Thursday, July 31, 2008

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most adorable

One of my rewards for attending the Eucharistic Congress International 2008 in Quebec is a memory I've bought myself, the volume "Just a faith / Mary and the Eucharist among the founders of New France", published by Anne Sigier by a group of five specialists under the direction of Mrs. Theresa Nadeau-Latour. As the title suggests, this is a series of studies on the Marian and Eucharistic faith of our founders: the first Jesuits, Marie de l'Incarnation, Catherine de St. Augustin and François de Laval.

I walk in my reading, is currently in the company of Mary of the Incarnation with Ms. Nadeau-Lacour as a guide. After exploring the relationship of Mary with the Virgin Mary Guyart, it presents an analysis of its Eucharistic spirituality. There are many long quotations from Relations and Correspondence.

I was struck by the use of the word "most adorable" I noticed in the expressions "most adorable Savior" and "most adorable Word Incarnate." This word previously unknown to me the meaning of which is obviously superlative "very cute", "extremely adorable" encouraged me to do a Google search. Marie Guyart is not the only of its time to use that word, but its use is common among them. I note, in bulk:

- unit most adorable, ineffable, incomprehensible

- the most adorable Spirit of Jesus

- the most adorable Heart of Jesus

- the most adorable person

- the most adorable and divine Master

- the most adorable mystery of the Most Holy Trinity

- the most adorable Majesty

- my most adorable Husband

Here are some things that struck me about the faith and practice of Eucharistic Marie Guyart. She took communion every day at a time when it was not usual. Her mystical experiences were so vivid that one wonders if his faith had not become a certainty. I quote: "When everybody told him all that is in the Host is not the most adorable Incarnate Word, she would die for sure it's him. "(Relation of 1654). Like Mother Teresa, she remade her strength wastewater service to the next in Holy Communion and at the foot of the Blessed Sacrament. For her, Christ in the Eucharist is the food of his interior life and apostolic life.

Nowadays, we do not take the spiritual path of the victim ("I gave myself to God victims"), but if we try to understand, we see that it is for Marie Guyart a way to unite to the Sacrifice of Jesus who is offering, perfect gift of self, she herself expresses a clear intention: "Offer me continually Host to the Eternal Father on the heart of his beloved Son. "Towards the end of her life, she insists:" I want neither for you nor for me a perpetual victimhood. "

Marie de l'Incarnation was not the kind external devotions, but it reveals, at the insistence of his son Dom Claude Martin, the "Prayer to the Eternal Father by the most adorable Heart of Jesus, prayer she does every night for more than thirty 30 years before falling asleep. Here are some excerpts that struck me: "Through the Heart of my Jesus, my Way, my Truth and my life that I approach you, O Eternal Father. [...] I am in spirit around the world to seek all the souls redeemed by the precious blood of my divine Spouse to meet you all in this divine Heart. [...] On this adorable Heart, I present all the workers of the Gospel, that through her merits you to complete your Holy Spirit. "(For the full text of this prayer called" Prayer Apostolic See http : / /

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

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I heard the term "Eucharistic wonder" for the first time at the 2008 Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City, mouth of the witness Nicolas Buttet ( priest, founder of the Community Eucharistein, Switzerland).

I searched the Internet and it seems that it was Pope John Paul II would have started it in 2003 in his encyclical Ecclesia de Eucharistia. The Latin word "stupor," which is found in paragraphs 5 and 6, is translated " admiration "in the official French translation of the Vatican.
- Haec ad affectus Perduca cogitatio our magnificent gratique stupor.
Think of this leads us to profound admiration and gratitude .
- Semper oportet hic stupor Ecclesiam pervadat in Eucharistic celebrationis congregatam. This admiration
should always fill the Church assembled in the Eucharistic celebration.
- Illum cupimus Eucharisticum " stuporem " his Litteris Encyclicis rursus excitare.
For this encyclical I would revive this' admiration "Eucharistic.

The Latin word "stupor" and the French word "awe" has several meanings, but one that interests us is precisely that of admiration (= wonder amazement astonishment, amazement, dazzle). Maybe more accurate translation would be "stunned."

Nicolas Buttet's merit is to have stuck to the Latin text by repeating and spreading (popularizing?) Expression "Eucharistic amazement" that is much more powerful and surprising that "Eucharistic amazement".

Non practitioners lack of stupor, but also practitioners, including myself. I confess to being far from feeling of amazement at the greatness of the Eucharistic mystery. I'm pretty jaded, familiar, accustomed. By dint of attending Mass, I became a regular. I no longer have the same consideration, the same esteem for the Sacrament sublime. I lost the wonder of the new husband to his beloved, mother to her newborn.

