured itself by its light becomes translucent and incorruptible, and shines a ray another world.

Man land turns into heavenly angel, when his conscience darkened glow of sunlight without decline.

Of fire fights and tears arises the new life, eternal, incorruptible, who will unveil the mysteries of the Kingdom of God here on earth, in the light of new creatures choir, the choir of the saints .

The path to this universal light celebration of the Resurrection and the Transfiguration of creation, to unveil the mysteries of the Kingdom of God on earth, was indicated by the Lord Himself who said: "I am the Way." The opportunity to follow this route and the fullness were given through the mystery of the incarnation of God.

But humanity has received superficial Christianity as the religion of a new morality, and religion not as a miracle, the Resurrection, the active manifestation of a life different and new. In doing so, she gave herself on the sentence completion. In delivering his God and Savior to the cross (because living Christianity in the century is equivalent to crucify God), she condemned herself to the inevitable catastrophe.

The time given to mankind for the acquisition of divine life shall end. The ability to change again, to be transfigured, is dismissed. It is found that the human will is now manifesting in a negative, nasty, and even hate towards everything that comes from God. And that accelerates the maturity of the final catastrophe.

The notorious sign of the approaching end is the destruction of these points of light illuminating the darkened land, that is to say the destruction of monasteries and hermitages, the destruction of monasticism.

The last rays of spiritual light to shine above the earth came from cells of Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov, fathers of Optino, the righteous John of Kronstadt and a few others who lit up the earth Distressed their flickering light, light in the evening before dusk, light the end.

Even if this light also contained a heavenly smile, shook his rays a secret sorrow for the sinner and not transfigured world which is doomed. This clear recent affliction saints reflected the decline of Christianity, announcing the new day we get closer.

Now we are in the dark of night, we entered a dark time. Our path crosses without the light of the moon and stars. Will we, individually and orphans, to the gates of the new spiritual existence? Will we be illuminated by the rays of the sun never sets? Reach us, weak and exhausted as we are, the other bank of the Sea passions? Will we see the happy shores of the New Earth? What if we cross the boat of the Apostles is broken?

But let us remember that when the Apostle of the Gentiles was saved with his companions, it was only on the debris of the ship (Act.27 0.40 to 44). That's us, the weak and hesitant, a prophecy and encouraging healthy, we keep coming acedia, discouragement and despair.

Let us hold high the debris we, and we shall be saved by the apostolic preaching stirred the abyss of existence fleshly and perishable we reject the mainland's new life, spiritual and divine.


The disappearance of monasticism and materialism are the signs of the end. We find today theophorous spiritual guides, and what remains of Christians is brought to seek salvation in the writings of the Fathers, the prayers and tears. The "debris" of the ship are for us the apostolic writings of fathers and salutary tears. It is by clinging to the debris that we seek salvation and that we enter the new life and spiritual.

The former existence is the loss and destruction. It is nothing but sand where the Savior said that the "house built on sand is dropped (from 7.26 to 27 Mt). And that also fall every soul that builds on the sandy land greed, love of the flesh, the outward piety.

The writings of the fathers and the tears of repentance before God is the only healthy basis on which the house of the soul can resist destruction. There is no way for us to find spiritual direction pneumatophore, this has disappeared. The books are also beneficial disappear, according to a definite plan, according to a system.

The spiritual leadership in monasticism existed among craftsmen experienced spiritual practice. Unfortunately, monasticism depleted from the inside, and with her spiritual practice and the mystery of new life. Therefore the guides also scarce. The phenomenon is already old, and its progress imperceptible.

Already in XIV th century, Saint Gregory of Sinai complained that he had toured the Mount Athos to be among the thousands of monks only three vessels of grace, which had reached some understanding of spiritual practice. Our holy hierarch blessed Ignatius Brianchaninov, wrote a hundred years ago that the guides have become so rare that one can almost say that there are more.

We can consider it a special grace of God to see a monk to find the end of his life, having exhausted his body and soul in monastic asceticism, a vessel chosen by God, impartial, small eyes and big men before God.

For example Zosimus found, beyond all expectation, once in the desert, on the other bank of the Jordan, the great Mary.

Following the scarcity of teachers pneumatophores patristic books are the only source that can drink from the thirsty soul who wishes to acquire knowledge of spiritual achievement, knowledge that is highly needed.

