Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Stores That Sell Stovetop Expresso Makers

What about the diversity of prayer groups?

This question can be understood in two kinds of diversity: there are various kinds of prayer groups and there is diversity in charismatic prayer groups.

At the beginning of the Charismatic Renewal, it is thirty years, when we said "prayer group" is meant a prayer group "charismatic" (With outpouring of the Spirit, praying in tongues, hands, prayer over the people, rule of praise and the Word of God). Since then, other styles of evening prayer appeared with various features and spiritual emphases.

must never denigrate a form of prayer group in order to enhance the one you recommended. There is room in the church for all kinds of spiritualities. Do not get into a situation of rivalry like that which St. Paul speaks in 1 Corinthians 1:11-13 "There is discord among you ... Each of you talking thus: Amoi belong to Paul. B I to Apollos. B I to Cephas. B @ I to Christ. Is Christ divided? "If someone goes to a prayer group attached to Medugorje, bravo! because we need to pray for peace with Mary. If someone prays with the Marian Movement of Priests, bravo! because we need to pray for priests and for new vocations. Et cetera!

Some charismatic prayer groups have drifted and are really charismatic charisms because it does not show. Well done anyway! for people participating in these groups because the Holy Spirit is active when people gather in the Name of Jesus to pray. The important thing is to respect, love, to be neighborly as we are all convinced of the importance of personal prayer and community.

Prayer groups of all kinds are a sign of the times, a spiritual movement of renewal of the late twentieth century e that meets the needs of the Church and the world. In a world completely comes to God, every Christian and every Christian belongs surely to prayer group.

To consider the issue from the beginning otherwise, does not want every charismatic prayer group has its own personality, because it is composed of different people and because the shepherds and the support group are different. There's variety, and the Lord who created each snowflake and every grain of sand different from its neighbor, likes the variety. That's the beauty of a choir is the diversity of voices that harmonize know. It is normal that each group is different, but it is also important that each group is open to the charisms in order to earn their own way the group title "charismatic".

So a great service to the Church to work for the charismatic prayer groups are really charismatic. It is the duty of the Diocesan Council and it is the duty of every support group to do everything possible to ensure that each charismatic prayer group has eyes fixed on Jesus, Life, arms raised to the Father and voices sing the glory of God under the guidance of the Spirit.


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