I have faith, I respect the Eucharistic Mystery, I express with sobriety. I try to be careful during the celebration, I try to communicate by saying my faith in the risen Christ who is the Bread of Life, I believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Host of the Tabernacle. But I admit that I'm so few cases.

How to cultivate in me a sense of amazement at the Eucharist? How to awaken in me a sense of wonder at the amazing presence of the Risen Christ in the Eucharist (Sacrifice, Food, Presence)?

So that we can find strength in faith and worship, Nicolas Buttet invited to attend the Eucharist outside of the Eucharistic celebration. He said that a prolonged exposure to the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to enter gradually into a stupor Eucharist.

No longer exposure the Blessed Sacrament, but exposure to Blessed Sacrament (as it is exposed to the sun burnished skin and vitamin D). This is not to be passively present, but be careful, to pray, to admire, to worship (with words and beyond words.)

I should feed my respect, for it takes strength and becomes wonder and adoration, amazement grateful. It would be challenging for me (against nature), but take an hour a week before the Blessed Sacrament is probably an effective way to wake up and become a marvel. Lord, I'm wanting you to give me Energy bring myself to take the means to take action and persevere.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

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The Eucharistic wonder what to do when our pastor is wary of charismatic prayer gatherings?

is surely a blessing when the pastor of a parish a warm welcome and comes Renewal to turn the occasion. All the better if priests very involved in the renewal which serve a variety of ways, especially in the ministries of education and support sacramental.

However, it should give thanks to the Lord if the priest left the support group do its work freely shepherds. The priest has a duty to ensure and encourage the prayer group in his parish, but it also has a duty to let him operate on her own mission which is to be a school of prayer for the laity and the laity .

This is balance. The priests should support the Renewal without dominating. They should protect, serve a guardian if necessary (like the stick which is attaches a tomato plant growing), but without the mother. They should help to stand on its own feet and continue its flight in the direction of the support group.

But the original question does not refer to the priests who take out their place or are taking too much space, but to those who are hostile to the Renewal (after 40 years, there still! ). It's a cross to bear. The priest in question may be misinformed or has perhaps already been burned by some past abuse.

What to do? The love, pray for him, never speak ill of him, render service, to be his best parishioners. Ask all the permissions and do all the reports you need. Do not insist that he come to meetings regularly, but when the invite is suitable: a special celebration, an opportunity to confess or to celebrate the Eucharist. It is appropriate when there is a prayer with laying on of hands and a priest is present, the invite to be part of a team (even if not used, even if not part of the Renewal, because it has the anointing Priestly and his prayer is very effective).

If you know of a priest is in hospital, why not commission a team of your prayer group to go visit him, bring him flowers and prayers and to offer pray over him (discreetly, do not scare him).

Despite your good will and effort, it is possible that the priest is cold. Be as positive as possible: to complain and criticize is rarely effective to gain the good graces of someone. Maybe he should then do as we did with our older children who do not behave according to our values: business as usual, keep praying, welcoming and loving. They should be in our hearts and trust in the Lord.

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What is the role of worship in a charismatic prayer meeting?

praise and thanksgiving sister are of fundamental importance, importantly, capital! This is the basic ingredient such as flour in bread. The other elements (with respect to the Word and intercession) are important, useful, necessary, but the praise is for things that should be emphasized above all. If one were to choose between worship and intercession, we should choose the praise, knowing that the Lord addresses the needs of those who praise him.

Let's get to the school of St. Paul (1 Corinthians 14 is the charter of the support groups!), Which distinguishes French pray and pray in tongues. "I pray inspired by the Spirit, but I will also pray in a meaningful way, and I sing inspired by the Spirit, but I also sing intelligibly." (Verse 15) Prayer and singing in languages are encouraged, but prayer and singing in French are more edifying because they can understand (read the whole chapter 14).

praise sung (ideally accompanied by music) is a notable feature of the Revival. We can sing in French, you can sing in tongues, we can sing together with gestures (raising hands, clapping, gesturing, swaying, dancing, etc..). Exuberance tempered (verse 33) is required. The fervent worship song is wonderful, because it promotes the assembly unit of hearts that surely pleases the Lord. A big thank you to those who exercise the ministry of music!