The monasteries, which are the guardians of the spiritual light, have destroyed themselves by losing their basis, that is to say, the spiritual practice. The abandonment of the practice and appeal to the well-being outside, the glory and splendor of decency, were a heavy sin and transgression promises a bold monastic. The forbearance of God has not supported this audacity, she delivered the ruling to the transgressors, destroying monasteries and removing monasticism. Here monasticism has reduced port of coat and an outdoor practice. Many people have followed this path of monasticism outside and disfigured, forgetting the true God of monasticism, spiritual and secret. Such a way to not attract the blessing of the Lord.

The New Adam, the God-Man, the Lord and Savior, is the prototype of a new humanity and monasticism was destined to be the bearer of the living God to humanity.

A spiritual path has been indicated for this, in which the spiritual soul renounces the thoughts, dreams, lusts of the flesh, and is committed by the monastic practice, in a life intangible, spiritual and angelic. By losing this spiritual life, monasticism loses its right to exist before God. This disaster was visible for a long time, but only by some monks spiritually blind. Among these, there are the holy hierarch bearer of grace Brianchaninov Ignatius, writing in his time: "In Russia and elsewhere, monasticism ends his time has been set. Monastic contemporary society has lost just conception of spiritual practice. Without it, monasticism is a body without a soul. That's why I do not expect the restoration of monasticism. "

We have recently seen the completion of these terrible prophetic lines inspired by God. The monasteries, which formed the basis of the Russian Orthodox, have collapsed, and with them monasticism, which was the basis for the Orthodox Christian soul, which collapsed in its wake.

The dreaded signs of the end of the world are emerging in the Christian world. Monasticism was the salt which preserved from decay. Since salt loses its strength is that approaching the end of the world. Save me Lord, because there is no more holy! (Ps.11, 2) The human world was spiritually depleted, he has aged. He can no longer produce those containing and wore his mystery. The mystery of the world is none other than the mystery of Christianity. The world exists to this mystery. If those who carry this mystery disappear, the world must turn away.

Holders of the mystery were the holy monks. Monasticism supported worldwide. With materialism, the human spirit becomes flesh permanently, and is more likely to produce spiritual. An extension the existence of this carnal world is meaningless, it must end.

Materialism out solely for the development of the human spirit. It will continue until it is finally determined the issue of good and evil.

If the mind chooses the dark materialism and carnal, it looks definitely on his side, he destroyed him in any possible action by the grace and light immortality. The spirit becomes flesh, matter falls under the law of this material, that is to say the law of the collapse, decay, death.

The disappearance of monasticism which was the spiritual welfare of humanity, the general hatred felt towards him and towards Christianity in general, are essential and undeniable signs of the end of this world materialistic.

Hatred of Christianity resulted in an expressive spiritual emptiness of those who express hatred, and the final fall of spirit into matter, and the carnal desires. It reflects the collapse of the inner person spiritual, and its end irremediable. That is the vital clue to the fall of the soul in impiety foreign to Christianity.

He who does not understand monasticism does not understand Christianity. Whoever hates hates Christianity and monasticism the Lord Himself, even if he says believe in Him. Such faith does not lead to salvation, not the faith of the fathers, not the Orthodox faith. It is a heretical faith is faith cult of the antichrist.

In recent times the world as impious Christian, will be engulfed by this faith, full of hatred towards monasticism. This hatred will unite two worlds are diametrically opposed: love the world invade this anti-Christian who calls himself Christianity unite to impiety, atheism, fighting against God.

Those who love the world are the hidden enemies of Christianity. Proud with their lives and their love of the flesh, they deny the existence of God. Therefore it will unite with one mind to hate the impious monasticism, Christianity, and Christ Himself, and show their membership the spirit of the antichrist. The spirit of Antichrist is evil, it tramples on the holy commandments of Christ the Lord, he hates those who are invigorating the commandments of the living God.

Hatred of monasticism is the index of the most formidable final denial of God, the mystery of iniquity covered with the robe of piety. This indicates the end of Christianity and the world.

It is surprising in the course of history that the clergy itself has played a leading role in this hatred of monasticism: the very people who stand before the holy altar of God! The clergy and the contemporary world regard monasticism as their sworn enemy, they were for him a deadly animosity.

This hatred of the world atheist and apostate clergy is not due to chance. It has its roots in ancient times in the history of the Church of Christ. Arianism, Nestorianism, iconoclasm and other heresies that rocked the Church felt at their expense the strong influence of monasticism. That's why they hated, so they wanted their annihilation.

