praise and thanksgiving sister are of fundamental importance, importantly, capital! This is the basic ingredient such as flour in bread. The other elements (with respect to the Word and intercession) are important, useful, necessary, but the praise is for things that should be emphasized above all. If one were to choose between worship and intercession, we should choose the praise, knowing that the Lord addresses the needs of those who praise him.
Let's get to the school of St. Paul (1 Corinthians 14 is the charter of the support groups!), Which distinguishes French pray and pray in tongues. "I pray inspired by the Spirit, but I will also pray in a meaningful way, and I sing inspired by the Spirit, but I also sing intelligibly." (Verse 15) Prayer and singing in languages are encouraged, but prayer and singing in French are more edifying because they can understand (read the whole chapter 14).
praise sung (ideally accompanied by music) is a notable feature of the Revival. We can sing in French, you can sing in tongues, we can sing together with gestures (raising hands, clapping, gesturing, swaying, dancing, etc..). Exuberance tempered (verse 33) is required. The fervent worship song is wonderful, because it promotes the assembly unit of hearts that surely pleases the Lord. A big thank you to those who exercise the ministry of music!
Prayer of praise can be said. It often takes a form titanic (the assembly joined in the praise of a member by a response). We imitate and the people of Israel: "In praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, they replied:" For it is good, for his everlasting loyalty to Israel. "All the people shouted with a great ovation in praising the LORD because the foundation of the house of the LORD. "(Ezra 3:11) A spontaneous praise can be added to a scripture or a prophetic word, to an education or testimony, or, naturally, in the words of a song we just finished. It is a great way to pray than to refer to what has been said or sung. Testimony is in itself an act of thanksgiving, because it is a way of praising God for his kindness in everyday life.
follow the admonition of Paul: "Be filled with the Spirit. Tell all the psalms and hymns and inspired songs, singing and the Lord with all your heart. Anytime, any subject, give thanks to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. "(Ephesians 5:18 b-20)
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