Prayer of praise can be said. It often takes a form titanic (the assembly joined in the praise of a member by a response). We imitate and the people of Israel: "In praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, they replied:" For it is good, for his everlasting loyalty to Israel. "All the people shouted with a great ovation in praising the LORD because the foundation of the house of the LORD. "(Ezra 3:11) A spontaneous praise can be added to a scripture or a prophetic word, to an education or testimony, or, naturally, in the words of a song we just finished. It is a great way to pray than to refer to what has been said or sung. Testimony is in itself an act of thanksgiving, because it is a way of praising God for his kindness in everyday life.

follow the admonition of Paul: "Be filled with the Spirit. Tell all the psalms and hymns and inspired songs, singing and the Lord with all your heart. Anytime, any subject, give thanks to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. "(Ephesians 5:18 b-20)

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What about the diversity of prayer groups?

This question can be understood in two kinds of diversity: there are various kinds of prayer groups and there is diversity in charismatic prayer groups.

At the beginning of the Charismatic Renewal, it is thirty years, when we said "prayer group" is meant a prayer group "charismatic" (With outpouring of the Spirit, praying in tongues, hands, prayer over the people, rule of praise and the Word of God). Since then, other styles of evening prayer appeared with various features and spiritual emphases.

must never denigrate a form of prayer group in order to enhance the one you recommended. There is room in the church for all kinds of spiritualities. Do not get into a situation of rivalry like that which St. Paul speaks in 1 Corinthians 1:11-13 "There is discord among you ... Each of you talking thus: Amoi belong to Paul. B I to Apollos. B I to Cephas. B @ I to Christ. Is Christ divided? "If someone goes to a prayer group attached to Medugorje, bravo! because we need to pray for peace with Mary. If someone prays with the Marian Movement of Priests, bravo! because we need to pray for priests and for new vocations. Et cetera!

Some charismatic prayer groups have drifted and are really charismatic charisms because it does not show. Well done anyway! for people participating in these groups because the Holy Spirit is active when people gather in the Name of Jesus to pray. The important thing is to respect, love, to be neighborly as we are all convinced of the importance of personal prayer and community.

Prayer groups of all kinds are a sign of the times, a spiritual movement of renewal of the late twentieth century e that meets the needs of the Church and the world. In a world completely comes to God, every Christian and every Christian belongs surely to prayer group.

To consider the issue from the beginning otherwise, does not want every charismatic prayer group has its own personality, because it is composed of different people and because the shepherds and the support group are different. There's variety, and the Lord who created each snowflake and every grain of sand different from its neighbor, likes the variety. That's the beauty of a choir is the diversity of voices that harmonize know. It is normal that each group is different, but it is also important that each group is open to the charisms in order to earn their own way the group title "charismatic".

So a great service to the Church to work for the charismatic prayer groups are really charismatic. It is the duty of the Diocesan Council and it is the duty of every support group to do everything possible to ensure that each charismatic prayer group has eyes fixed on Jesus, Life, arms raised to the Father and voices sing the glory of God under the guidance of the Spirit.

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What is the role of Charismatic Renewal in the Church?

The Renewal helps Christians to relax, to convert, to awaken in them the gift of the Holy Spirit. There are several ways to be part of the Renewal: charismatic engaged in, participating in casual, post-charismatic. This would compare a prayer group at a house at a service station or a motel.

The primary role of a prayer group of Renewal is to be school prayer . It is a place to pray and learn to pray, to receive the gift of prayer. It is a place that focuses on prayer of praise, spontaneous prayer, prayer in tongues, prayer sung. It is a place where intercession is encouraged, a place where people can pray over them for the outpouring of the Spirit or healing.

Another role of the Renewal is spiritual training and doctrinal of its members. Charismatics are people who take seriously the Word of God and trying to understand and put into practice by attending regularly. "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the Word of God and put it into practice." (Lk 8.21) Evangelism and continuing education are a concern of members of the Renewal, inventing various ways of proclaiming the Good News.

Community life is important in the Renewal. People have taken their commitment to join together to form "new communities" in order to sustain their lives as children of God. That's excellent, but the prayer group as a service to the great church is not to make each participant a permanent member or a member of a community. It Normal people come only occasionally (service station). It's normal that people move on after a while (motel). It is also normal and desirable that many will recognize as a mission to continue to serve in and Renewal (home).

Is social commitment is part of the Mission Revival? Yes and no. This is not the proper role of a prayer group to visit the sick and feeding the poor, etc.. By cons, if, thanks to Renewal, he operates a real conversion, love of neighbor find all sorts of ways to express themselves through a variety of volunteer and commitments. "All Scripture is God-breathed and useful ... for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. "(2 Timothy 3:16-17) The healing ministry is, it should be noted, specifically social engagement. If, through prayer in Jesus' name, people are recovering and learning to walk, to become independent and responsible, what a beautiful service was restored to society!