Hatred of monasticism manifested in our time, and that not everyone has noticed, is the mysterious sign of the apostasy that was definitely accomplished. It reflects the fact that the night of Gethsemane began to Christianity and monasticism bearer of the mystery of Christ. It is Judas who guides the dark mass and mean is the disciple of Christ who shows instigator of deicide. This image is an evangelical index terrible, terrible prophecy of what happens today. Do not forget ...

This terrible picture of the Gospel manifests itself in the clear unity of atheism and apostasy. To use the language of the Gospel, this union the mystery hidden from the end evoked the Lord said, "I say to the reapers: First, pluck the tares and bind them in bundles to burn" (Mt.13 , 30)

This union of the secular clergy and in hatred of monasticism and of Christianity itself, this desire to destroy the lesser monastic sites which had yet escaped the disaster, is precisely the "bind them in bundles "before the end, before the fire. An invisible hand prepares to fire. All forces hostile to Christianity came together with "flesh and blood" foreign to the spiritual life and the Kingdom of God, and they will be burned by the Judgement of God.

When one scrutinizes their life that flows through the love of the flesh and in the absence of fear, and all that behind the veil of the cassock, it is understandable that they are already burning in the Hell of unquenchable passion, greed, love of the flesh, and hatred.

Having understood this prophecy, the remaining Christians must raise his head, to move towards heaven, strengthening his spiritual practice, and focus inwardly on the custody of thoughts. Only this practice advocated by the Fathers can separate us from the carnal life, with the guide of their writings inspired by God. It is the only way to save our souls from perdition and ultimately inevitable. There are more guides, teachers, former holders of grace.

Let us hold on to the writings of the Fathers and seek hello clinging to these "debris". Pour the tears of repentance and prayer. The way we are shown, leading from outside to inside, attention to the thoughts and unceasing prayer. One that stays within is on the right path. That is the true Christian life as taught by the Fathers.


attention and unceasing prayer is the mental activities that give rise to spiritual practice.

This is the hidden mystery of the Fathers, it is difficult to express in words. The human tongue has run out of phrases or even full of metaphors to explain this mystery.

unceasing prayer is a commandment of God and God's gift, it can be understood by reason or expressed through speech, "said Bishop Ignatius.

The practice of the divine holy prayer of the heart was the work of the early Fathers theophorous constant, "said Saint Paissy Vélitchkovsky. Let it be known, he says, that according to reliable evidence of our wise Father God, holy and theophoric, Nilus the Faster of Sinai, God Himself gave the first prayer of the heart man already in paradise! But this prayer of the heart reached an incomparably greater glory when it is holier than all the saints, and more honorable than the Cherubim and incomparably more glorious than the Seraphim, the all-holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, ascended, by this prayer, while she was in the Holy of Holies, at the height of supreme vision of God and was judged worthy to be the remains of Him that all creation can contain the Word of God in person who entered into her womb. Who can rent as it should be the prayer of the heart was performed by the Mother of God herself, guided and taught by the Holy Spirit?

The prayer of the heart is worthy of praise God because it contains the full name of glory and worthy of praise to our God. Like God Himself, it is ineffable. She is mysteriously divine, it is the majestic performance of the miracles of our glorious God and unspeakable.

The hidden meaning of spiritual practice (also known as vigilance or continuous praying or prayer of the heart) is the mystery of union with God, the manifestation of the holy image of Christ in man. It Therein lies the secret of the Holy Fathers. In this spiritual practice, will perform the feat in the grace of repentance. While the soul lives in a terrestrial environment, it is perfected in his quest for the afterlife. One day it will prove to the indescribable and immeasurable activity of our perfect God. This spiritual practice is the hidden track that leads to the angelic life on earth already. It makes us leave this life of perdition, that life terrestrial and mortal flesh, and introduced our spiritual nature into a new life, eternal, heavenly, immortal and divine. It renews the human soul and the body (St. Symeon the New Theologian).

Spiritual practice makes the union between the soul of the cherubim and the God-Word. It is the path of knowing God through experience, sadly missed by monasticism. A monasticism which features the angelic appearance without having the practice is not a true monasticism is a sterile flower, a body without a soul.

The essence of monasticism in spiritual practice, as the essence of Christianity is in monasticism.

