Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Toy Sailboat Template

What ministries are in a prayer group?

The word * departments + here means * services + , * functions + , * roles + . As Saint Paul, a Christian community (= a prayer group) is like the human body has various functions. Some have the = look more important, but all are necessary, as = Saint Paul teaches.

Ro 12.3-8: * We have gifts that differ according to the grace that has been granted. Is this the gift of prophecy? What = is the = exercises in accordance with faith. The = one he has the gift of service? What = it serves. The = that of other = teach? What = he teaches. As that of other = urge? What = he exhorts. Let he who gives, without calculation, the one who presides, with zeal, he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness. +

1 Cor 12.4-31: * At = one by = Spirit, is given a message of wisdom, the = other a message of knowledge by the same Spirit to = one, in the same Spirit, c = is faith in another in the = one Spirit, they are dons de guérison; à tel autre, d = opérer des miracles, à tel autre, de prophétiser, à tel autre, de discerner les esprits, à tel autre encore, de parler en langues; enfin, à tel autre, de les interpréter. Mais tout cela, c = est l = unique et même Esprit qui le met en oeuvre, accordant à chacun des dons personnels divers, comme il veut. +

Ep 4,11-16: * donations that = he has made, they are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, to put saints state = fulfill the ministry to build the body of Christ. +

These texts are read in context and to meditate because they do more than provide lists. They seek to inculcate a spirit of service. If I understand correctly, this n = is not normal that = one or two people do everything in a prayer group. Must share responsibility. We must discern the talents of everyone and invite everyone to do their part. In a prayer group, so there may be various ministries

- the = animation

- music,

- the = teaching

- the prophecies,

- the = host

- the prayer over the people,

- material preparation, etc..

Someone = one who wants to do something will always find means of contributing to the effective running of the = meeting. Each participant can and must s = hire according to its possibilities. Even if someone = an n = not a specific task, it can participate by providing praise, intercession, testimonial, text the word .


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