Have you noticed that the Renewal button the four pillars of the Church's mission? "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, the breaking of bread and to prayer." (Acts 2:42) The Renewal is a service of the Church. As servants we must equip and send people on missions that come to us, not too worried if they remain forever in our ranks or not. What matters is that the prayer groups are places where takes place the outpouring of the Spirit, the Spirit bears fruit in all areas of the ecclesial and social life.

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Is there a way forward for prayer vigils?

* When you are meeting each of you can sing a song, provide instruction or revelation speaking in tongues, or interpret: that everything is done for = edification. + (1 Cor 14:26) * Tell all psalms and hymns and inspired songs, singing and the Lord with all your heart. + (Eph 5:19)

1 - Is the praise to God, Father, Son and Spirit, is the largest part of the evening? A prayer group is a group of charismatic prayer of praise to God the Father, His Son Jesus, under the guidance of = Holy Spirit. We must ask ourselves if we leave any room for the = Holy Spirit, the inspiration of = Spirit of = arise where the praise to the Father, Jesus and the Trinity. The songs of praise could inspire praise litany. prayer and song in language will normally be part of the evening.

2 - Does the Word of God (Bible readings, teaching, prophecies, exhortations, testimonies, etc..) Is prepared in prayer? It requires planning, but you also leave room to = action of = Spirit.

3 - Does the = intercession is not limited only to the needs of participants but s = opens to the great needs of = Church and the world? Avoid navel gazing. The prayer group n = exists for itself and for its participants but for the glory of God and the salvation of the world. Some intentions are to be preferred: peace in the world over in the vocations of service in the = Church.

4 - Is that = it leaves room for the = spur of the moment ? If = Holy Spirit is = inspiration for the prayer vigil, each one may praise the Lord and be filled by the Lord. There are two secrets for it: (1) Teach all participants to always prepare themselves in prayer before coming to a prayer vigil. (2) Before the prayer vigil, lay hands on the person who will preside and the person who proclaims the Word.

5 - Is it all happens in = order? The = facilitator and ensure the support group to keep control of the evening gently by bringing on track when the conduct deviates. It s = does not act the bully = Spirit, but to maintain some order, some structure. If deviations are too frequent or often due to the same person, there would need to submit a general education or staff.

That said, here is a flexible structure that has proven itself

- Singing in = Holy Spirit as an introduction

- Period of praise for = thanksgiving, singing, prayer and singing in tongues, etc..

- Proclamation of the Word and teaching (messages with language interpretation)

- Period of praise From the Word

- Prayer Request (self) and = intercession (for purposes of the world)

- Short Story and announcements

- Song to the Virgin as a conclusion

- After the party, there may be individual prayer of = intercession with imposition of hands.

- It is also recommended that = there is a time of fellowship with a small snack if possible.

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What ministries are in a prayer group?

The word * departments + here means * services + , * functions + , * roles + . As Saint Paul, a Christian community (= a prayer group) is like the human body has various functions. Some have the = look more important, but all are necessary, as = Saint Paul teaches.

Ro 12.3-8: * We have gifts that differ according to the grace that has been granted. Is this the gift of prophecy? What = is the = exercises in accordance with faith. The = one he has the gift of service? What = it serves. The = that of other = teach? What = he teaches. As that of other = urge? What = he exhorts. Let he who gives, without calculation, the one who presides, with zeal, he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness. +

1 Cor 12.4-31: * At = one by = Spirit, is given a message of wisdom, the = other a message of knowledge by the same Spirit to = one, in the same Spirit, c = is faith in another in the = one Spirit, they are dons de guérison; à tel autre, d = opérer des miracles, à tel autre, de prophétiser, à tel autre, de discerner les esprits, à tel autre encore, de parler en langues; enfin, à tel autre, de les interpréter. Mais tout cela, c = est l = unique et même Esprit qui le met en oeuvre, accordant à chacun des dons personnels divers, comme il veut. +

Ep 4,11-16: * donations that = he has made, they are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, to put saints state = fulfill the ministry to build the body of Christ. +

These texts are read in context and to meditate because they do more than provide lists. They seek to inculcate a spirit of service. If I understand correctly, this n = is not normal that = one or two people do everything in a prayer group. Must share responsibility. We must discern the talents of everyone and invite everyone to do their part. In a prayer group, so there may be various ministries

- the = animation

- music,

- the = teaching

- the prophecies,

- the = host

- the prayer over the people,

- material preparation, etc..