Without spiritual practice, there is no monasticism monasticism and without, there is no Christianity.

Spiritual practice hides the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Holy Spirit reveals them bit by bit by one who seeks to appropriate them on the path of repentance.

These mysteries can be revealed artificially. Unceasing prayer is given at constant repentance. The only sour assistance that will not damage the lungs and the mind darkened by dipping it into the lure is the unceasing prayer that brings the heart to God when He said, "Have mercy! "This prayer footprint of sacrifice and contrition will not be despised by the Lord God. The gates of Heaven open only one regret. This pathway may not lead to error.

For anyone who has a sense of impending heart from the end of this material world and that of his own end, what prayer would be more appropriate and bring more satisfaction than this one, so short yet so rich in content?

Whoever thinks of his death and that he must soon appear before the tribunal of God can be only one permanent concern: having enough time to get it before the end of mercy the Lord.

is why this prayer, as and when it is practiced, will lead the soul to cry incessantly: "Have mercy! "

This practice obscures precisely the mystery of the salvation of ship apostolic salvation that was offered to the ancient Fathers, but that was the cause of the loss of monasticism in recent times, since it does not have to.

This recent monasticism has relied on these outer garments, to property, the external propriety, losing the inner spiritual practice, that is to say the attention to the thoughts and unceasing prayer.

Now, this practice will own angelic those who cling to the inside, which path to God within themselves on the true path closely and spiritual. These people will be hidden from the multitude. The mysteries of the kingdom of heaven is hidden from the outside . They are not accessible to all. Spiritual practice is interior and hidden into awareness.

Vigilance is addressed by the holy fathers as a spiritual art, which played with a constant zeal, attracts the grace of God frees man passionate thoughts, words and evil deeds. Vigilance gives the practitioner a fair knowledge of God inconceivable penetration mysteries, as far as we possible. It is the fulfillment of all the commandments of the Old and New Testaments, it makes all property of the coming century.

It really is the purity of heart. As said St. Isaac the Syrian and St. Hésychios: "The heart is pure when it keeps the prayer of evil thoughts." The essence of vigilance is thus in ceaseless prayer and in the attention of the mind to thoughts. It is this practice that fathers asking us to hang as a salutary mystery. This practice is beneficial, powerful, and effective for the salvation of those who keep faith.

Whoever feels the zeal to save his soul from drowning inevitable must cling tightly, and it will be saved. The Lord God always brings his personal assistance to those who demonstrated a good zeal. He that hath ears to hear listen! It is the voice of the Holy Fathers! It is the voice of the Holy Spirit!



The Holy Fathers we offer spiritual practice as a sure way to escape the inevitable drowning of our spiritual nature in mental sea of sin, because there is no other equally effective means. Nobody has apprehended both our spiritual nature, our soul and his serious illness, the wise Fathers in God, and they are the ones that we have this simple way.

Fathers realized that our soul had been put to death by poison of sin in Adam. In him all died and lost their angelic life which was hidden before our very own. Now we remain in the carnal thoughts and impressions, we remain on earth, heavenly life is inaccessible to us.

Saint Macarius the Great describes this death of the soul by the very strong words: "In defiance, the man died of the dreadful death of the soul, he received a curse on curse: the land will for you brambles and thorns (Gen.3, 18) you will work the land, but it will no longer yield its fruit (Gen.4, 12). Brambles and thorns grew and burgeoned in the land of his heart, his enemies by stratagem stripped of his glory and clothed with shame. Its light was taken from him and he was covered with darkness, they killed her soul, divided and scattered them his thoughts, threw her intellect Heights, and Israel, that is to say, the man became a slave of the true Pharaoh. And they imposed as foremen and supervisors as the spirits of malice forced him, he liked it or not, do evil deeds and perform the chore of clay and bricks (Ex.1 0.11 to 14). They kept him away from thoughts of heaven, to push for practical measures, land, muddy and bad, to words, thoughts and reflections in vain. Precipitated from the height of its grandeur, the soul found a kingdom hostile to man and cruel masters, who forced them to build the cities of sins and vices. But when the soul moans and cries out to God (Ex.2 0.23 to 24), He sends Moses spiritual, which issues the bondage of the Egyptians. "

And we see here to help the soul killing her cry spiritual, powerful and unceasing prayer of Jesus which gives life. The soul finds his life in this mystery of the appeal, and thus it rises again for a spiritual life and heavenly life in God.

