Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Home Treatment For Drak Wring Around The Mouth

Why do we need a support group in a group prayer?

The heart of the prayer group is a support group whose function is to see to the proper functioning of the assembly. Each prayer group is unique, it is normal for support groups show diversity in their structure and functioning (frequency of meetings, held meetings and invited people to meet). As the meetings of support groups are very important, it would take a minimum of meetings, twice a month. Ideally, the group meets between prayer vigils to pray together, to take decisions in the discernment that will promote good operation of the prayer group, created in the support group a unit that will be poured on the prayer group.

The vitality of the prayer group depends on the vitality of the support group. There was appreciation and support people who answer the call of God to devote themselves to the smooth running of group prayer and evening prayer. If a prayer group feels it is losing momentum and fervor, it would need to seriously pray that the Lord inspires the current leadership and it creates new ones.

is sometimes called the people responsible Shepherds * +. This indicates how these people should be modeled on the Good Shepherd who gives his life for his sheep. This is not an honor to be a member of the support group is a service to a mission to fulfill, and sometimes a cross to bear. The support group is not reserved for an elite, but the servants and maids ... The role of the support group is primarily pastoral. It's like the role of the father and mother (mother and father) in a large family.

Since the first responsibility of the support group is the smooth running of the evening prayer, he will count the number of members required (at least three) to ensure that participants praise the Lord, hear the Word of God, experience the brotherhood. The support group's primary role is to pray that the Holy Spirit is acting, so that prayer is done under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. People who support the shepherds and the shepherds in their charge to prepare in prayer and are listening to what the Lord wants to lead. During a prayer vigil charismatic, he must leave room for the expression of charisms under the direction of the facilitator.

How to choose a new member to the support group? Do not rush, but ask in prayer and wait in faith that the Lord speaks. The group will choose a person who did the seminar in the Life of the Spirit, a person who spends every day at a time of personal prayer and reading the Word, committed and involved to intercede already in the proper functioning of the evening prayer. It is necessary that this person be available to attend meetings of the support group and agrees to abide the discernment of the support group if necessary.


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