Someone = one who wants to do something will always find means of contributing to the effective running of the = meeting. Each participant can and must s = hire according to its possibilities. Even if someone = an n = not a specific task, it can participate by providing praise, intercession, testimonial, text the word .

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Why do we need a support group in a group prayer?

The heart of the prayer group is a support group whose function is to see to the proper functioning of the assembly. Each prayer group is unique, it is normal for support groups show diversity in their structure and functioning (frequency of meetings, held meetings and invited people to meet). As the meetings of support groups are very important, it would take a minimum of meetings, twice a month. Ideally, the group meets between prayer vigils to pray together, to take decisions in the discernment that will promote good operation of the prayer group, created in the support group a unit that will be poured on the prayer group.

The vitality of the prayer group depends on the vitality of the support group. There was appreciation and support people who answer the call of God to devote themselves to the smooth running of group prayer and evening prayer. If a prayer group feels it is losing momentum and fervor, it would need to seriously pray that the Lord inspires the current leadership and it creates new ones.

is sometimes called the people responsible Shepherds * +. This indicates how these people should be modeled on the Good Shepherd who gives his life for his sheep. This is not an honor to be a member of the support group is a service to a mission to fulfill, and sometimes a cross to bear. The support group is not reserved for an elite, but the servants and maids ... The role of the support group is primarily pastoral. It's like the role of the father and mother (mother and father) in a large family.

Since the first responsibility of the support group is the smooth running of the evening prayer, he will count the number of members required (at least three) to ensure that participants praise the Lord, hear the Word of God, experience the brotherhood. The support group's primary role is to pray that the Holy Spirit is acting, so that prayer is done under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. People who support the shepherds and the shepherds in their charge to prepare in prayer and are listening to what the Lord wants to lead. During a prayer vigil charismatic, he must leave room for the expression of charisms under the direction of the facilitator.

How to choose a new member to the support group? Do not rush, but ask in prayer and wait in faith that the Lord speaks. The group will choose a person who did the seminar in the Life of the Spirit, a person who spends every day at a time of personal prayer and reading the Word, committed and involved to intercede already in the proper functioning of the evening prayer. It is necessary that this person be available to attend meetings of the support group and agrees to abide the discernment of the support group if necessary.

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A Christian "doing" All I

I want to pick and develop some good ideas of my pastor of the church on weekdays. He noted that all the people who consider themselves Christians "religious" does not necessarily attend Sunday mass. He correctly argues that we could distinguish three kinds of practices of faith. I want to elaborate on its schema by adding the dimension of private and public dimension, which would make six kinds of practitioners. It is possible that this pattern applies to other religions, even non- Christian.

distinguish first private practice to public practice. Some people pray in their room but do not pray with their Christian brothers. They are of the church, but do not attend church. For them the social dimension of faith is irrelevant, but they still continue in their hearts to believe in God and His Son Jesus, and keep the bond of common prayer. Without judging them, it seems that humans, being social, relational by nature, it is important that the faith community is visible and, as a matter of heart and belief personal.

The three ways to practice reported by my parish priest are as follows. There are those who practice primarily taking part in Sunday gatherings, which are incorporated into a ward. There are those who attend the Word of God, either directly or through rallies, lectures, readings, etc.. There are also those who are committed to social justice (with the neighbor, who has diversified to infinity).

as well say at once that a balanced Christian cultivates these three forms of practice of the Gospel in private and in public, each according to his vocation, his temperament, his life circumstances. We are all different and we can not all do the same thing, as St. Paul's Church by comparing the human body, so diverse in its organs.



Personal Life Prayer

Life sacramental and liturgical

relational practice of charity (to help the "poor" one at a time)

Research team of social justice (concerted action in cases)

Attendance individual of the Word of God

attendance of the Word in clusters

In our our parish, we facilitate a presentation of the Christian life in four areas: a) the proclamation of the Gospel, b) social justice, c) be a welcoming parish family, d) liturgical celebrations alive. We join the three forms of practice and the community dimension. The extent to which a "parish" includes the various forms and dimensions of practice it becomes a "Christian community".

Everyone can focus on one or more of these six areas, but without neglecting none, because the Gospel is not a buffet where one chooses at its discretion, but a banquet where all the dishes presented are important for good health.

Have you noticed that we touch the four pillars of the mission ' Church? " They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, the breaking of bread and to prayer. " (Acts 2:42)