This gift of divine life is given to every baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the baptismal font, the soul receives through the spiritual gift of angelic life freely given. However, it is rare that someone keeps this gift, so it is rare that someone has a spiritual life. The majority of the baptized tramples this gift by his passion from early childhood or adolescence, and remains until death in a lustful and carnal life, unaware that it is the death sentence of the mind (Rom.8 0.5 to 8).

Yet this gift is not destroyed by our sins, he is just like a treasure buried in the ground of our passions. It depends on us whether or not to exhume the treasure of heavenly life. It is repentance that we will find the treasure. Repentance is a second baptism that offers the spiritual gift of heavenly life.

Through repentance, the grace of the Holy Spirit gives life and takes us into the mystery of communion with God.

Saint Gregory of Sinai expresses this idea very well: "Having received the Spirit of life in Jesus Christ, we are able to converse with the Lord as the cherubim by pure prayer, but we understand not the honor and glory of the grace of regeneration, we do not care to grow spiritually in fulfilling the commandments, to go to a state of spiritual contemplation, and we indulge in negligence that we rushed into the habits and passions into the abyss of darkness and callousness.

Sometimes we even remembered that God exists! We do not even know that we are called to be the son of God by grace!

After the renewal of the spirit through baptism, we do not cease to live carnally. If sometimes, after we repented, we begin to fulfill the commandments, we do so outside, and not spiritually. We lose so used to the spiritual life that its manifestation in others seems false and erroneous. Until the death itself, we are dead in spirit, we live and do not act in Christ, forgetting that which is born of the Spirit must be spiritual.

But what we have received the Holy Baptism in Jesus Christ has not been destroyed, but simply as a buried treasure. The simple reason, and also gratitude, however, require to be concerned! And how to accomplish this? In two ways. The grace of baptism can be dug up, and return its clarity and brilliant, first by a painstaking fulfillment of the commandments, and secondly by the constant call of the Lord Jesus, or what amounts to the same, a constant memory of God.

The first way is powerful, and the second is even older, who receives the first of his full strength. If we sincerely want to reveal the hidden seed of grace in us, we hasten to quickly accustomed to directing our hearts to prayer without representation and without imagination until it warms up our hearts and ignites an ineffable love for the Lord. As the prayer does not of itself in us, we must compel ourselves to the painful labor of prayer, until the heart is warming and that the act of prayer itself " .

is the means by which we revive our soul killing, this method is simple and accessible to all. Of all the rich and great gifts that God has given by His Incarnation the poor sinful human creature and enslaved demons to save her from this bondage, the prayer of Jesus is the most majestueux, le don parfait par excellence.

« Prier par la prière de Jésus est une institution divine. Elle a été instituée non par un prophète, non par un apôtre, non par un ange, mais par le Fils de Dieu Lui-même », dit l’évêque Ignace. Après la Sainte Cène, parmi les commandements définitifs et de haute portée, le Seigneur Jésus-Christ a instauré la prière par Son Nom. Il a fait don à l’humanité de ce moyen de prier, don véritablement inhabituel et infiniment précieux.

D’ailleurs, les apôtres connaissaient auparavant en partie strength Name of Jesus, they healed him by the evil incurable, compelled by his demons to obey them, then bind them, defeat them and chase.

Lord recommends using this name almighty and wonderful during prayer, promising to give him a particularly effective: "If you ask anything in My name, I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son "(Jn.14 0.13 to 14). "If you ask anything in My name, I will. Verily, verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My name, I will give it. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My Name. Ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full! (Jn.16 0.23 to 24)

What a gift! It is the pledge of eternal blessings and infinite! It comes from the mouth of the infinite God who Was limited in our humanity in to assume a human name means Savior.

This name appears limited, and yet it represents the unlimited Being is God. It borrows from God His divine dignity and absolute, and His power.

O, Giver of a gift without Prices and incorruptible! How insignificant beings that we are sinners and can they receive such a gift? "Neither our hands or our hearts or our minds are not capable. But You, teach us how to receive this gift, how to use it without sin, without being punished for our lack of reason and our audacity, in order to then receive other gifts from you yet, known to You alone! "(St. Ignatius Brianchaninov)

" Having received, we the unworthy, the wholesome name, honorable, and more terrible for all creatures than any other name, hoist it like a sail and move Forward! (Calliste)

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